Not So SECRET!!!!!!!!!

Jeff's avatar

Pagoda Gift Shop said:
The private thread label was probably set to SECRET! a long time ago.
And there you have it. I never wrote the forum in a manner that would correctly handle recent topic results based on roles and permissions because I never thought I'd need it.

But Gonch covered it. Yes, there is a forum for club members. So far, it seems like people dig it, and the conversation has been good.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

It's just something extra to enjoy with your membership. Send Jeff $20 and enjoy it for yourself. I think the $20 is well worth the discounts and events that you get as a member and the new forums are icing on the cake.

Intimidator 305 the tallest most hated coaster nobody has ever ridden...

For all those percs, I think Coasterbuzz membership should cost a lot more than $20 per year.
LostKause's avatar
Hey, that "perk for a price" crap has been working very well for Six Flags. This new fad of segregating the haves and have nots is getting way out of hand!!!

When the new site "goes live", the name should be changed to "CoasterBizz"!

I wanted to start a topic about the "SECRET"s but I knew it wouldn't be worth it... not for me anyways. CoasterBuzz has to resort to controversy to keep people interested anymore and that simply does not interest me.

That is all.

Edited for gramer... *** Edited 11/4/2007 6:34:36 AM UTC by LostKause***

...And spelling (Thanks Raven-Phile. You are clever.) *** Edited 11/5/2007 2:45:12 AM UTC by LostKause***

As soon as I get a little bit of money in my pocket, I'll become a club member here because of that forum.

The discussion on these forums at times can go downhill really fast with illogical post and lots of bashing for no reason at all.

I think $20 for a years worth of good discussions and the other perks are well worth it.

Very few people give Jeff credit over how well CoasterBuzz has done over the years. I am personally excited to see v4.

Raven-Phile's avatar

LostKause said:
Edited for grammer...

Oh, holy sweet mother of all that is irony...

There really is nothing more that can be said here.


I was just thinking about these "secret" threads. What's the point of actually needing to have them posted in the forum section at all.

Would it be to much to start a secret section(Away from the general forum.), Where all of the different types of topics that have already been mentioned in this thread, can them be posted.

I hate secret clubs. I want to have a secret too.


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Vater's avatar

Lord Gonchar said:
It probably feels that way, but that's not it. All you have to do is see the description on the forum page - it says it all.

Non-club members won't see the private forum description, or even the title. I was thinking of quoting it here, but I wasn't sure if that would be frowned upon. Y'know, being a cult and all... :)

Mamoosh's avatar
The discussion on these forums at times can go downhill really fast with illogical post and lots of bashing for no reason at all.

Sorry to break the news to ya but Gonch posts in the private forums too ;)

eightdotthree's avatar

Coasterphan said:
I was just thinking about these "secret" threads. What's the point of actually needing to have them posted in the forum section at all.

Jeff pointed out that the forum application wasn't written to handle private threads, but the new site will.

LostKause said:
When the new site "goes live", the name should be changed to "CoasterBizz"!

You try managing a site with this much traffic, developing new code, and paying for bandwidth and server costs out of your own pocket and get back to me.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Vater said:
Non-club members won't see the private forum description, or even the title.

D'oh! You're right.

I immediately thought the same thing about what Gonch stated, but no way was I about to correct a Lord. ;)

And eightdotthree hit the nail right on the head. LostKause can believe that Jeff does ths all for charity, but it is in fact a business. I am of the opinion that Jeff should do more to profit for himself, he deserves it after all the work he has put into this site alone.

Edit: Grammar *** Edited 11/5/2007 3:16:48 AM UTC by James K***

Guess who's back? Back Again? James K's back. Tell a friend.

That's why I said membership should cost at least $100 annually.
$100 a year to read information freely posted on the internet? No thanks, I'll pass.
Lord Gonchar's avatar
Even Gonch is allowed to have the occasional 'moment' :)

For the record, the descrption below the Members Forum reads:

A private forum just for CoasterBuzz Club members.
Just like the general forum, with less noise.

Jason Hammond's avatar
Nooo Gonch! You giving away all our Secrets!!!111ONE ;)

884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Lord Gonchar's avatar
And I'm not even charging for it!

matt.'s avatar
Thread needs about 10 times more !!!!!!!!!!!!

Lord Gonchar said:

A private forum just for CoasterBuzz Club members.
Just like the general forum, with less noise.

Now THAT'S funny!

Closed topic.

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