Minimum posts rule

Because of the huge amount of repeat or unacceptable topics lately, I have thought of this.

I believe that in order to start your own topic, you must have a minimum of 40 or 50 posts. I have noticed that most of these topics have been from new members. This way new members will get used to the site and its rules before making these unaccptable threads. Just a thought................. Would there be a way to do this Jeff?

*** This post was edited by B&M ROCKS on 8/14/2002. ***

In the past I have come across a few different forums that used a minimum number of posts rule for different things.

Though I think this is a decent idea, it restricts some people who may have a question ask in the first place, and that is what brings them to our community.

Also, if there were a rule like that, threads would be filled with more useless posts then they already are. People would be posting to anything and/or everything, just to hit the minimum.

I think a more viable solution would be to have a seperate forum for "newbies" which would be the only place a new person could post a thread. Anyone could read and/or respond to it though. After a period of time, perhaps 30-60 days.. a person could then post in all the other forums.

A place where a new person could "get thier feet wet." Older members could advise the serious newbies as to what TOS they may be breaking and such.

I am sure this would take a massive programming overhaul and might not be an economical option Jeff would want to deal with though.

*** This post was edited by James K on 8/14/2002. ***

Tha mabye we could do a 2 month membership thing.

Well in some ways, your right, it would probably stop the amount of unwanted topics, but we'd also run the chance on losing out on some news, which is, after all, the goal of this site, isn't? Not all people's first posts are bad, my first post made news . I do like the idea though, because if someone does have good news to send out, he/she will work their way up the boards.

However, another problem may arise because of this. Have you ever been to the Thrillride/Thrillnetwork/CoasterChat (whatever they call themselves). The goal of that forum seems to have shifted from people discussing coasters to kids waiting to get their hands on a shiny new avatar. Basically, a lot of posts on the site have turned into "Me too!" posts... [edit- sorry to take the words out of your mouth, James, you posted as I was typing :) ]

Mods, Jeff... your view?

*** This post was edited by AirtimeAddict on 8/14/2002. ***

While it's not a BAD idea, it wouldn't necessarily help either. Sheer number of posts isn't really a good indicator of "good poster vs bad poster". Such a rule could even backfire, causing an intelligent but relatively quiet person to never start topics.

"Now all I want is to find a way home, to warn Earth -- look upward, and share the wonders I see..."
My page

Well thats why I said mabye a 2 month thing, just so people can get used to the rules.
Mods or Jeff, care to share your opinion?
uhhh, B&M....

Greg Leg is a mod.

Yea, I realized that after I posted, but I just left it to get some others opinions.
Here's how we do it on my paintball forum. Have a regulars room and a newbie room. You can read all you want in all rooms, but can only post in the regualr room when the mods deem you fit. This can be dedcided by helpful and insightful posts. Seems to be working very well. Not alot of spam and more insightful discussion

That seems to put an awful lot of responsibility on the mod though. I mean if there were 10-15 new members in the newbie room at a time I could understand, but Coasterbuzz seems to be growing at a rate faster than that... Just to compare, how many new members are in your paintball forum?

I think this would be a great idea, but mods have so much responsibility as it is...

Jeff's avatar

There is a quota system in place, but the problem isn't one or two people, it's just a butt load of new people all showing up and thinking they're the first to ever think of a topic.

Perhaps a big picture issue that the Internet faces in general is that people don't understand the first rule of any online community: Lurk and get a feel for it before you post. Never just come in guns blazing.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"Let's stop saying 'don't quote me,' because if no one quotes you, you probably haven't said a thing worth saying." - Dogma, KMFDM

Good point Jeff. I guess I never thought of how many people do come in "Guns Blazing" without realizing how things are.

I don't like the idea. I know I have gained a lot of knowledge from this site and a lot of that knowledge was gained by me asking questions. Granted, most of the TOS violators are new posters, but if we had this rule than they would make meaningless posts all the time.

Agreed James K and Jeff! I don't understand why people feel the need to post so many topics and respond to every post with a "Me too" or "Good TR" (Wait, is my reply a "me too" post?: :) ) I guess some people think the post numbers matter. If you listen, many people with loads of posts aren't worth wasting your time reading what they post, and some people with very few posts always have something good to say.

I have a fair amount of posts, but think I've posted 3, maybe 4 new threads in my time here. I guess I don't think I have anything to share that's worth starting a new thread. Maybe my grammar isn't bad enough to do it. I need to learn to use phrases like "I have rode.." rather than "I have ridden.." ;)

I think this site is in part a victim of it's own success. My humble little site makes me want to scream sometimes when I get 12 emails a day asking when we are going to add SFMM pics. (How bout when all their coasters run and you buy me a plane ticket! :) )

- Peabody

*** This post was edited by Peabody on 8/14/2002. ***

rollergator's avatar

....when people DO come in "guns blazing", as it were, can we do the "community" a favor and not immediately ALIENATE the "new guy" by SCREAMING at him/her at what an absolutely idiotic thing they've said or done......we were all newbies once...... Sometimes a first-timer is an intelligent person just new to the place, perhaps nervous about posting, perhaps about the whole forum gig...and perhaps not as well-versed in "our usual discussion"...we can try to correct them or inform them without seeming unwelcoming....I've seen a *tad* of hostility lately, maybe it's just the hot weather (Do The Right more than just a movie)...

now back to your regularly scheduled coaster-related "banter" this summer has flown by....when will we see some longer operating seasons as a positive consequence of global warming....etc.

edit: forgot to mention...let the moderators do the moderating....they're here...and if they weren't doing their job, the site wouldn't have the membership, growth, or the traffic, that it does....they'll get rid of the junk topics, etc....just let 'em roll towards page 2-land if you don't like the topic, etc....."peace and love, you damned hippies"....:)

*** This post was edited by rollergator on 8/15/2002. ***

If a newb had to have 40 to 50 posts just to start a topic, all we would see are those "Me too" and "Nice TR" posts everywhere. How about not letting a newbie post at all for their first month, that way they can read the forums for a while and get a feeling of how they work before starting a bunch of stupid repeat topics. I remember a few years ago when I first joined this site, I didn't post in the forums for about the first 6 months or so.

And, I dont want to go off on a rant ( O geez I'm riping off Dennis Miller), but lets remember, its not always kids. And, not all kids are this way. Adults can be morons too :). But for the most part, I think the mojority of the people on this site (and in this topic) know how to act mature and have a good conversation

- Says Joey who is 16 and isn't sure if he's considered a "kid" or not.;)

Nice TR!
"They should have named it Hershey Squirts" - JW

Jeff said:

Perhaps a big picture issue that the Internet faces in general is that people don't understand the first rule of any online community: Lurk and get a feel for it before you post. Never just come in guns blazing.

I did exactly what you said when I started to do the "Internet enthusiast thing.” I looked at a couple of sites but never posted nor joined them for at least a year (minus URC) tell I got the "picture” and decided to join the discussions.

Listen to the man! He is giving very sound advice/knowledge!

“If you give a enthusiast a footer.......He’ll want a coaster!!!"

Jeff's avatar

To be more academic about it, my theory is that kids in particular don't appreciate the globality (is that a word?) of the Internet, so when they drop in and start posting things, they think they're the first to ever think of some of this stuff. Those of us who remember sufing the Net with a text shell account (or in Dave A.'s case, still do), I think have a better feel for just how big the Internet is.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"Let's stop saying 'don't quote me,' because if no one quotes you, you probably haven't said a thing worth saying." - Dogma, KMFDM

As rollergator said, we really should try to be helpful when people make mistakes instead of bashing them. This has been happening a lot lately. Sure, nobody likes to have their precious time taken up reading a pointless/unnecessary/whatever post, but we could be a little nicer in the way we respond sometimes...

PLEASE READ: This post wasn't meant to offend or anger anyone; I apologize in advance if it does. So please don't post a reply just to rant about it. :)

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