LeScaresville Lake Cancelled

Im about sick of people bashing the Pugh's. What did they do to you?

Without them, the park would not have opened and I would not have had 10 great visits to this park and probably a couple hundred rides on a coaster many thought lost forever.

I never had a bad day at LL this year. The opening night was a little rough but hell. The flyers snapped!

Now maybe I would consider most of the rides closed a bad day. and if employees were rude at any park I would consider that not good.

For the most part, LL had everything they could run, running all season which is more than I can say Mr. Couch did.

IMHO without the Pugh's this park would be totally lost by now as it was not maintained by couch at all, Except maybe the pool.

Chuck, who thought it nice for Mr. Jeff pugh to come out and talk to him and the airbears when all we did was ask about him, Nungester

Charles Nungester.
Visit Lesourdsville Lake :) Park phone is (513)539-2193
In 50 years, The librals will say 9/11 never happened!

Jeff's avatar

Dude, settle down. No one is "bashing" (I hate that word) anyone. It's not personal, most of us don't know the Pugh family from your family.

And by the way, not only is your signature kind of ridiculous for trivializing a national tragedy, but you spelled "liberal" wrong.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

john peck's avatar
Okay gang, heres the scoop. The park has indeed canceled the Halloween event due to not enough preperation. This can happen to anyone. Lack of funds, employees or time. The park does indeed to re-open in the spring, but this season will end on Sept 29th.

I do agree with posting a sign of attractions closed, I really don't know what the park was thinking that day. You said there was no management there, i wonder if thats the plain reason for the lack of everything.

Even though there have been a few 'rough" days, the park is at least still operating. Hopefully, the park will address all guest concerns to help make 2003 a better year.

Fingers crossed.....

*** This post was edited by john peck on 9/17/2002. ***

Ok Jeff, I will grant that bash was the wrong word. I do however think these people did a remarkable job getting the park going and improving it all year.

If I am wrong please correct me, But I was told by one of the op's that only 12 of them are full time.

Yes, there were some bumps in the road and from Daves view it apears the post season weekends may be a wash but I think the park did well and I have yet to read a bad normal operation day report about it.

As for the sig. Well the hollocaust never happened according to some, The moon landing didn't happen either!

IM not trivializing it at all, mearly stating the truth that so many people care about themselves more than anything or anyone.

Chuck, who will probably change his sig now.

Charles Nungester.
Visit Lesourdsville Lake :) Park phone is (513)539-2193
In 50 years, The liberals will say 9/11 never happened!

Let me make clear, that I am not bashing the park, however I DO have the right to point out in an objective manner flaws in their operation.

Boiled down:

On September 15:

1) Most Rides Closed

2) Some rude staff

3) Lack of any kind of response to correct the problem or to deal with the upset park guests in a professional manner.

What upset me was not the closed rides and all, but the park's response. Or lack of response. The park in general took a "We got your money already and we don't care" stance.

I thought long and hard about even posting the review, but I try to be objective so I would have posted the same comments wether the event occured at LeSourdsville Lake, Disneyland, Magic Mountain or Holiday World.

There will be more in my TR of the day coming soon, where I will tell both the highlights and the lowlights of the day.

David Bowers
Mayor, Coasterville

Jeff's avatar

Chuck: Call me crazy, but I don't see how being liberal has anything to do with 9/11, the holocause or the moon landing (which by the way, was pushed for by a reasonably liberal president).

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

Dudes, one of the defining events in history is spelled "Holocaust" (note capitalization). And as for the liberal thing, well, I'm just gonna let that one go ...

Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill.

Sig. Changed.

Gotcha Jeff and I agree. Kennedy and Reagan are the last two presidents to really motivate this country toward anything.

Chuck, dropping the non park subject now.

Charles Nungester.
Is it about coasters or friends? I say both!

This is how I understand it. The owner and management are having a little spat over the lease terms.


CBCon Quote "We didn't even get wet"......30 seconds later you hear plop, then splash!!!!

spewey said:
"Dudes, one of the defining events in history is spelled "Holocaust" (note capitalization"

And while you're at it, take some time to look up the phrase "Middle Passage" you'd be suprised that it is not metioned nearly as much as the so-called holocaust.
--this has been your history lesson for the week
They tried to charge me $15.75 until I mentioned their website says you can get an armband for $9.95 through September. That is when I was directed towards guest relations to buy my armbands (hush hush). Why not just let people print coupons from the site instead of trying to rip them at the ticket booth. Still I had a great time despite the obvious under staffing.

The "so-called holocaust"? Oh my ... now there's a frickin' HUGE can of worms. I again take the fifth - although you're dead on about the Middle Passage ..

Sorry. Back to coasters and such ...

Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill.

Jeff's avatar

spewey said:
Dudes, one of the defining events in history is spelled "Holocaust" (note capitalization).

Most dictionaries indicate it can go with or without capitalization, and the AP Stylebook doesn't even have it listed.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

Dave: Sorry to hear about your bad day. I guess it's mainly a thing involving a new operation and a lack of communication between two parties. While I too think they have a way to go with the operation of the park (such as the need to let people know about closed rides before they enter). Especially at amusement parks, employees are usually not allowed to smoke. This is also something they can improve on. Hopefully they can improve the look of the operation for next year.

I have had bad experiences at a couple of places (Kings Island and SFWOA), and have sounded off. In other words, I will (and have) let everyone concerned (the park management, fellow enthusiasts, friends, family) if anything goes wrong, anywhere.

Chuck: I also feel sorry for you, because you were bashed due to your opinions. I too am a conservative. And I have a problem with people who try to tell me to put my US flag down or to stop referring to God at the end of every discussion! And can I add George W. Bush to that list of presidents?

Let's stop at the fact that the events of the Holocaust and September 11, 2001, are uncalled for. We will never forget, no matter our religion or nationality, even though we have moved on for the most part. And enough with spell check!

"To bad I didnt get to ride Twisted Wicker at Ceder Poynt"

It's a purple thing. You wouldn't understand. (See, I've got you saying "What?")

How did the news of the cancellation of a Halloween event degenerate into a demonstration of Godwin's Law?

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

(From Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition) so-called: commonly named : popularly so termed. What was wrong with my usage?

allenpanther said:
"And can I add George W. Bush to that list of presidents?"

No, but you might want to add Dick Cheney :)
--who thinks that LSL should do an event the Sunday of SRM '03

Dave, That's too funny...I never heard of Godwin's Law before...

Jeremy, nice left hook - didn't see that one coming. (Re: Dick Cheney)

Le roi est mort. Vive le roi.
Thanks Great America!

Ok, back onto subject...Add another park NOT to do a Halloween festival this year: Dover Lake. :(

I just called Dover Lake and they said they are not doing it to "lack of support after 9/11 last year."

I'm very dispointed in that. Dover Lake had one of the best, largest and best haunted attraction for the $$$.

A sad week for the small parks.

"The Future of Roller Coasters"

Who benefited from the purchase of slaves from Africa? Someone had to receive money and organize the sale. I hardly think the Jews willingly walked into certain death via concentration camps. Likewise, the Native Americans lost their entire homeland. People have suffered greatly in this planet's history. Let's move on without trying to one-up anyone. LL is the discussion here.

Go Gamecocks!!

Godwin's Law...man, I haven't heard that phrase in about...8 years, back when I used to use my brother's Miami U. account to check out Usenet. Funny how it still holds true, even today.

I have not been to LL.


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