Pop-Up Ad

AHHHHHH!!!! The Brady Bunch one is annoying the **** outta me! It pops up every 5 seconds just about. Snce I have started to type this, it has come up, now a total of 7 times! Anyway to stop this?
Jeff will take care of it. Until then, a temporary fix is to not x it out, leave one minimized. This will prevent it from popping up every few seconds.
403 Laps
Jeff's avatar
What Kara said... I've said it many times, the easiest way to kill a repeat pop-up is to leave it there.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
Watch the grass grow!

Got one this morning for USAFlagsDirect.com.

The Buzzer formerly known as RagingBull.

Bahhh!!:)  I got one that says "Your input needed... Answer 3 simple questions to get your gift." It's by GravityDirect.

WHOA! Don't click the thing either, it won't let you exit it...

If you have America Online a new one pops up everyt time.

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