Most Powerful Launched Coaster ever???

Which currently operating coaster answers the topic? By that, I mean intensity, i.e. riding it.

Superman the Escape & Tower of Terror
Incredible Hulk
Rock 'n' Rollercoaster & Superman the Ride
Weight launched Shuttle Loops
Flywheel as above
Mr Freezes
Flights of Fears
Calif. Screamin'
SUE & V2s

Any other launched coasters?

Hypersonic XLC will most likely be the most powerful Lauched Coaster when it opens.

I've ridden both Reverse Freefalls & Hulk, that is all. The RFFs are awesome. ToT is slighly more powerful & the car goes up a bit higher. I could be mistaken as ToT is 380ft tall comapared to STE at 415ft. Both do 0-160mph in 7 secs. STE was the first coaster to be designed to hit 100mph. However had problems over a year or two which were fixed in ToT which actually beat STE to 100mph! How's that Yanks? :-)
Home Park - Wonderland Sydney, Australia. *** This post was edited by CoasterGod on 3/2/2001. ***
Monte @ knotts seems to have the most powerful launch IMO.

-I see stars because I just rode Flashback, can you see them to?
beast7369's avatar
Volcano was pretty darn intense if you ask me.

What is life without it's ups and downs
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Well, of all those, I've only ridden chiller and RnRC. I'd definitely go with RnRC. The sound and music made the launch seem more intense. The TA2K in Japa will be the most powerful...
I agree with Metrock. I've been on Superman the escape, Mr. Freeze, Poltergeist, Greezed lightnin', and Montezooma's revenge. Of all of those, I think that Montezooma's has the most powerful launch!
Really? Monte's got to be flywheel launched as I read somwhere else that it's far more powerful than the weight lauched versions.

The Japan TA2K is rumored to hit 105-7mph. How tall will it be?

Monte's launch is great. But the most powerful? I would say Speed:The Ride in Vegas.
Yup, Monte is flywheel launched. The ones that use the drop weight are weak. I pitty the foo that rides one. hehe :)
-I see stars because I just rode Flashback, can you see them to?
The Chillers launch is very powerfull...theres alot of g's on both tracks as you aproach the first inversions...and when you leave the tophat on Batman , the ride is totally insane !
Volcano!!! Simply the most intense launched coaster ver built!
Moonsault Scramble has a VERY powerful launch from what I hear.
Huh? MS uses cable on it's lift hill! It's a Shuttle coaster. Has two very steep 200'+ hills leading into an unique Pretzel Double Inversion. Of course with such tall hills, pulls 5-6Gs. Ouch!

The manufacturer is unknown. Anyone?

Home Park - Wonderland Sydney, Australia. *** This post was edited by CoasterGod on 3/2/2001. ***

Since i have ridden all of them This is how i would say it.
If you want intensity ride STE in the Rain
If u want a powerful luanch ride SUE trust me that thing really does pull ur head back.
But the most powerfull of all i think is monte. That thing goes from 0-65 in like 3 seconds or something, all i know is that i never rode without my head on the back of the car after my first ride.
Golioath Rocks the west but Millinnium Force Rules The Rest
I can not believe so many of you are saying that Montezooma's Revenge has a powerful launch! It launches from 0-55 in around 4 seconds, and that isn't that great, compared to most coasters these days. The most powerful launch I've experience is Mr. Freeze at my home park of SFStL. 0-70 in 3.75 seconds, what a rush.

Moonsault Scramble was made by Arrow. It was considered by many folks in Japan to be the most feared ride ever!

Parks for 2000: CP, Great Escape, Great Adventure, SFA, Islands of Adventure, Kennywood
Raven Rider, simma down naw. Sorry, but not all of us have had the chance to ride Mr. Freeze or any other new launched coaster. Montezooma's Revenge is still powerfull, no doubt. The newer ones my get up to a faster speed in a faster time. But, it is that 1st second of launch that you feel the power in.
-I see stars because I just rode Flashback, can you see them to? *** This post was edited by Metrock on 3/3/2001. ***
It hasn't been built yet, but it will soon at Knotts.
Sorry Jeff, you can't be the bearer of good news all the time. Knott's is in fact getting an Intamin Launched coaster with Box Track.

Oooooh, my freekin' head.... Too many G's Too many G's! No, no, Too much Beer before the G's!
Any LIM coaster. JJ at SFA does 0-63 in 3 secconds.

2001- the year of flight!
Hypersonic goes from 0-80 in 2 seconds.

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