chris, you can say what you want about Frisbees...heck, they're great fun to *throw* around on a sunny day at the beach. And I fully believe everything you said about Puyallup....but don't go bad-mouthing KC...(it remains the best Togo I've ridden, by a considerable margin). Until I visit the Canadians and *throw back* a Molson or Labatt's, it's likely that even the reconditioned Viper at SFGAdv won't come close to the very best Togo in N America, (and my 3rd-rated stand-up)....
Pete Rose smashing into a catcher blocking home plate couldn't hurt half as much as my LAST (very last) spin on ShockWave at PKD....bad taste alert: small wonder the guy extricated himself from that contraption. And ME was a *little* better, not that much....
I have "two and two" together and figured out what PKI will theme the Frisby to.
Pete Rose slides into bases and kicks up a lot of...what?
And PKI put up a cryptic sign that said...what?
"Plese pardon our DUST"
So therefore the new theme for the new flat ride is going to be...what?
Sorry Eminim (if that IS your real name), I feel like being mean to you for some strange reason.
But seriously folks, I respect the opinions of yall who don't like the thing, but if MF were human, I'd marry it.
dexter said: And PKI put up a cryptic sign that said...what? ..."Plese pardon our DUST"
I am glad someone else brought this up... I was tempted to, but since the topic is at hand....
Tee hee, I cannot tell you how much of a laugh I got back when people were speculating that the Frisbee would be themed to dirt all because the fence said "Pardon our Dust." Good grief! Think about it folks... do you really think PKI could market something called "DUST, The ride?"
LOL, it still gives me a good chuckle. Again, it is pretty transparent what trends are at PKI. Just pay attention, everything is very well thought out and planned. And nothing is nearly as conniving or deceiving as many like to think... or suspect.
R.I.P. Maestro
Phantom Theater 1992-2002
Shaggy said:
dexter said: And PKI put up a cryptic sign that said...what? ..."Plese pardon our DUST"
Tee hee, I cannot tell you how much of a laugh I got back when people were speculating that the Frisbee would be themed to dirt all because the fence said "Pardon our Dust." Good grief! Think about it folks... do you really think PKI could market something called "DUST, The ride?"
Well, it would have been an idea to get a ride sponsored by Dust Buster. =:^)
LOL, it still gives me a good chuckle. Again, it is pretty transparent what trends are at PKI. Just pay attention, everything is very well thought out and planned. And nothing is nearly as conniving or deceiving as many like to think... or suspect.
Just proof that the park has a grand idea of what they want in advance. There is no doubt in my mind that the park will be very popular again without the aid of a (GASP!) new coaster.
Sean- (who can't wait to see the view from 137-feet up...and spinning) F.
I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead
Well, well, my good friend A-Train informed me of these mockeries and I couldn't help but laugh at you jerks. I guess you all didn't get the little passage PKI sent home. The Renewal Notice is what I am talking about. Well, if you did, then you jerks take the time to read the little blurb about the Delirium. If you don't have it with you I will type it for you (because that is the kinda guy I am). So here we go. Lock and load because here we go.
Imagine being caught in the heart of a storm, hurtling through the air out of control. One moment you are suspended upside down, next you are rushing face-first toward the ground then nearly upside down again all in seconds. Experience the power of a storm, Delirium...New in 2003!
Now, I hate to tell you "I told you so" but crap! I am gonna say it anyway. I TOLD YOU ALLLLLLLL SO! WHOOOOOP WHOOOP! "Pardon Our Dust" had something to do with it. I recommended that it had to do with a storm and it did. Again you all can't put two and two together!
That's one more for the good guys.
Now one of you old ladies stand up and tell me I was right...go on.
Thank you ladies! Better luck next time
*** This post was edited by EminEm on 9/24/2002. ***
'Let's fly close to the sun. Let's do it just 'cause it's fun.' - The Wedding Present '2,3, Go'
Admit defeat like the punk you are! Oh lay oh lay oh lay! h lay! Oh lay! I am jumping for joy on this end! Bwhahahh.
'Let's fly close to the sun. Let's do it just 'cause it's fun.' - The Wedding Present '2,3, Go'
Grow some balls and admit your 'wong?' That's *almost* funny.
You can never 'win,' because you have no J.U.I.C.E.
'Let's fly close to the sun. Let's do it just 'cause it's fun.' - The Wedding Present '2,3, Go'
CPLady said: "this makes me happy as I like flats almost as much as coasters, and I have yet to have the pleasure of riding one of these contraptions. Looking forward to Beastbuzz!"
I agree. I have ridden two standard Huss Frisbees and enjoyed them quite a bit. I have also ridden two "Fireball" attractions which offer a similar experience. The Fireball was incredible both times. I certainly hope the PKI giant version will offer a great tickle in my tummy. That sensation is getting harder to find with the more attractions I ride.
Just as you said, I very much enjoy flats, often as much as coasters and am happy to see good installs at my favorite park. I didn't get to experience the Mondial version at PCW this year, so next season will offer me something totally new at PKI. I can hardly wait.
R.I.P. Maestro
Phantom Theater 1992-2002
Sean F. Said: Just proof that the park has a grand idea of what they want in advance. There is no doubt in my mind that the park will be very popular again without the aid of a (GASP!) new coaster.
What? It's not popular now? ;-)
It boggles the mind that PKI might actually know what they are doing doesn't it? I mean, imagine the nerve of them going two years in a row without a coaster. Shock! Horror! I mean, one can only hope that they are holding off a few years to save up for.... well, let's just let minds wander....
R.I.P. Maestro
Phantom Theater 1992-2002
Nooooo! Nooooooo! Nooooooo!-I was saying that it is going to be themed to Pete Rose:)
I am very, VERY excited about the Frisbee. Maybe I will finally get to ride one-and it's a giant as well. WOOOO HOOOO! I really like the idea of giant flat rides. Great capacity, huge mechanics, and you go REALLY, REALLY high:p
EminEm ( if that IS your real name), Seriously? What does dust have anything to do with a storm? I just don't make the connection. But you can believe what you want and I will believe what I want and we will agree to disagree. No biggie-I'm kind of sorry I brought it back up. I was just kidding around but I should have known that it is a pretty touchy subject for you. Are we buddies yet?
" You can never 'win,' because you have no J.U.I.C.E. "
Ha! I got all the juice a woman will ever need! Ha!
Note to self: Shaggy hasn't acknowledged my victory....guess he isn't used to defeat. Must be a Confederate. Ha ha!
And lets scroll down to dexter.
What's this? A peace treaty? Sure my good boy. But let me tell you something. Next time you know there is gonna be a real bad storm in town, go down to your local baseball field and stand there. Oh and don't cover your eyes.
EminEm, shut up before you get banned, AGAIN! First off, Jeff deletes your account. That means he DOESN'T want you on this site. So I hate to be mean but, leave. Second, nobody cares. Right now, you're just being ignored. Nice try but no. And third, PKI wouldn't use the "pardon our dust" just because of it's name. It really means "pardon our dust," nothing else. I know for a fact that most of the people that get the SP Renewal Notice would not spend the time to put those two together. Heck I'm sure even half of the people that get the Renewal Notice don't even remember the sign "pardon our dust." It's just a lucky coincidence that you've happened to find. Good job on that but it has no meaning!
*** This post was edited by PkI FaNaTiC on 9/24/2002. ***
Eminem said: Ha! I got all the juice a woman will ever need! Ha!
Prune juice, no doubt.
Your 4 attempts (within 1.25 hours) at garnering my response to your postings generated the above. I am sure it is perfectly suitable to your liking since your immature ramblings here, and on other threads, seem to share that type of quality.
I visit Coaster message boards to obtain news, info and to share what knowledge I have with others whom can relate or share back. Along the way we get some real gems, but also we have to weed through a lot of crap. I do not think that your big stretch of using a common construction sign term (If it was you... I was not sure as above I referenced "people" not you specifically) to determine the "theme" of this ride was, is or will be noteworthy... rather it was crap. If you contributed as half as much as you take from this board, people might actually respect you and seek out your posts.
If you must know, the folks at PKI also got a kick out of the "dust" and "storm" theming rumors that the fence sign generated. So I wasn't the only one chuckling. If I recall, the reaction was "Geez, next they be analizing the word Pardon and believe it to mean we are theming it to a jail cell."
Your obvious fascination with "Shaggy's" opinions of your erratic thoughts demonstrates some sort of unbalanced nature. If my agreeing or disagreeing with your opinions, or if your agreeing or disagreeing with my opinions, bothers you so much... then don't try and call my attention. Your's don't really bother me, because I know what I am dealing with and generally skip over them unless I see my posting name referenced again... and again.... and again.... It doesn't present much of an interest to me to correspond with you or read your posts, as you offer no real thoughts or ideas of interest to me. If you did, or do, then I am sure I may read or respond.
There you have it, I have said my peace and you are free to share your opinions as much as you would like. Just don't expect any more (and obviously desired) attention from me. I'll stick with reading and responding to the good stuff instead.
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