Current favorite coasters:
Wooden: 1) Beast 2) Raven 3) Son of Beast 4) The Boss 5) Timber Wolf
Steel: 1) Raging Bull 2) Millennium Force 3) V2 4) Wild Thing 5) Mr. Freeze
Visit: http://www.dynamicgroove.com
theres balck track there, sorry if i am little slow and didnt know that...any pictures?????
*Top 5 coasters* 1.Millennium Force 2.Steel Dragon 2000 3.X-Flight 4.Raptor 5. Batman KF
I'm talking about the track used to showcase the trains. Morgan said the had two coaster project for 2002 at IAAPA Trade Show. Part of the time they showed a train on light grey track and the other half they brought in one with a black track. Now since Mexico's is light grey and red, I'm assuming that SFWoA's is the black one. Though it may of just been showcase track. Wonder how Morgan is doing, seeing how both of their project were held up and delayed.
You really need to get some more BRAN in your diet
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