New Six Flags in AZ?


How much would it cost to build a new park close to phoenix anyways? Land is fairly cheap between Phoenix and Flagstaff if you can buy BLM land from the government. Of course, then you have to fight the farmers and cattle ranchers too.


I plan on some day biulding a park in anthem, AZ. We used to have a park out here called legend city, but it closed many years ago. I have lived in the phoenix area for 23 years now, and one of my goals is to build a park in anthem. Someday maybe it will happen. Right now I am just working on designing it then we will see.

"You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality." -Walt Disney

Rob Ascough

If you talk to enough people, I think you'll find that Disney owns thousands of acres in just about every state. How many times have I heard rumors that they own land on Coney Island? Probably too many to count.

SFGAdv DOES get a NYC crowd... all I'm saying is that the northern NJ/NYC market could easily support another amusement park. Palisades Park did not close because of lack of attendance (as some people think is the case). A big hole was left in the market when that park closed and I think there is a need to replace it in some shape or form.


Intamin Fan

I can just see it now--Trump Land, which only serves Trump Ice at $10 a bottle. Who else could afford or owns enough property in New York City?


If I recall properly, those were management contracts . Both Autoworld and the Power Plant were already operating facilities before SF entered the picture.


Shawn said:
a park in the south of FLA would need to ba a smaller one and not something that would cost over a couple of hundred million. A lot of (if not all) of the markets mentioned have been studied. The costs are really too high today to build a quality, 1 million plus attendance park, let alone one that will do over 3 million.

South Florida would have no problem putting up 3 million in attendance at a quality park. Heck, the Fair Expo in Miami draws 800,000 paying guests in just 2 1/2 weeks!

I agree with the mainstream sentiment here -- Six Flags is spending $100+ million a year on ALL of its parks, it's not going to cough up any more than that just to tack a new one on. Maybe in a few years if it mends its ways but certainly not in the near future. But the problem was that Six Flags was able to expand by buying existing parks on the cheap then amping them up with Six Flags coasters. Those mom and pop parks are now gone, closed or (like Holiday World and Knoebel's) doing well enough that they don't need an exit strategy.

I think that Phoenix and Miami will get parks in the next few years. I would be shocked, and almost worried, if it were Six Flags though.


Jim Fisher

GA Coaster:

Six Flags did not build Astroworld. It was there for many years before SF/Premier acquired it. The Powerhouse was not a full blown amusement park.



Perhaps Phoenix could build one with the majority of the park being indoors and air conditioned. Still some of the park could be outside...water oriented rides and the like.

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!

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