Led Zeppelin – The Ride: Test run video

Mamoosh's avatar
Influential? Yes.

Important part of rock history? Absolutely!

Worthy of having a coaster named/themed after them? Of course.

Overrated? If some people think so isn't it their right to hold that opinion? And didn't you claim to respect people's opinions on page 5 in the thread about Mitch's poll

What "church" are you a man of? Church of Hypocrite?

*** Edited 12/18/2007 12:57:51 PM UTC by Mamoosh***

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
I have been drooling over that video for days. :) I have been meaning to get back to MB for like, 17 years now. Now I have NO excuse.

I don't know about anyone else but I am REALLY looking forward to this park! :)


Mamoosh's avatar
I don't know Tina. Everyone knows that a coaster named after an overrated band is gonna suck. Might as well skip it and go to Six Flags instead.


I'm still trying to figure out how they'll balance the cars on the wheel on Maximum RPM...


rollergator's avatar

Mamoosh said:I don't know Tina. Everyone knows that a coaster named after an overrated band is gonna suck. Might as well skip it and go to Six Flags instead.

I have to say, once I put in the Dumbo-brand earplugs, I found RnRC to be a perfectly enjoyable ride... ;)

Oh, wait, you meant Zeppelin! Overplayed? Sure, some songs. Overrated? Not on your bippy!

Mamoosh's avatar
Ah, but would you be willing to bet your bippy?

mOOSH (only the ol'folks will get that one!)

Mamoosh said:

What "church" are you a man of? Church of Hypocrite?

Good one ;) And you're right, Zep is a very important rock band and definitely a huge part of music history, I just think there are better classic rock bands out there. Gimme Floyd any day! I'll pass on the Manilow, thanks.

J7G3: Kev was just messing around with me ;)

Mamoosh's avatar
Pink friggin Floyd? What drugs are you on? (and can I have some?)


If I had some, I'd be more than willing to share ;)
Mamoosh's avatar
Yeah, right. No way you came up with "Gimme Floyd" whilst sober! :-)
rollergator's avatar

Mamoosh said:Yeah, right. No way you came up with "Gimme Floyd" whilst sober! :-)

How about "Gimme Shelter"?

Hey, I'm at work right now. Not like I could engage in any recreational activities, even if I had the means or desire ;) No Floyd or Shelter for me right now!
Mamoosh's avatar
(ahem!) lunch break (ahem!)
janfrederick's avatar
Now now boys. There must be room in your hearts for BOTH bands! (and please pass the pillz!) ;)

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
Who said anything about pills? Narc. ;)
I'm definitely down to going to the park next year as part of a southern tour. The only problem will be getting the other credits in Myrtle Beach-- some of which have moved to other parks--like the Arrow mouse.

And I still need the Swamp Fox credit, even though we used to eat at a steakhouse right across the street from it all the time when I was a teenager. I used to bypass that park to go to the Pavilion. I was able to drive by myself at that point, so why I never rode it, I'll never know.

invy said:
I'm still trying to figure out how they'll balance the cars on the wheel on Maximum RPM...

Maybe they use crutches ;)

Laugh your troubles away at Riverview, the world's largest amusement park.
Actually, NO COASTER in this park actually draws me too it. LZTR looks like a very short but action packed B&M and thats just that a B&M that feels roughly the same as every other B&M out there and almost predictable. New Elements please??

The overal experience, I wanna try once. This park is like all the other HARD Rock Product, Overpriced and banking on tourism *Which it will probably succeed here*

Chuck, more excited about Riding Swamp Fox, TOP GUN at Carowinds and Georgia Cyclone than this whole park for sure. I hope it surpises me. Otherwise I pretty much know going in what it will be. *** Edited 12/18/2007 10:09:32 PM UTC by Charles Nungester***

matt.'s avatar

rollergator said:
Overplayed? Sure, some songs.

Ding ding ding ding.

I mean really if we're basing this off Stairway, et al, then I can take or leave the band but the catalog and deep tracks that haven't been played ad naseum by your local classic rock station are still as kick ass as ever...

Of course, categorically refusing to listen to any commercial radio in any form whatsoever ever ever ever helps, too. ;)

I mean, the concept is great. But I have my fav bands that I just haven't been able to shake since I was a kid. They will always be there, and so will their 2-8 'big hits' or whatever.

I sure get sick of those big hits though! I mean, there are many great Zep songs that they could play. To just pick one song is pretty lame. And if they wanna go with the whole 70's hard rock thing, I would vote for Sabbath instead. But geez louise, I'm sure the conservatives wouldn't like that...

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