ride-op classic quotes

Not supposed to do what--one-liners?  surprise launches?  have a sense of humor?  It must be a hard job, out there all day doing constant repetition, I would think that it would be more fun for the op, too, to change things up once in awhile.  Within reason of course.  I had one V2 ride op at SFGam who was pretty hilarious, he was singing songs and getting everyone into it.
I'm not saying people don't do it...because I hear it.  What I'm saying is you don't hear it as often there because that is not what is supposed to be done.
On the Tower of Terror at MGM...

Ride op talking to the only person with a seat belt: "Sir, have you ever flown befor?...Good, cause you're about to again."


On Rockin' Roller Coaster, they brought another train on and had to test it: "You don't want on this train, this is going to the Backstreet Boys concert"

"...far, far beneath the abysmal sea, the KRAKEN sleepeth..."

There goes the floor that means your out the door see you back in 2:34 enjoy your ride on RAPTOR

*** This post was edited by GoFullForce on 10/17/2001. ***

At SFGRAM this past Fright Fest the op on the Whizzer would be pretty funny. When a train would come back into the station, he would say " Welcome back riders! Did you enjoy your ride on the Whizzer? The riders would murmur things like yeah sure , ok, uh huh. The funny thing was the poor guy was really enthusiastic about his job.
The best ride-op quote of all time at PPP, after closing..."you remember which side we exit the Twister, don't you?  That's right, we don't, so enjoy another spin"...train leaves station for yet ANOTHER re-ride.  The ride must've stayed running for almost an hour after the line closed...
rollergator - intent on improving the "guest experience" - coming soon to a park near you

One of my favorite recorded messages is for the Whacky Shack (dark ride) at Waldameer Park in Erie, PA. It goes something like "Hellooooo Earthlings, I have some instructions you must obey when coming into my house. Keep your hands and arms inside the car. Keep both feet flat on the floor. Never throw things at me or you'll lose your wristband.... maybe with your arm still attached. I'll be watching to make sure you behave yourself.... hahahahaha". Now, it's not the funniest message around but it's on a CONTINUOUS loop, so as soon as the evil voice laughs, the "Helloooo Earthlings" kicks in immediately. And if you're in the line for over 20 minutes (which is common on weekends), it gets old fast!

Also, a favorite incident of mine occurred on the Big Dipper @SFWoA. A small girl (I'd say around 6 or 7 years old) and her father were waiting in line and the girl, who appeared to be a bit apprehensive, had a foot on the yellow line. The ride op yelled "Get off the yellow line". The girl must not have heard the yell, because the ride op crossed the track, went right up to the poor girl and screamed "YO! I told you to stay behind the yellow line!!!!" The father looked at me in disbelief, so me being the annoying guy that I am, I said "Jeez, do you really need to yell?" and she looked at me and said with a threatening tone "I suggest you shut your mouth if you want to ride". Now that was a good time!


King's Island Vortex:  "Unless you are on fire, you should not be smoking in the line"

*** This post was edited by KIBeast on 10/17/2001. ***

"We will drop you 3 feet at a 20 degree angle at speeds reaching or exceeding 5 MPH. Then you will ascend the lift."

I'm hoping someone on Magnum said that this year. By the way in the back seat Maggie has a little pop of air going down that first "hill."

Save Cheese on a stick!

Wish I could remember what we used to say when I worked at SFGAm. He is right though we were not supposed to talk, just used the canned spiels, but we did anyways. And Whizzer got them, but I never used them. One guy was great cause he had such a thick Southern Drawl. "Welcome to the Whizzer, tallest in back, smallest in front. See the seatbelt? Pull it SLOW or it won't go...I did say pull it SLOW." Many different things you could say with that ride. Too bad I cant remember!!!
Those were the days.
Any resemblance to living or
dead people is purely coincidental.
At Kennywood,

Phantom's Revenge-Clear!  Enjoy your ride.\

Thunderbolt- For your own safety, Please.. wha wah  wah wah  waahhhh sort of like how the adults from the Charlie Brown cartoons talk.

Racer-It was basically what a ride op did on purpose, when it was time to dispatch the trains for its run, when one ride-op released the brake, the other one waqited a liitle bit longer to relase the other one.  When the losing train came back, the riders got out and started screaming at the ride op for what he did.  He was like, I did not do anything look!:)

Kennywood is my home park!!!

Funniest thing was when the CP Wildcat broke down. (one of the tires in the station was jammed) and the mechanic started jumping on it while swearing. It worked. :)
G.Bush:We will find those who did it, smoke them out of their holes, get them running, and bring them to justice.
I pray that I will never see a Six Flags Conneaut Lake
Ride op on the Corkscrew at CP "We're screw you twice and send you for a loop"  of course this was during employee ride night.  Expect anything less from the screw crew...I think not
Raging Bull at SFGAm on the last day of the year, and the last ride.

Ride Op: How was your Ride
Us: applause
Ride Op: Do you want to go again!
Us: Everyone is yelling yeah
Ride Op: Well come back next year!

Voice: Welcome Back when the train stops push down and pull up on your lapbars and exit to your left down the exit ramp Thanks for challengeing Raging Bull.

Interesting to note that you exit to your right on Raging Bull
P>ONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d8d0c8">"See that niiiiiiiice shiny yellow line? Well, 'ya better get behind it or ... or...um...um...you can't ride!" Mind Eraser, SDL/P>
One of the ones I was suprising to not see here are the ones from BGW.
Apollo's Chariot: "If you are scared to ride, don't be.  The first drop is only 5 feet.  Just be careful of that second one."
Alpengeist (While in the rain):  "There is a slight possibly for bad conditions today.  Oh wait, here comes Hansel and Grettel (as the two ride-ops walked onto the platform), not to worry.
Meanstreak at CP: "Please step back for the yellow line.  It belongs to me.  If you have a camera put it away, it isnt mine but I can make it.  If you want to take pictures of lumber, goto your local hardware store and take some there.  This is no special lumber so step back from my line"  **Note, not friendly at all.
Still my overall favorite was at CP on MF.  "Reminder to all people who are about to board Millennium Force.  We are having a bug problem on the island tonight so please keep your mouths closed and arms down while riding."

*** This post was edited by DragonCyrs on 10/18/2001. ***

power tower goin up: "you are the weakest link- goodbye!!"
Mantis at CP:  "Make sure you purchase your Mantis Crew action figures as you exit the station."

Boulder Dash at LC:  "Please secure any objects you might want to take home with you tonight.  Because anything you lose will be taken by the Mountain People, and you'll have to fight them to get it back."

Also on Boulder Dash:  Something along the lines of "Keep an eye out for the corkscrew."

Zoomerang at LC:  (Op holds train on reverse lift)  "Do you want to come down now!?"

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