Shanghai Disneyland will close in effort to contain coronavirus

Posted | Contributed by Tekwardo

Shanghai Disneyland will close its gates on Saturday in an effort to stop the spread of a new SARS-like virus that has killed 26 people and sickened at least 881, primarily in China. It’s not known when the theme park may reopen.

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99er's avatar

eightdotthree said:

How naive was I to think they cleaned them every night?

This is one of the reasons I am fine with the cleaning that I see being done now. Most places don't clean at the frequency that you would expect, or in some cases not at all. A lot of ride vehicles only ever get a hosing when someone throws up. Otherwise its not uncommon for a coaster train to go an entire season without being cleaned.


CDC says teachers do not need to be vaccinated to reopen schools.

CDC posts guidelines to reopen schools:

Under those guidelines, about 99% of kids live in districts that are in red covid zones. In those zones, high schools and middle schools should be 100% remote under the CDC guidance. Elementary schools should be hybrid/reduced attendance.

How many school districts are following those guidelines? I don't have kids in K-12 schools but see school buses picking up kids in high school, middle school and elementary schools every weekday at the stop outside my window. Other districts are similar from what I hear.

Lord Gonchar said:

Yeah, I live a little bit different than y'all.

That's why I'm invincible.

On the slider scale of daily precautions and willingness to participate in life out in public right now, I'm likely on the Gonch side of things. That said, the only thing that still spooks me is flying, and I think it's because if the stranger sitting next to me starts coughing or showing any kind of symptom, I'm stuck.

Last edited by BrettV,
Jeff's avatar

I generally do well around people, but more of them, the more likely you encounter the person who doesn't understand that their nose is connected to their lungs and can't figure out a mask. Then, first time ever, I found someone who was the opposite, where his mouth kept coming out below the mask.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

TheMillenniumRider's avatar

BrettV said:

Lord Gonchar said:

Yeah, I live a little bit different than y'all.

That's why I'm invincible.

On the slider scale of daily precautions and willingness to participate in life out in public right now, I'm likely on the Gonch side of things. That said, the only thing that still spooks me is flying, and I think it's because if the stranger sitting next to me starts coughing or showing any kind of symptom, I'm stuck.

I did a couple flights last year in May/June timeframe, it really wasn't a big deal for me at least. Everyone just kind of went on about their business, the airlines managed to get rid of all meal and beverage service during that time. Wonder if it will come back afterwards or if this will be an excuse to cancel one of the last amenities, though you can barely call it an amenity.

I can't remember having anything other than the preztels (or JetBlue selection of snacks) since the laughably awful Continental deli sandwiches that were phased out in the early 2000s.

Tommytheduck's avatar

Yikes! Flashbacks! I worked for Continental Express for many years and have eaten my share of those tiny little sandwiches with one piece of meat and soggy lettuce. But when you imagine all of the steps the prepared food has to go through to get to the galley cart, you might not really want to eat them. It's much easier (and of course cheaper) now that airplane food is all prepackaged stuff.

They used SARS as an excuse to get rid of pillows and blankets but I don't think people really miss them. Everyone seemed to think they were gross (they were) and it was expensive to launder blankets and to replace pillows which had to be disposed of.

Last edited by Tommytheduck,
kpjb's avatar

Hawaiian still serves complimentary meals (and they're not terrible.) I think they're the last domestic carrier to do so.

Plus free Mai Tais before you land.


TheMillenniumRider's avatar

Tommytheduck said:

They used SARS as an excuse to get rid of pillows and blankets but I don't think people really miss them. Everyone seemed to think they were gross (they were) and it was expensive to launder blankets and to replace pillows which had to be disposed of.

They got rid of those too? I guess whatever, the pillow was the size of a postage stamp anyway.

99er's avatar

I can't recall a time when I wasn't offered a pillow or blanket. I never took it because yeah they are gross but still had the option. I have a flight soon on Delta and my reservation says there will be beverage and meal service offered so I guess not all airlines are cutting those.

Personally I rarely take the snacks offered so it wouldn't be a loss for me. I always bring my own snacks so outside of if I fly first class (the cheese plate on United is delicious), Id rather have the snacks of my choosing. The alcohol on the other hand, I'm gonna need that to stay. Love me some free mini bottles.


Tommytheduck's avatar

TheMillenniumRider said:

They got rid of those too? I guess whatever, the pillow was the size of a postage stamp anyway.

Geesh, when was the last time you flew?

I think most real airlines still offer pillows and blankets in first class. And the blankets are wrapped in plastic so you know that you're the only user.

But I work for a Low Cost Carrier, we don't offer crap for free, and our cheese tray is absolute trash.

As of November Southwest was still handing out snacks and water. I don't think any other drinks were available though.

DeWine announced today at his press conference that Ohio is developing its own centralized vaccine schedule site. Sounds like its us and running from a technical standpoint. Now they need to get vaccine providers agree to be a part of it. DeWine said once most providers sign up, they will go live with the site. You will be able to enter your zip code and the site will pull up appointments within 20 miles.

In other words, something they should have done about six months ago...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Certainly should have been before now. Getting all of the providers to sign up for the centralized site will be a challenge. They could condition delivery of future vaccine doses on participation in the centralized site. Though I think the feds are now distributing a certain amount of doses directly to the drugstore chains which may make conditioning participation in the state program more of a challenge.

TheMillenniumRider's avatar

When it launches will it be like the healthcare site that just crashed? Or the unemployment sites that couldn't handle the applications last year?

Seriously, the government sucks at almost everything they set out to accomplish. Why do we continue to put up with this stupidity? I would so rally this entire country to stop paying taxes until they meet our demands, clean up their act, modernize, and clear out the morons, but I doubt I would get enough people to join me in doing so.

Last edited by TheMillenniumRider,
OhioStater's avatar

Earlier today my 9 year old asked me why we didn't start building a few more "vaccine factories" when this all started so that when a vaccine was ready we could make a lot more a lot faster.

I told her to hug the American flag and reminded her it would be gone by Easter. ;)

Promoter of fog.

Jeff's avatar

TheMillenniumRider said:

Seriously, the government sucks at almost everything they set out to accomplish. Why do we continue to put up with this stupidity?

Government is not, and has never been the problem. The people that we elect to serve in government are the problem, and we're getting what we deserve when we elect a reality TV show host. History demonstrates that the US government can certainly do better, as it did during and the decades following WW2 (save for racism and equal rights, which we still can't seem to get right). Nordic governments are also doing a pretty good job at things, where people consistently rate among the happiest people in the world.

John Oliver is back for a new season, and his crew did a pretty good job of summarizing how prepared the world is for pandemics (not very, obvs), and what things need to change to prevent the next one. I wonder if we'll start listening to experts that we dismiss as alarmists.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

ApolloAndy's avatar

"Government is the problem" strikes me along the same lines as "media is biased" as if it's some intrinsic and unchanging reality. We have exactly the media that we've made popular, and we have exactly the government we elected.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Jeff's avatar

💯 I've been saying that for decades. After Peter Jennings died, Americans decided they wanted talking heads and their opinions to comfort us instead of letting experts curate what we needed to hear. It's straight-up market driven results.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

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