Petition seeks to prevent Trump from speaking in The Hall of Presidents at Disney's Magic Kingdom

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

A recent a petition has surfaced from Matthew Rogers of Brooklyn, New York, requesting that the robotic Donald Trump not open his robotic mouth at the Hall of Presidents attraction at Magic Kingdom. The attraction is currently closed for refurbishment, presumably to add the 45th president.

Read more from Orlando Weekly.

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Tekwardo's avatar

"See where we are at after a year to form judgement on his competency for president. "

Why wait that long when everything he's done (which he promised to do) in his first few weeks had been terrible?

Just because people are anti trump doesn't make them pro Hilary. Regardless, it isn't like the president's own party wanted him as president. It just happened that they have him and are hoping he keeps them in the swamp with his goldman Sachs cabinet.

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OhioStater's avatar

Pete, look in the mirror and say this sentence out loud 3 times.

"My president placed a white-supremacist on the National Security Council".

Now please, explain how one rationalizes this as something someone who deserves a chance does. Unless one is aligned with such views, or, you know, is an actual Nazi himself, one has to reach a point where they must admit there is something very, very, wrong with a man who makes such choices.

This is not someone who is OK. There is an actual problem with him. And it's not a matter of "hating" Trump, I simply find his moral and intellectual character completely unfit for the seat he now sits in. He doesn't care about you, Pete. He doesn't care about the middle class. He cares about himself. He said anything and everything he had to, and played into people's fears and biases to get elected.

Do we have to even mention the blatant, bold-faced lies he has told; the least of which has to do with the odd yet disturbing lie about his pathetic inauguration crowd size? And how about the more serious lie about the effectiveness of torture?

Again, this is not someone who is OK.

All that said, yes, unfortunately he gets to be a talking head at Disney. Of course he should.

Last edited by OhioStater,
Pete's avatar

Well, I hesitate to argue politics as it is usually a no win situation, so I'll close my comments with this post. I wasn't a Trump or Clinton supporter, I didn't like the choices we had. But, I do feel Trump is not as bad as the likes of CNN, etc. make him out to be, and not the savior of the world that his rabid supporters think. Somewhere in the middle is probably where the truth is. Much of the news media is pathetic and have a political agenda themselves, the MLK bust story comes to mind. Look at the CSPAN clip linked below, I'm hoping that is how the president really conducts himself and that is why I said give him a chance.

Last edited by Pete,

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks, than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

He doesn't care about you, Pete. He doesn't care about the middle class. He cares about himself. He said anything and everything he had to, and played into people's fears and biases to get elected.

The above applies to pretty much every politician in DC over at least the past decade (and at least with respect to the vast majority of people in DC over the past 25 years or more) and people running for office in DC as well during those time periods. Same is true to lesser extent for state and local level politics. Though generally what I have found is people tend only to agree with that statement when talking about politicians/candidates with whom they disagree. Politicians/candidates who share their views truly care about them and the middle class, and are speaking stone cold truths.

I am not a Trump supporter. I hope he does well now that he is President. But it seems to me the odds are against it. Hope I am wrong on that front.

Tekwardo's avatar

Ultimately the problem with Trump is Bannon. Hes actually worse than anyone in the main stream media makes him out to be and Trump relies on him.

I have no respect for anyone who respects or takes up for Bannon.

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Jeff's avatar

The "everyone does it" argument is pretty weak, and a convenient cop-out. Everyone does not exhibit the tenets of fascism. And yes, I keep using that word on purpose, because that's what's going on. History has been extraordinary in identifying this pattern:

  • State things suck in exaggerated terms (economy, terrorism).
  • Identify scapegoats (Muslims, Mexicans, Chinese, science, etc.).
  • Appeal to those who believe things suck and it's the scapegoats' fault.
  • Amp up the the rhetoric about the suck and the scapegoats, and denounce them, but never offer any real detail about how you're going to solve the problems. Craft "alternative facts."
  • Angry mob develops, buying into the fear and hatred without questioning it.
  • Acquire power, democratically even.
  • Dismiss disagreement as a new scapegoat, attempt to silence it.

Does this sound familiar? It should, because it's the last 18 months. Look at history's most despicable figures that rose to power, and you'll find they did the same thing. I'll stop before invoking Godwin's Law, but the comparisons are valid. History, I'm finding, is every bit as important as science, and yet we have a culture that increasingly holds disregard for both. This is why mankind makes the same mistakes, over and over again.

In fact, we've been here before with McCarthyism, but the courts eventually put a stop to it. I pray that they do again.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Bakeman31092's avatar

That's a good list, Jeff. I'd add a couple more items:

- Foster an "us vs them" mentality and encourage/exacerbate existing tensions and divisions.
- Attack the media and attempt to undermine its credibility at every turn (this is the scariest one IMO).

ApolloAndy's avatar

Pete said:

But, I do feel Trump is not as bad as the likes of CNN, etc. make him out to be, and not the savior of the world that his rabid supporters think. Somewhere in the middle is probably where the truth is.

That middle is pretty darn broad. "The truth is somewhere in the middle" is usually meant to imply that the truth is pretty close to the midpoint, but that's not inherently true in the statement. In fact, in this case, I'd wager to guess that Trump is pretty close to one of the ends of the spectrum of the middle.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

slithernoggin's avatar

Pete said:And what can you say about a so called woman's candidate that stays with a husband who had sex with more women than you can find in a whore house?

And the candidate who boasted about his extramarital affairs, who boasted about grabbing women by the [vulgarity referring to female genitalia], who boasted about timing his visits backstage at the Miss Teen USA pageant for times when he knew those teenage girls would be nearly naked was the better choice?

The candidate who issued an "executive order" that resulted in people with a legal right to be in the U.S. barred from entering the country? That held a 5 year old child in handcuffs for five hours?

There's not a middle here. An administration that directs people to ignore legal decisions passed down by judges because those decisions don't agree with administration decisions is nowhere near the "middle".

Sorry. Ending political diatribe now.

Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.
--Fran Lebowitz

Germanator2112's avatar

I mean, we are all entitled to our own opinion, but it's kinda getting annoying that people can't seem to suck it up and accept that he is our president. I'm not saying I'm thrilled to have him as my president, cause I'm not, but people need to get a grip on our system of government. Us republicans didn't rally the streets , cry and whine, or say Obama wasn't our president. Not trying to start an argument, just sharing my thoughts.

Owner of Germie's Coaster Yard

Tekwardo's avatar

It's not about acceptance of the truth it's about fighting against something that's wrong. I don't have to accept what he's doing. No one has to.

That's not in the Constitution, in fact we are guarded against having to. Otherwise Nixon would never have stepped down, and Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton would never have been impeached.

Us republicans didn't rally the streets , cry and whine, or say Obama wasn't our president.

Yes, they most certainly did! Remember the phrase NObama? The 'not my president' line came from that. And plenty of people have whined for 8 years.

I love when one side forgets thetre just as guilty as the other.

And on that note, I'm neither Republican nor Democrat. I think all politicians are liars and immortal [edit: immoral, not immortal, but I had to leave that there for context] (including our last president).

But that's much different than the facist in office now, with his racist Lenonist, Steve Bannon on his lap.

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OhioStater's avatar

You really think Obama will live forever?

What are you, a "lifer"?

Jeff's avatar

Germanator2112 said:
...but it's kinda getting annoying that people can't seem to suck it up and accept that he is our president.

This isn't about acceptance. No one is debating whether or not he is the president. But you know what's really annoying? People suggesting that acceptance should come with passive restraint in the face of action that is unamerican and disregards the Constitution. That there is some kind of moral equivalency between these actions and those of any other president in our lifetime is intellectually dishonest in every way.

As OhioStater put it earlier, this is not OK.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

OhioStater's avatar

There really is no true comparison to Trump and previous presidents (from recent history, at least). I also classify myself as an "independent", but openly admit that in recent years I have found myself aligned with the Democratic party as the lesser of two evils. That said, I will also argue that the current Democratic party suffers from horrendous leadership and an almost inept ability at accomplishing anything.

For example, I voted for both Gore and Kerry. That said, I never for a moment thought Bush was a terrible human being. In fact, I would actually argue the opposite. He actually seems like a really swell guy, and I also believe he tried his hardest and genuinely cared (for what it's worth) about what he was doing. Did I disagree? Yep. But I have a sense of respect for the man as well. The same is true of both McCain and Romney. I voted for Obama, but I have a lot of respect for both of those men.

Trump is insane. And I do not say that lightly. He is insane in a very dangerous charismatic fashion that appeals to a certain demographic. It is absolutely inaccurate (for reasons explained above) to compare this "regime" to previous presidential tenures. My hope is that the level of insanity eventually serves as the bridge to bring people together again a very real threat to our society,

Last edited by OhioStater,
LostKause's avatar

A robotic Donald Trump sends shivers down my spine. It's like Five Nights at Freddy's.

In an alternative reality, an animatronic Bernie Sanders is being tested right now, and it is saying a line or two about civil rights, universal health care, and stopping income inequality. Seeing that would have brought a happy tear to my eye.

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As long as Herbert Hoover is still sitting there I reckon they automatically feel compelled to give Donald Trump a spot, too.

rollergator's avatar

Trump's insanity by itself wouldn't be such a huge deal, but combined with Bannon's lust for power, absolute disregard for humanity, and influence over Trump (NSC, *really*?)....puts the worst imaginable outcomes on the table. War with China is now being talked about as potentially inevitable...

OhioStater said: "For example, I voted for both Gore and Kerry. That said, I never for a moment thought Bush was a terrible human being. In fact, I would actually argue the opposite. He actually seems like a really swell guy, and I also believe he tried his hardest and genuinely cared (for what it's worth) about what he was doing. Did I disagree? Yep. But I have a sense of respect for the man as well. The same is true of both McCain and Romney. I voted for Obama, but I have a lot of respect for both of those men." (emphasis is mine)

That. All of it. Every bit. And to me, and MANY of my "liberal" friends, Jeb would have been in that vein...and he'd have nominated rational qualified conservatives for cabinet posts. And *none* of this would be happening...

But yeah, if you want to believe we're just upset because "our side" lost an election, feel free...

Last edited by rollergator,

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

Pete said:

And what can you say about a so called woman's candidate that stays with a husband who had sex with more women than you can find in a whore house?

A lot? Nothing? This reach is factless hyperbole about private matters. Would a divorce have changed anyone's mind? Bleck.

Pete said:

Marching down the street wearing vagina hats does nothing except annoy the cops who have to be out on the street guarding things.

Nothing for you. I have read there were no arrests during the march. Were cops really annoyed? Hyperbole. Bleck.

The "everyone does it" argument is pretty weak, and a convenient cop-out.

Not nearly as weak as reading into a post that which isn't there. And thus no cop-out. Convenient or otherwise. Other than that though, two thumbs up.

Jeff's avatar

Oh right, because intent is never implied, and this discussion is totally constrained to two dozen posts on CoasterBuzz. No wider context here, move along, right?

Ever notice that challenges like, "Tell me with a straight face that bragging about sexual assault is OK," is one that no one ever does? Some things are not morally defensible.

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Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

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