Let's talk about the Crystal Beach Cyclone

I read a book on defunct rides and parks that said the CBC actually had a nurse at the exit to treat all of the people coming off the ride complaining of aches and pains!!
I read a book on defunct rides and parks that said the CBC actually had a nurse at the exit to treat all of the people coming off the ride complaining of aches and pains!!
Steel Force - A full time nurse was waiting at the end of the ride for those riders who had been knocked unconscious or had injuried themself in some other way while on the ride.
Planet Xtreme - http://home.nycap.rr.com/greese1/
Planet Xtreme Forums - http://pub39.ezboard.com/bplanetxtreme20680
I think you all are mistaken. I distinctly remember a video (America Screams with Vincent Price) saying that the nurse was there to assit people who had *fainted* on the ride. I remember nothing of injuries.
--Life without sex is marriage...
nasai's avatar
Yeah Jeremy...the nurse was there as an added "effect" for the ride.  She was rarely needed, but having her there definitely added to the mystique of the ride, and obviously, its legend.
I think it's a bit unfair to compare the Cyclone and it's nasty change-ups to Drachen Fire and it's ear torturing restraints...Drachen Fire wasn't built to be an ear-banger, it just happened because of a poor Arrow design...in contrast, the Cyclone wasn't *rough* (well, probably not any worse than any other woodie), it was just brutal and the brutality was intentional!

Personally *I love* snap changes of direction, rib crackers or not, and that kind of sensation to me isn't roughness, it's intensity which is completely seperate in my mind. Yes, there'd still be people complaining about the Cyclone if it operated today (yeah, right, not even in Canada!) but I also think a lot of the people who have rides like Legend @ HW and the Riverside Cyclone on their top woodies list would also have the CB Cyclone up there as well, it's just the kind of ride that appeals to some of us and not at all to others.
* The Legend @ HW
* Superman: Ride of Steel @ SFNE
* Mondial Top Scan

*** This post was edited by Colin W. on 1/9/2002. ***

nasai's avatar
Colin, I agree with you.  I think intensity is a perfect example of what many call roughness.  On DF, I never had the 'privilege' to experience it rough.  I only rode it first season, and I thought it was exceptional. 

Have you ridden Megafobia?  I have yet to ride it, although I have seen the POV.  It looks super intense with tons of speed, and changing directions.  Perhaps this is my favorite coaster-in-waiting?

2Hostyl said:
I think you all are mistaken. I distinctly remember a video (America Screams with Vincent Price) saying that the nurse was there to assit people who had *fainted* on the ride. I remember nothing of injuries.
--Life without sex is marriage...

I have a video which aired on TLC, that stated that a full time nurse was always waiting at the end of the ride for riders who had been knocked unconscious or had injuried themselves in some way while on the ride. Let me look through my tapes and see if i can find it.

Planet Xtreme - http://home.nycap.rr.com/greese1/
Planet Xtreme Forums - http://pub39.ezboard.com/bplanetxtreme20680

Alas I haven't had the chance to get out of the country yet (well, other than to Canada but it's so close I don't usually think of it) and probably won't for a few years, at least until I can get done with university, get a job and all that stuff. After that though a nice Euro swing through Britain, France and Germany is definitely on my to-do list :-)
* The Legend @ HW
* Superman: Ride of Steel @ SFNE
* Mondial Top Scan
I wasn't comparing the two coasters (Cyclone and Drachen Fire), I was simply comparing the situation...  two coasters (one defunct, one SBNO) that have attained legendary status, but, were they still running could be considered "too rough to ride" (for what ever reasons).
nasai's avatar
Oh yeah...I totally agree SLFAKE.  Even enthusiasts tend to be hypocrites about coasters.  We complain when they are rough (just like the GP), and we long for their memory when we get our wish!

*** This post was edited by nasai on 1/13/2002. ***

2Hostyl - I found the video which stated what I said earlier about injuries on the cyclone. Ive converted it into an Mpeg Video file. The file itself is 12.5MB. Ill upload this file to my webspace at school on Monday when I return to campus from Winter break. Id upload it now, but I cant seem to login to my FTP space there. I'll provide a link once the video file is up and online.

Planet Xtreme - http://home.nycap.rr.com/greese1/
Planet Xtreme Forums - http://pub39.ezboard.com/bplanetxtreme20680

nasai's avatar
Calvin, would you be so kind as to e-mail the link too?  Much thanks!
nasai, will do. ill also post a link on my website

Planet Xtreme - http://home.nycap.rr.com/greese1/
Planet Xtreme Forums - http://pub39.ezboard.com/bplanetxtreme20680

nasai's avatar
Thanks Calvin!  2Hostyl...does the video show "vintage" footage, or does it just talk about the nurse?
Check out my website!
nasai: I'm under the impression that very little 'footage' of the coaster exists (it *was* before the age of camcorders ;)). There is about 15-20 seconds of film, but I'm about 97% sure that particular clip has been on *many* programs. Anyway, I *think* you can still order the tape from PBS. Just go to pbs.org and search for "America Screams". It's my favorite tape even though it is rather old (Colossus @ SFMM was the world's biggest coaster @ filming). It shows test sections of the Arrow Suspended coaster (replete with a model that went through a corkscrew), one of the Cali Giant Dippers (San Diego?) when it was called 'Earth Quake' and was about to be razed, the *other* Giant Dipper (Santa Cruz?) fully functioning, the King Kobra @ PKD (defunct), Mr. Twister @ Elitch's Gardens (the original) and a host of other rides.
--who doesnt remember seeing the Riverview Bobs on the show :(
The video clip I have is about a minute long, and is not just all entirely a clip of the cyclone in action.

Here are 3 screen captures, the first one being that of the name of the show (which aired on TLC XMas Eve of 2000 when TLC had there Rollercoaster Marathon)

Thrill Rides | Cyclone | Cyclone2

I tried to get a few more captures of the ride in action, but with the coaster going down hill it distorted the image alittle. but these images show you whats in the video clip that ill be uploading to my webspace at school when I return on monday.

Planet Xtreme - http://home.nycap.rr.com/greese1/
Planet Xtreme Forums - http://pub39.ezboard.com/bplanetxtreme20680

the coaster that was most like the cystal beach cyclone was the riverside cyclone before the reprofiling. the cbc was a coaster that was slow at the tops of the hills like the coney cyclone, unlike the consistantly fast cci models of today
nasai's avatar
virginiareelfan, yes.........The Cyclone was much slower at the tops of the hills, and during the transitions.  CCIs do move much quicker throughout the entire length of the coaster.  So, I guess we don't ask CCI to re-build it, huh?? :)
nasai - i havent been able to post that video yet, my school is doing something to the network, and it wont store the file once i logoff, they said everything should be finished with the upgrade on the network by monday at the latest. ill email you a link when im able to get it to stay online.
Planet Xtreme - http://home.nycap.rr.com/greese1/
Planet Xtreme Forums - http://pub39.ezboard.com/bplanetxtreme20680

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