No 2006 Coaster for Cedar Point

baller24 said:
...I think screamscape is pretty reliable...

That's all I needed for a laugh today. Merry Christmas y'all. Please enlighten me some more tomorrow too :)

Robocoaster's avatar
"get out of hand?"

I wish! But my order of Enzyte hasn't arrived yet. :0

They Live. We Sleep.

Jeff may regret keeping this topic open by the end of the night!

Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid.
Now C'mon guys, this is Jeff's gift to us. It would be a shame if we didn't 'handle' ourselves like professionals. ;)

Merry Christmas Y'all

“Non sibi sed patriae” "Not self but country"
After KK takes the crown for the world's tallest, fastest coaster and SFMM adds their long-rumored flyer, CP will have no more records. Two seasons later, they will close the park cuz no one will ever ever ever visit again.

The rides will be auctioned off for charity and SF parks will divvy up CP's coasters, each of which they will name "The Loser." Except SFDL, of course-who won't even get the Junior Gemini. Even loser coasters are much too good for that park.


*** Edited 12/25/2004 12:40:54 AM UTC by CoastaPlaya***

NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

Ride of Steel's avatar

Robocoaster said:
Additionally, look for Mean Streak to be torn down

Don't you mean burned down? As in smothered with kerosene and throwing a match to it?

SFGAdv, in a change of heart, decides to tear down Kingda Ka in 2007, deliver it to Cedar Point as a retirement return, they get both Millenium Force and Raptor to add to SFGAdv's lineup of coasters.

This is of course, after the Intamin-made 600 ft. wooden spinning underground launched dive inverted wild mouse is built ;)

Haha no I'm not giving Patrick the finger

Jeff, you know its not as much fun when you let us act a fool. I'm not even going to participate. Oh well, its the thought that counts;).
No Cp is going to drain part of the lake so the can create an island to the right of MF it will be a new themed area with a 457 foot tall rollercoaster at 129 miler per hour!

In all honesty I would be shocked if CP did not build any new rollercoaster for 06 even if it's just a kiddie coaster.

-Eric: Major Parks: SFNE(homepark), SFA,SFGADV,CP,BGE,BGA,Kennywood,and Sea World: Track record 65 different coasters ridden #1 is Millennium Force #2 is El Toro and than there are all the others

Orrrr with MF sinking, they'll build a new coaster...but the supports will be built right on top of the steel for MF...that would be fun...

Haha no I'm not giving Patrick the finger

Mamoosh's avatar
CP2007? M:TR. You heard it first here.
Yeah, that's all they need, another Oversized Boring Rough Woodie.

Oh My. Did My hands type what my brain was thinking again?;) *** Edited 12/25/2004 7:40:50 AM UTC by TeknoScorpion***

Robocoaster's avatar
Sounds like you've ridden M:TR enough to know.;)

They Live. We Sleep.

No, but I've heard stories of mooshing and M:TR @ PPP. Just ask +Danny;).

Peabody said:
(Wicked Twister was over 400 feet tall just a week or two before it was announced, for example.)

Now hold on one minute. Screamscape wasn't dead wrong on that one. They just mixed rumors. Don't forget that the concrete footers on Wicked Twister had scarcely cured and the track paint was still drying while they were taking the bubble wrap from shipping off the trains when they began construction/design on [drum roll] Top Thrill Dragster! Wait.. how tall was TTD? Say it with me kids.. "four hundred and twenty feet". 420 > 400. Remember, the crocodile eats the bigger number. ;)

Most likely screamscape was hearing rumors of both rides, and decided to blend them nicely into one, solid, coaster rumor (surely, even America's Roller Coast wouldn't be planning/designing two coasters at once!). After all, both TTD and WT were both made by Intamin, and neither had a lift hill, with 90 degree drops (with twists!) so similarities did exist.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's the most credible site in the world, but pretty many rumors eventually have at least a shred of truth in them (even if they're several rumors morphed together :) )

"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"
Except for the whole 'Kingda Ka and its overbank'.

Oh, wait, that wasn't screamscape. Nevermind;).

Sorry, the quote "I think screamscape is pretty reliable" still has me chuckling. It's making it difficult to even read the rest of the posts since I keep referring back to that, and the laughing is giving me a headache!

Anyway, all eyes and ears will skip 2006 because Screamscape said so, and move on to speculation about 2007's superdeduper coaster. This of course will be to make up for no coaster in 2004/2005/2006, and losing the coaster record for tallest and fastest. My secret source at Cedar Fair (so secret that he'd be canned and would have to work at McDonalds instead, due to only having experience in the flash frozen ice cream business) has learned Cedar Point shall reveal 1 year from now, the greatest thrill coaster ever devised. Apparently marketing surveys my secret source found, show coaster enthusiasts prefer one trick ponys, like Top Thrill Dragster and the mighty exciting Giant Wheel. I nresponse to the popularity of Top Thrill Dragster, and poor response on the survey for Magnum, Raptor and MF, Cedar Point is giving you what you want. They have found the ultimate one trick pony you won't want to miss. So thrilling you'll want to ride it again and again (since it is only 5 seconds long). This coaster, so massive, so powerful, and most of all exciting, will be Cedar Point's in 2007, while Cedar Fair execs say screw you again Valleyfair! and Worlds Of Fun.

Preseting a mockup rendering of what the Dippin Dots....err I mean secret source, has revealed to me. I know it looks imtimidating, I'm as thrilled as you are.

Teeny-Weeny 's Revenge
Be afraid, very afraid...

Note - Due to the legalities of this information, Cedar Fair may force me to destroy this picture and remove all information from this website, except of course a press release, since those are ok. No matter how many times I say they are gonna build the dang thing, Cedar Fair PR will continue to deny it. Ignore them, and keep reading Screamscape, the most reliable amusement park news site in existance, where we'll continue to update you with misinformation. *** Edited 12/25/2004 12:05:23 PM UTC by Dan D McD***

no. dont. i want cp tr get a ride in 06
Think there going to put in a raceing coaster One side wood other steel both will finish very close

Given that I know people (not me!) have completely made up stuff and sent it into Screamscape, only to see it posted as the "lastest inside rumor for Park X", I DO have trouble taking ScreamScape very seriously. Yes, I read it, and yes, there's plenty of truth in there. However, when it comes to long-range speculative rumor, I trust ScreamScape about as much as I trust the little voices in my head.

Wait, did I just type that? Yes, I did. No, I didn't. Ahhhhh!

"You seem healthy. So much for voodoo."

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