SFGAdv locker policy backlash hits Consumerist.com

Lord Gonchar's avatar
In honor of the late George Carlin I offer a quote from the man himself that actually fit this thread quite nicely:

"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."

I'm praying to Joe Pesci on his behalf.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com

ApolloAndy's avatar
^^ Technically half the people are more stupid than the median person, but who's counting?

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Good point, Andy.

If we were using the average then it would clearly be more than half. :)

Lord Gonchar's avatar

mfivsdarienlake said:
see the problem with this, is most people visit once a year. They don't KNOW about these prices, etc. and it will likely affect NEXT years attendance.

That makes no sense because this year is just last year's next year. Follow?

It's already been shown that attendance is down year after year...it seems to be one big downward spiral, at least in my opinion. So many people say "people keep coming" but they don't!.

Actaully they are coming back. SF's attendance chainwide went up from 2006 to 2007. The company saw a drop from 2005 to 2006, but using your logic that would be the result of people pissed off in 2005 and not returning in 2006, not the result of higher prices in 2006.

Just for clarity - in 2005 the prices were still the low SF pricing of the Burke regime it was in 2006 that Red Zone changed the pricing structure.

But percap is up! THat's because of the gouging and increased prices!

Obviously. People are tolerating the higher prices. They're spending more. The old pricing was leaving money on the table. The company makes more now than before.

The numbers are all right here.

^^ Sure. Everyone said that last year, too. *** Edited 6/24/2008 8:04:52 PM UTC by Brian Noble***

GreatAdventureHistory just did a offseason update and it was reported that this season lockers are being added to Skull Mountain, Great American Scream Machine and the Log Flume.

That makes 9 out of 13 coasters with mandatory lockers (the 4 without are the 2 kiddie coasters, Rolling Thunder and Runaway Mine Train).

You have been allowed to take items with you on the log flume for as long as I can remember so that one is the most annoying.

With all the trouble Six Flags is in I can't believe they are doing this. Spending money on more lockers and staffing ride entrances on a ride like GASM that doesn't get as many riders as other coasters seems like a waste of money.

I guess the complaints weren't enough to stop them from adding lockers either. I almost want to write another letter but I don't see the point because I wrote one last year and I can see it did nothing.

^ One of my biggest theme park pet peeves is people who try to bring all their crap onto a coaster platform (and onto the ride itself.), slowing down the entire loading process. Put it away or take it to the car.

I don't blame Six Flags one bit for this.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Brian Noble said:
Sure. Everyone said that last year, too.

And they're still saying it this year! :)

I guess if you predict failure over a long enough span that the law of averages says you'll eventually be right.

robotfactory's avatar

Eventually they will offer Flashpass for the lockers.

How long until Six Flags offers some sort of all-day locker pass for $39.99?

Last edited by robotfactory,

- Julie

John Knotts said:
^ One of my biggest theme park pet peeves is people who try to bring all their crap onto a coaster platform (and onto the ride itself.), slowing down the entire loading process. Put it away or take it to the car.

I don't blame Six Flags one bit for this.

The problem is it didn't help loading times at all. Medusa stacked and double stacked when running 3 trains almost the entire season. Same with GASM when running 3 trains. Superman also stacked a lot. And because people were still allowed to take flip flops off, it didn't save much time if any.

eightdotthree's avatar

That is simply your observation.

The lockers are super cheap and a welcome addition in my book. I actually used them not because they told me to, but because they were so cheap. I can store my camera, my phone etc and not worry about them getting lost on the ride. I won't do the same thing at Cedar Point.

Most of the "major" coasters at SFMM have lockers too. They just added lockers to Batman and Goliath last month. KBF has free cubby holes in the stations on some coasters and you are allowed to leave your stuff on the ground off to the side on the others. In my opinion this is one thing KBF is really doing right, and something SF could learn from.

My mother (1946-2009) once asked me why I go to Magic Mountain so much. I said I feel the most alive when I'm on a roller coaster.
2010 total visits: SFMM-9, KBF-2
2010 total ride laps: 437

Now, this is going to sound stupid, and since it generates no revenue, it'll never happen.


I'm currently on an extended study-abroad in Germany and I've been struck by a locker policy that I've run into at several museums here that would be the best of both worlds for amusement parks... except for the whole making money off of it.

In my opinion it's underhanded to require lockers for every roller coaster (as seems to be the direction things are headed) and then charge you a fee for the privilege of following the rules. That said, if I never had to sit and wait for a train to dispatch because some idiot got locked into an inverted coaster with their flip-flops on and a purse in their hands, I would be a much happier person. So why not charge a $1 deposit? I've been to a couple museums that basically have a locker policy, but as soon as I return the key to get my stuff, my 1 EUR coin falls out, back into my hands. I was so baffled by this the first time it happened that I thought it must've been a mistake.

It's genius, and there are even ways to make it generate revenue I think. For example, charge $1, give back $0.75. Park's still skimming a bit of the top and generating revenue, but people are getting money back (oh hey check that out, that's neat!) to distract them from it, and it's not as steep in the long run. As someone who primarily rides coasters, it would bother me to pay another $10 on top of parking/ticket/food because I got on 10 coasters that day.

Food for thought.


ApolloAndy's avatar

SFoT also expanded their "rides with lockers" selection to include Tony Hawk and Runaway Mountain this year.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

LostKause's avatar

Their are some things that people can't leave in their cars, especially women. Sometime women need to carry a purse, so we can't just blanket everyone with a "leave your stuff in a car" solution.

SF is already way to expensive without having to pay an extra $10 or so on lockers. They should just make the lockers free, like IOA. Adjust the loss into the admission price if it is necessary. I'm sure that people wouldn't mind paying even more. SF seems to be doing fine charging whatever they want anyways.

rollergator's avatar

LostKause said:Their are some things that people can't leave in their cars, especially women.

Jill absolutely hates it when I leave her in the car. Sorry, carry on.... :)

Carrie M.'s avatar

Lol. That was cute.

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

LostKause's avatar

lol. Poor Jill.

Rephrased - There are some thing that people, especially women, can't leave in their cars.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

So if the $1 per ride fee is too much and you absolutely must take things into the park with you - get a locker for the day for $8 or $10 or $12 or whatever they are. Gives you a nice central point to store your crap and keeps your day moving easier (and potentially cheaper) than stopping and paying every time you ride a big ride.

Maybe I'm the exception, but we never enter the park with less than two camera bags full of equipment by nature. (that's coasterimage.com, kids :) )

Add some souvenir cups and a maybe a bag with extra clothes for the kids or different shows or flip flops and some dumb plush that someone wins and that's some serious crap.

Yet I can count on one hand the number of times in my life I've used a locker at a theme park....and my wife and daughter are of the female persuation for the record. :)

What would anybody need to take into the park that doesn't fit into a pocket? Phones, keys, credit cards, money, glasses, womanly items, medication, camera...

I dunno. I think it can easily be done.

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