Muslims get SFA discount?

Only someone that can't think for themselves would infer that all muslims are terrorists. I made no such statement.

I service ATM's and go to Detroit on a regular basis. I believe Detroit has the largest population of Muslims in the country. I have directly seen the hate that has been dished out to some of my customers. The vandalism and threats on their lives,etc. And I don't like it.

GregLeg grow up and quit acting like a child. Surely you can post an opposing view without resorting to so called hatred you accuse me of.

A lot of people here are making good points regarding the blatant ignorance contained in this article.

If you feel strongly about this issue, here is the link to email the writer. I highly doubt you can change ignorant people like this writer, but at least he can know that his feelings don't reflect the majority of American citizens...

On that page, the author to send the comments to is Carl Limbacher.

0-82 in 2.3 seconds! =Wow!

scooter said:
Only someone that can't think for themselves would infer that all muslims are terrorists. I made no such statement.

You specifically asked if the park was taking out insurance against mischief. That's a pretty clear statement, and if you didn't mean it that way then you worded it VERY poorly.

GregLeg grow up and quit acting like a child. Surely you can post an opposing view without resorting to so called hatred you accuse me of.

You've completely lost me here. I replied directly to your "insurance" statement, which frankly was one of the dumber things that's been posted on CoasterBuzz in quite some time. If pointing out that such a statement has no basis in fact is "childish", then so be it.

"Are you justified in taking life to save life?" -- The Great Debate, Dream Theater
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