Most Powerful Launched Coaster ever???

knotts' monte is just soo intense and dont ask me why. it is like 25 years old and is still one of my favorite rides!
moonsault scramble was designed by meishio, vekoma's Japanese distributor, not arrow!

Whats Life If You Never Po!nt
Yeah, I'm talking about the initial slam on your back!
Hey Raven_Rider, I can't explain why I find monte more powerful than mr. freeze, I just do. Maybe it's only having a lapbar. I don't know, I just think it's more powerful.
That's cool, Monte may be a great ride. I've never ridden it, but I can tell one thing, it looks like it packs some serious g's.


"Hold on tight, with all your might, and enjoy your flight on the Raven!"
the most powerful launch is the Thunder Run at Paramount Canada's Wonderland!

(Anyone who has been on this ride is laughin')
I've only ridden RnRC and Hulk. Of those two, RnRC seemed a little faster on the launch, but Hulk's was more intense. I know it's not a fast launch, but since you're already inclined on the lift hill, it feels so much faster...I think it's because you're not supposed to accelerate on the lift hill! That, and the first time you ride it, you have no idea when it's coming.

"Hey, I thought this was a launched coaster...the train's being driven by wheels, but we're not going very fast...huh. Maybe they just kind of slowly accelerate you out the tunnel. Maybe th.......WOAHHHHHHHHHHHHH" :)
How about a Volcano launch from a stand still? Volcano was my very first launch coaster. I was sitting in the front seat with Sean Flaharty, and we rolled back! The launch from a stand still was amazing!

-daniel j. haverlock-
'99 Magnum Count: 801

Jman said:
"Hey, I thought this was a launched coaster...the train's being driven by wheels, but we're not going very fast...huh. Maybe they just kind of slowly accelerate you out the tunnel. Maybe th.......WOAHHHHHHHHHHHHH" :)"

I thought the exact same thing!! :)

I was gonna put in a link to my other topic on HSXLC. At the moment it's stuffed up. Here's a tidbit from it;

Imagine a launched coaster that matches a Top-Fuel Dragster, bumper-for-bumper. 0-320mph in 4.8sec over a quarter-mile. Dunno about the initial Gs, but average is about 3Gs! If this coaster were to follow the layout of the original TA2K prototype, & slow down to a near-stop at the top. The hill would have to be about 3,000ft tall!!! That is about 900m! *** This post was edited by CoasterGod on 3/6/2001. ***
I have seriously thought up a 200+mph design.

I have a plan for a 1300+ft tall 200+mph coaster. It would use LSMs to blast the train horizontally to 200+mph over approx 2000ft in 10 seconds then straight up like STE. It would have one huge tower frame with track straight up & down like TA2K.

The catch is the train STOPS at the top for 10 secs to scare the bejezus out of the riders & to admire the view before plunging down vertically & hitting 200+mph again. At the top, it can make a right turn or a 180. Haven't figured the rest of the layout yet.

No wheels, it would be magnetically levitated - MAGLEV. Such technology exists you know, the prototype in Germany has reached 500mph or was it 500kmh? That one uses its very own MAGLEVs to propel itself along. In this case, the MAGLEVS & the LSMs would launch the train & then cease propulsion & just glide & let gravity do its work. A bonus is the MAGLEVs can kick in at any point in the ride in case a rollback or valleying is inevitable. Plus, for the real enthusiasts in ERTs, the MAGLEVs are poured on through out the ride. Coaster nuts like us will experience up to 6Gs! 4Gs for public. Maybe more than 6Gs if you pass a medical & wear a G-Suit. :)

It would still have wheels set a few inches off the track for emergencies. The train would have a windshield of course. The track would be a cross between B&M & Intamin - actually rectangular MAGLEV rails set off an Intamin style box spine. And about 10' wide for the original TA2K(Stop-at-top) layout. Otherwise 16' for other layouts. You work out how many people fit in a train!

Now, this is all possible, I'm telling ya. Only problems is the public won't ride it, I will! Anyone? The cost, it would be about half a billion dollars or so. Plus it would take years to design & solve problems involved & that alone will cost heaps.

My name for the coaster is The SCREAM JET. What do you think?

Start saving up Buzzers & we'll all put in towards this Ultracoaster!

Please do not put this down. It's possible. Maybe in the year 2050. Who knows? ;)

*** This post was edited by CoasterGod on 4/7/2001. ***
We're finally getting a coaster with a powered launch at Six Flags Great America. Vertical Velocity. I'm really looking forward to it. I know it's just like Superman Ultkmate Escape in Ohio. How does its powered launch compare to others? I want a FAST powered launch. There are a lot of friends of mine that have never experienced one. I want them to be blown away.
I always tend to forget Space Mountain at Disneyland Paris when I think of LIMs, especially uphill LIMs. I think that one packs a punch, with the effects and soundtrack adding to the whole package. My all time favorite coaster to date.
Is there anyone who thinks my 200+mph design is feasible?? Rideman, whaddya think? You're the expert! :)

Australia's No.1 Coaster Nut
I'd say Volcano's launch is pretty powerful, simply because your launched, go around a big turn, then your launched even faster. After all, it is "The Blast Coaster"!

This is a VERY EASY QUESTION! Hypersonic is Easily most Powerful! You tell me a Coaster that goes 0/80 in 1.8 Seconds, then maybe there will be competion!

You are instantly glued to the seat until you reach the top of the tower.

Whats Funny? When people hold there hand up at the launch, then there hands fly back, funny!

Easliy HyperSonic XLC! and yes, ITS OPEN!
"Lets shot Spitballs at Al Gore and make him all Confused!"-Brain

Favorite Park: Paramount's Kings Dominion!

Favorite Coaster: HyperSonic XLC!
Volcano & H:XLC..hands down!

Drachen Fire, Will it be swimming with the fishies?
I would defianetly say superman ultimate escape at sfwoa. This thing actually has three launches. Although the third one isnt as great its still a real rush.
I have ridden FOF, Volcano, SUE, and Joker's Jinx. I would say a tie between Volcano and SUE.
Damn.. not many people say Hypersonic...

0-80 in one point eight FRIGGIN' SECONDS!

The Jet Coaster ROARS!
Damn.. not many people say Hypersonic...

0-80 in one point eight FRIGGIN' SECONDS!

The Jet Coaster ROARS!

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