Posts are not appearing impossible was a little about very difficult? Especially since no details other than "another post didn't show up" is all that Dexter has given Jeff to pinpoint the problem.

Until details are given, there is no information for Jeff to find "common parameters to find the elusive problem." ;)

--George H
---Superman the ride...coming to a SF park near you soon...

rollergator's avatar

Since I get to *troubleshoot* this kind of stuff for a living, my inital guess is that the *common parameter* has to do with the sending machine or its on with the fun!

dexter, has this problem occurred for you on different machines....have you waited for your " receipt" upon posting...what kind of connection do you have...this is more likely to give us the source of the problem...

bill, who thinks 'Playa is at least "on the right track" with the browser theory...our (arcane) database program had *occasional* conflicts with older browsers

Jeff's avatar

Bill is right... it has to be a problem at the sending machine. There's not much I can do about it.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - -

I am assumeing that this computer That I am typing on right now is considered the sending machine.

Rollergator, This is the only computer that I use. I wait until after the page reloads and I look to see what my post looks like before I close the window. I am useing high speed internet from our local cable company. Thanks for your concern.

I am thinking that my computer isn't getting along with CB sometimes. This will be solved when I move in a few weeks because I will not be useing this computer.

Redman822, My "play-by-play" will stop. I am sorry if I have annoyed you with my pointless posts.

Jeff's avatar

The other thing you could try is "use plain post," which is linked next to the reply box. As a regular text box, it should retain its value when you button back, but no promises.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - -
"Climbing as we fall, we dare to hold on to our fate, and steal away our destiny to catch ourselves with quiet grace" - The Stairs, INXS

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