Most Powerful Launched Coaster ever???

Hmm.. what's with the double posts? A bug in POP Forums, Jeff?

The Jet Coaster ROARS!
Monte dose have a great launch and it packs some serrious G's, but I think Speed: The Ride in Vegas has the best launch. 0-70 in I think 3 seconds right out of the building thruoght a turn in into a loop and then backwards, now that is an awesome ride!!!
Jeff's avatar

The Jet Coaster said:
"Hmm.. what's with the double posts? A bug in POP Forums, Jeff?"
No, a bug in the user.

You can delete your own posts, you know.

Webmaster/Admin -
*** This post was edited by Jeff on 4/8/2001. ***
Well heres my 2 cents worth.
I ridden Hulk, RnRC and Montezoomas Revenge and of the three Monte's wins hands down in the launch dept.
Hulks launch is gradule getting faster as it goes up the tube. RnR is pretty intense because you've been shot into a dark tunnel BUT Monte's launch is willing to seperate your head from your body if you dont lean back on launch. Thumbs up Monte.

If Lifes a Rollercoaster, I want a Flawless
What about XLC? I've heard its Friggin NUTS...

Dust myself up
and I scream at the sky
-Max Cavalera
Hypersonic easily has the most powerful launch. I rode it for the first time on Saturday. When you watch the ride you can't even see it excelerate. It's at 80mph after about 5ft. Volcano and Hulk are also good. STE doesn't seem to powerful because sit takes such a long time to get up to 100mph.

Also thought I'd mention Hypersonic is the worst operated and most broken down ride I've seen. Two weeks ago I went to ride it and it was broken down the whole day because they said they were programing it to run 4 trains. This week I got to PKD and waited three hours for them to even open the ride! They were having trouble with the brakes at the top(one train got locked at the top for about 10min on the verticle part).

Atleast I got on it on about the 3rd train of the day. After that it was mayhem. Three hour waits all day becuase they were only running two trains. That made me the maddest because when it was closed 2 weeks ago it was becuase they were programing it to run 4 trains.

I also thought I'd mention that it rolled back three times throughout the day with people on it. They tested it for about 30min every time after that happened. They also stack the trains so the capacity acts like there is only one train on the tracks. One train sits in the back of the station till the other launches then it moves to the front after the launch. The bars don't open up till the other train comes back to the station. They have 1 launch about every 2.5 min. All I can say is that they better get this thing working or it's going to be a long summer at PKD.

"This time I think ... I think It's ... going to work!" - Dr.Bruce Banner
Check out the date of the first 20 or so posts, that's why XLC hasn't been mentioned 'till now! :)

Australia's No.1 Coaster Nut
well of the 'other' launched coasters I've been on: Volcano, FOF (both of them), Jokers jinx, S:UE I can honestly say none of them holds a candle to Hypersonic. 'Nuff said!
okay people, just cause you have not rideden XLC does not mean you can call all the other coaster more powerful, Hypersonic 80 in 1.8 secs is hands down. Your coasters have lost. In Opinion, I feel you can not say other coasters are more powerful either. Volcano and XLC are the most powerful. While Volcano is 70 like some other coasters, being inverted makes intense, more so than SUE. PKD is king othe the launched. I Bet we might get a launched Flying, J/K

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