Shanghai Disneyland will close in effort to contain coronavirus

Posted | Contributed by Tekwardo

Shanghai Disneyland will close its gates on Saturday in an effort to stop the spread of a new SARS-like virus that has killed 26 people and sickened at least 881, primarily in China. It’s not known when the theme park may reopen.

Read more from Gizmodo.

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So, how many of you are now wearing 2 masks? Just curious. If you are wearing 2, are you willing to go 3? Is there a limit on how many you will wear? All just curious inquiries.

I am like a Kentucky derby jockey wearing goggles. Start the day wearing 10 masks and peel them off one by one as the day moves on.

Jeff's avatar

extremecoasterdad said:

All just curious inquiries.

I doubt that.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Good for you. Your participation trophy is in the mail :0

hambone's avatar

Why did the woman in that ad put on lipstick if she was going to cover it up with a mask?

(I am sure this is something that actually happens. It is just not something that makes sense to me.)

My wife had someone give her an insert like that and she said it was more uncomfortable than not wearing it.

Vater's avatar

If someone can make a mask that completely seals around the nose and cheeks so my glasses won't fog up, I'd be thrilled. I saw an ad for one of those insert thingies claiming it does just that, but I have my doubts.

Last edited by Vater,
Jeff's avatar

My wife switches from her normal hoop nose ring to a small screw for work typically, but she doesn't have to now because masks. Finally, something good about it.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

I have a fancy mustache and there are plenty of days when I bemoan the occasional “bad hair day” that comes along. Well, that is until I remember that no one will see it no matter how good or bad it looks. I continue to grow and maintain the thing for nothing.
I’m in Ohio and according to my age my turn should be next week. However- I’ve inquired several times and places and there’s no way to get an appointment. Just today I was told by the Kroger pharmacist that their shipments have been delayed and none have come this week so far. It seems that teachers are being vaccinated this week so that in-person classes can resume. I hope I don’t have to wait longer than promised.
I’ve heard the rumor that people are having luck scheduling appointments at the places in small, rural towns. Seems opposite, right? But I guess they have fewer people that are willing to get the vaccine and on many days they’re looking for people to step up and get one to avoid wasted doses. Maybe I’ll try that- I don’t mind a drive. It’ll get me out the house.

I have a relative that was able to schedule an appointment in Bucyrus but not in their hometown of Sandusky. That might speak to the idea that folks in rural areas are less likely to be lining up for the vaccine.

"You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality." -Walt Disney

Bakeman31092's avatar

I have no problem with people "gaming the system" if those doses were going to end up in the trash anyway. It's the same thing people do with Dragster at the end of the night, waiting to see if there will be any empty seats that need filled for the last couple of trains!

What I wonder is how vaccine hunters get their second dose. Do they have to do the same thing again, or are they able to get an appointment for a second dose once they've gamed their way into getting the first one? Probably varies by state.

First person referenced in the LG linked article has an appointment (per the article) in late February for the second dose.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

I would imagine the only gatekeeper for a 2nd shot is proof of first shot.

You wouldn't need to prove age/condition a second time. That doesn't make sense.

From what I have seen, some places scheduled second doses at the time of the first dose. Other places did not.

Some experts now are saying we should delay second doses and use those doses now for first doses to try to get ahead of the variants. Not clear what will happen to scheduled second doses are attempts to get them at this point.

I was vaccinated yesterday. My mother-in-law and brother-in-law (grocery store owner) were vaccinated on Monday. My parents have both been vaccinated. And my other brother-in-law gets vaccinated tomorrow. Shots are starting to roll out steadily to group 1B in Illinois if you are patient and persistent about finding an appointment at Meijer, Jewel, or Walgreens. All of our second doses have been automatically scheduled, whether at a pharmacy or hospital.

OhioStater's avatar

Good news about AstraZeneca's vaccine and transmission. It's preliminary data, but it looks promising that it also halts passing the virus on. If it proves to be accurate (especially with the other vaccine(s)) this is great news in terms of turning the tide.

Last edited by OhioStater,

Promoter of fog.

Jeff's avatar

I just hope people can play ball for a couple more months. Some jurisdictions are already talking about lifting restrictions when infection counts are still higher than last fall.

Hopefully the J&J and AstraZeneca vaccines get in front of the FDA soon. Having four vaccines out there would certainly speed things up.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

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