Maverick Intamins answer to a Dive Machine?

Also the braking force is related to the speed it's moving, no?

"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"
matt.'s avatar

halltd said:
Why is SF done with B&M? Because that's all they've built for the past however many years?

If we're to believe the current leadership, SF is done with B&M (for a while at least) but also all other major manufacturers.

B&M will continue to build a handful of coasters every year just like they have for a while. The loss of SF as a major client is not going to lead B&M to wither on the vine.

Unless I'm missing one, B&M is building 2 coasters this year, they can probably do fine building 2 coasters a year.

Mamoosh's avatar
Unless something for 07 still hasn't been announced B&M is building two.
rollergator's avatar
SF leaving the market isn't exactly going to *kill* B&M. The European and Asian markets will likely more than make up for any lost business due to the SF restructuring....

Besides, maybe CF will eventually grow weary of the reliability issues...not that there's a ton of expansion left in the CF/PP chain... ;)

*** Edited 2/12/2007 3:29:16 PM UTC by rollergator***

Think you need to edit that post again, Bill ;)
Look, ANY coaster out there will have its share of problems. Anything that endures the extreams of temprature and use will eventually have fatigue.

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

rollergator's avatar
^^ROFL...thanks Rob....took three edits to finally *get* it....I'm going for more coffee now... :)
I think Maverick is Cedar Point's answer to Italian Job.
But Italian Job isn't inverted, or so i think.

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

Personally I think the Italian Job is more of a family ride while Maverick appears to be an extreme thrill ride.


They both look like family rides to me but IJ looks more like a boring family ride.
I think Maverick has a shot at being both a faimly ride and a good coaster. It might bridge the gap between the two.

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

matt.'s avatar
I know Cedar Point will like to spin Maverick as a more family oriented coaster but frankly - it just isn't.

It's 100 feet tall, it has a more than vertical first drop, 3 inversions, and a 48 inch height requirement. Nothing about that says "family" to me.

Not saying there is anything wrong with that, just saying Maverick will still appeal more to the MF/Dragster/Raptor/Mantis crowd than the Blue Streak/Iron Dragon/Mine Ride/Disaster Transport crowd no matter how they market it.

it seems to me CP, now that the height records are all figured out for a while, wanted a coaster that's small but can still hold up with the classics the park has, and it seems Maverik is a perfect fit - even though there already are so many other coasters, it clearly represents something new, a technological progress, with innovative elements such as the inline twist, the stengel dive and the mid-course-accelerator.
Also, it has a great layout that's all centered around the development of forces instead of the classic 'hill - valley - loop - etc.' metaphor.
I think it's scary enough though not to be considered 'family', the elements look quite extreme.
It seems to be the perfect coaster for people from 15-25.
BTW one thing that's typical 'Intamin' about this ride is that the coaster doesn't feel like it's levelling out in the end - in fact, like most rockets, it manages a seemingly 'pre-mature' end despite its length, really interesting.
I am sure though in terms of rider fatigue, people will have had enough of the forces once they arrive at the end. Lots of positive Gs! *** Edited 2/12/2007 8:03:52 PM UTC by superman***

airtime for everyone
It might be good step for somebody who has outgrown the kiddie areas and wants to try a bigger coaster. I just hope it's better than Iron Dragon.

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Wow, have we really gotten so jaded that a ride with a 70mph launch is considered a 'family' coaster?

It wasn't that long ago that a 70mph was the cutting edge of thrills.

I think Matt nailed it - it may be spun that way, but past vertical drops, inversions and high speed launches don't exactly scream, "Get Grandma and Junior on for a ride" to me. :)

I know some gradmas who would love it. They might loose their teeth in the process, but that's the price you pay.

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

rollergator's avatar

Lord Gonchar said:Wow, have we really gotten so jaded that a ride with a 70mph launch is considered a 'family' coaster?


But some of us still ENJOY those family coasters, even if we're no longer *thrilled* by them... :)

It is a 70 mph launch straight into trim brakes. This has family coaster written all over it. It is just an extreme family coaster, but I still think they had IJ in mind when they decided on it.
I think enthusiasts say this is a family coaster because its not 500 feet tall. But, like others have said on here, Maverick is not a family coaster. Then again, I guess it depends on what type of family you have. LOL!! I'd classify Space Mountain or Big Thunder Mountain as "family coasters", but definitely not Maverick.

I wish someone would finally say why Six Flags is not building B&M coasters anymore. When did they say this?

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