Riding Drunk?

Lord Gonchar's avatar
One of the greatest hypocrisies (if not THE greatest) in the USA is the goverment's choice of which drug use is legal and which is not.

I'll spare the rant. Just wanted to say something on the subject.

Continue with the drunken ride stories. :)

Gonch that could be a whole other topic, but I can't refrain from adding my 2 cents. People get drunk, and do all kind of stupid stuff. You never read about a person being caught driving under the influence of weed, or wrecking cars for that matter. ;)

It doesn't make sense to me why one is legal, and the other one isn't. I guess there is just too much money in it for the government to arrest people for selling pot.

Back to the topic at hand.

UBrhino they are abusing it. I know what you mean. I have been that way myself. In moderation its ok, but more then that is asking for trouble.
Brand new to the forum here but I've been lurking for a long time and wanted to post on this.

I worked a season in rides at Riverside (SFNE) back when they had the race track. I think Sunday was $1 beer night when I worked there and people would get blasted. It wasn't so fun to tell someone that was so drunk they couldn't stand up that they couldn't ride. I got pretty good at dodging drunken punches until security arrived. I've worked in rides at a few parks and Riverside was the worst experience of all of them - the drunk guest factor was deffinilty a part of that.

I love to throw back a few thousand beers evey so often so this isn't an anti-drink thing. Just a ride op persepctive on the topic.

Yeah and it was a Sunday too so remember thinking don't these people have to commute somewhere tomorrow morning? Queue house fighting was spectator sport there...

Jeff's avatar

Coasterbuzzer said:
If you're taking prescription drugs and the are not yours, it's illegal.
Oh, and you couldn't possibly be talking about pot, could you? Don't play games. Say what you mean. What the government deems legal, you and I both know you're not talking about prescription drugs.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

I have been drinking for half of my life, and I never had a sip of beer in an amusement park. I dont drink during the day, especially in the summer months. Being the only coaster fanatic in my group, I always volunteer to drive for our trips, because my friends will not go if they drive. That's another reason I avoid drinking. From what I've read here its an overall fun experience riding drunk. Id like to try it someday, before I get too old. It seems like I've been missing out...

You won't see me coming...

Hi. New to this forum, couldn't resist jumping in to the fray.

While I have never drunk at a park (too expensive), I enjoy going to SFMM after eating magic cookies. I'm more sensitive to the speed and G forces, and the coasters make me laugh while I am tearing through the track. No, I do not act obnoxious while at the park in this state. In fact, if you spoke with me, you would have no idea that I was under the influence.

Personally, I don't care if someone wants to get messed up and jump on some coasters. If you can present yourself in a respectable manner, then go right ahead. If you can't handle yourself and make a scene, then there is a problem. If you don't cause trouble, then who am I to judge?

You know that riding under the unfluence of alcohol is against most parks policy right?

My myspace http://www.myspace.com/riptidekbf My epson photo album http://albums.photo.epson.com/j/AlbumList?u=4179374

Absimilliard said:
After other CM's get them to their shuttles... one of us walk down the exit path and that path was completely filled up with puke! 3rd shift clean up crews had to hose down the walkway!

Sounds like something right out of RCT. :)

Jesus drank alcoholic beverages.

My myspace http://www.myspace.com/riptidekbf My epson photo album http://albums.photo.epson.com/j/AlbumList?u=4179374
Raven-Phile's avatar
OK, I have to admit this here too I guess, since we're all coming clean.

I added 2 new rides to my list this weekend at a carnival in Sandusky. :)


Raven-Phile's avatar
There's only one person allowed to troll threads around here and I do a damn fine job of it too. :)

(there was a smiley there for those of you who didn't get it)

But in any case, I know someone who DID show up to a park with a keg, believe it or not. He left it out in the minivan (in a laundry tub full of ice), though, and tapped it at the camp site, but he still showed up with a keg.

Hopefully he'll make a post in this thread sometime soon....


I enjoy having a beer or two when I visit a park. It just tastes so good when the sun is beating down on you. But with my tolerance and the price of beer inside the park, I'm one very expensive date. Even though I have an alcoholic beverage most times I visit a park, I've only ridden a coaster once when I was 'drunk'.

My first time in Vegas I spent nearly an entire day at Sahara. I bought an all day pass for Speed and rode it throughout the day. After a few laps I'd go play some blackjack for an hour or two and throw back several beers. By the end of the day I was definately trashed and Speed was definately rocking my socks. I usually like to show restrain, but we're talking Vegas here.

Yeah is Good!
Am I wrong because I want to keep the kids that I am responsible for from watching people abuse alcohol and illegal drugs in public? (lol) Do you also recomend that I let them watch my favorite show "South Park" with me as well, so they don't live a sheltered life? How about a comical Rated-R movie about pot sellers? Should I take my nephue to a tittie bar for his 7th birhtday party? (lol)

I really don't care if you get all messed up, just so it doesn't affect me or my group. Am I wrong for not wanting to smell pot in Kiddyland?

Jeff, what I was talking about in reference to popping pills was not at all about me. I read at least one response of someone who popped pills and then went to ride. All I am saying is yes it's illegal to smoke pot, but if you're popping pills and especially if it's not your script, it's illegal. Plain and simple.
Somebody brought a keg to a park? What a effin' moron ;)

I might be in the minority here, but I go to parks with my friends to have fun - Not to ride coasters. I'd rather hang out with my friends and have a few beers rather than marathon the new hottness.

I honestly can't remember the last park I went to where I didn't have at least one or two beers.

If you just want to hang out and drink, why not just stay in your own house? You save the 40-some dollar admission price and parking fee, the couple gallons of gas getting there and back, and you could probably buy a case of something decent for what you'd pay for 2 cups of beer at a park.

Interesting how this post has divided the world into two kinds of people... those who just marathon the latest hotness and those who do nothing but get riproaringly drunk.

^Umm.. Not to take sides, but I don't think anyone here has bragged about being *drunk* at a park. Might some of us enjoy a beer or two? Yeah, perhaps. And whats wrong with that? If you are actually drunk at a park (and thats completely different than having a beer or two), thats not so cool.
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
I was high on Maxair Saturday. ;-)


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