New SBNO: Joker's Revenge at SFFT

bigboy said:

The fact that the trains ran backwards was about the only thing this ride had going for it. Very short, not really anything unique or imaginative, and it was very rough. No one should really shed any tears about not getting one last ride. There's plenty of Arrow corkscrews out there that offer the same experience without going backward.

Sorry, Starcoaster, but that story still doesn't sound right. I can't imagine that they would not have manually pushed the cars through the LIM run to check their alignment. Call me crazy, but that would be one of the first things I would do, especially if something didn't look right.

The Joker's Revenge is a Vekoma coaster, buddy.

I'm just not understanding how the train could have killed everything so bad. Must be a big mistake on Premier's part, since the other coasters the retro-fitted with lap bars worked fine. I wonder what they did wrong? They must've made an entirely new car and forgot the track gauge or something for it to do this. I don't know how it would rip LIMs out, either. I sorta understand the bogeys being torn off, but the LIMs? Weird.

I was asked to describe X in one word. The word? -- OhmygoshwhathaveIgottenmyselfintothisisthescariest

please explain, what are bogeys?
Bogeys are the wheel assemblies.

kRaXLeRidAh said:

The Joker's Revenge is a Vekoma coaster, buddy.

I'm well aware of that. The point I was trying to make is that, if you turn the trains to run forward, it's not a lot different from your run-of-the-mill Arrow corkscrew.

SFNE Freak- The park guest relations specifically said that Joker's Revenge was closed permanently, and the signs indicating a new attraction for the queue building seem to be contrary to new trains for the ride. I think it will probably be removed during the season, so as to convert the queue building for fright fest.

As for Poltergeist whether the rumors or true or not, the parks stated time table of a Mid-May opening as posted at the entrance to the ride seems reasonable.

We may not be building many rides this year but we sure are tearing down a lot of them,Drachen fire,King Kobra,Skyescaper,Windjammer,Joker's revenge the list goes on and on I wonder what's gonna be demolished next?

rollergator said:
"Never having gone on a backwards steelie, other than the obvious shuttles, I know which one I'd pick...."

I've been on *one* steelie that was not a shuttle that went backwards ;)
--this one time...on Hypersonic...

I liked the ride actually. It was unique if nothing else, and the feeling you got coming out of the loop was amazing. Personally, I'm sad to see it go. It had charachter.

It also had one of the most annoying queue houses ever built, but that's another story.

ALSO, the Rattler is still not open and is still having it's track worked on.

S W :) :) S H
Do you bleed blue? BLUES HOCKEY 2002

For the above ride operators, there is a fine line crossed between what they know, and what they think they know. The Lim's aren't touched during operation, and the train was not returned 'bad'. It needed more adjustments, and no bogeys were ripped off during operation. It will be running again soon enough.

Let me offer some insight on what happened on Polty...

The reason why the LIM motors were damaged was because the wheel bogeys were sheered off because of a misalignment in the wheels...

As far as Joker, the trains need new axles, which cost $200,000 and the company doesn't want to spend it because of it's poor return on investment.

Don't, however, be surprised if the ride pops up at another park "south of the border" where fixing it and installing it at a new park WOULD be a good return on investment.

Agent Johnson said:
It needed more adjustments, and no bogeys were ripped off during operation. It will be running again soon enough.

I hate to tell you this, but you are wrong. Full timers at SFFT, SFAW and SFoT have all confirmed this story to various enthusiasts in our neck of the woods. It's a big story down here, ya know.


Panther Modern
An Astroworld Tribute Site

It's being to look like my track record will be taking several hits when I visit Texas with Coaster Zombies. The thing that doesn't make any sense is that I thought the Poltergeist trains were being retroffited with lapbars, not having the whole train replaced. So why would the bottom part of the coaster (the part that actually runs through the LIMS) have any problems?
The word "definitely" is definitely the most misspelled word on the buzz.
When the trains were retrofitted for the lapbars, the yearly overhaul was performed on the trains at the same time by Premier Rides.


I live in Canada and will be in San Antonio from April 10th -15th. I had planned on visiting SFFT on Saturday (the 13th) as it's the only day I'll have time and it's only open weeknds. (right?) Is this park worth visiting what with only 4 coasters currently in operation? What else is there at SFFT to make it worth the price of admission? Should I still count on heavy crowds if I visit Saturday April 13th? Thanks for any information!

ApolloAndy's avatar
Brian Toogood - S:KC. A unique floorless (well, as unique as one can be, given the similar layouts they all have) in a unique setting. Definitely worth the trip.

The legend lives!

Brian, there will be 5 out of the 6 open. The Rattler should be retracked by then. Krypton coaster would make it worth the trip even without any other coaster there.

S W :) :) S H

BT, you've also got a Frisbee, a Topspin, a Chaos, and a S&S Tower at SFFT.
The word "definitely" is definitely the most misspelled word on the buzz.

Just a quick note:

SFFT is one of the few major parks remaining without an inverted coaster, and I think just about anybody here would be drooling over the possibility of a new Beemer invert being built just about anywhere in the US. I know its just speculation, but isn't it a wonderfully happy thought? *bounces* :)

If the shoe fits, find another one.

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