Large man taking legal action against La Ronde.

super7* said:
Since the majority of the target market for thrill rides fall into a certain size category, the rides are going to be designed to safely hold people in this size range. People that are too large fall into the same category as people that are too small for rides, they cannot ride them safely.

Perhaps La Ronde should have let him ride? Then we could be reading about some guy that was dumped out of Goliath. Or perhaps they shoudl take waist measurements like they take height measurements, or weight you on a scale? Now that wouldn't be humiliating would it.

Fact is this person lacked the common sense to know that he was too large to safely fit on one of these rides. He chose to humilate himself by by trying to fit on the ride.


First, I don't know what size restriction LaRond has for the ride. Pretty much standard for most rides is 50 inch waist being maximum Flight of Fear, B&M, Even Vortex and Top Gun. PTC, GCI.

So tell me this, Why is MF a 42 inch maximum?
Of course everyone has different girth areas, Some have thick thighs but are otherwise no overwight. Some women have big chest but and cant ride some OTSR rides.

Does LaRhonde have a test seat???????
Does LaRhonde have another B&M?

Good chance that guy had NO IDEA if he could fit or not and the only way to know is to sit down in the seat and find out. And if A ride op laughed at me, He'd of been laughing from his back after recieving a knuckle sandwich.

Test seats are rare and often aren't accurate.

Great Bear's test seat I fit in fine. I went to the Big Boy seat and had four ops pushing on the OTSR to get the belt to fasten.

Once again, I say BULLCRAP To your post while agreeing that there is such a thing as too big to safely be on any given ride.

Chuck *** Edited 8/7/2007 2:59:09 PM UTC by Charles Nungester***


I believe the 42' Maximum on MF has something to do with a Fatality at SFNE a few years ago when an overweight rider was "Ejected" from SMROS. The Rider was handicapped (Cerebreal Palsy) and was obese, and IMO SFNE was in a "Damned if you do, Damned if you don't" Position. (If they had denied this person a ride at the time they could have been sued for Discrimination under the "Americans With Disabilities" Act. It was determined that the rides restraints failed due to the exxesive weight and girth of the individual, so the tighter limits went into place. (I befleve they also modified (Shortened) the restraints on the coasters at SFA and Darien Lake as well) There are those who are trying to get Obesity labeled as a "Disability", which is probably why this person is suing.

Answer my Prayers, Overbook my Next Flight!

The rider on S:ROS was denied riding dozens of times from riding in that instance he got on for some reason

Simply stated, His lap bar was six inches or more off his thighs (This from testomony of co-riders in the car "His lapbar was a foot off his lap") Those same riders tried to grab the guy and hold him in and did so until the final turn in which latteral gravity took over) It was also determined that larger riders could ride front seats of cars but not back and when he got switched around, THE OP's forgot to check him after he originally sat in the backseat.

I rode both MF and S:ROS back in those days and I was a 48 inch waist. What I noticed was going up the lift you settle back in the seat and gained room between the bar and your body I always just pushed it down on my thighs and never had a problem. This guy couldn't!

Even the fix isn't a fix. The only proper way these restraints can be safe is by PUSHING THEM ONTO THE THIGH. If it don't go there, It's not safe and it has nothing to do with BODY SIZE if a skinny person gets out of the station with a bar six inches off their lap there could be a problem. but most aren't handicaped both mentally and physically.

Chuck, who has the pdf of the report saved somewhere. It's pretty gruesome.

People who can't control their urge to eat are considered weak and devoid of sympathy.

That was the point of my post. Most my friends/family feel like this and some of us are fat ourselves. The shame that comes from this "devoid of sympathy" can be used as motivation.

People who can't control just about any other urge (alcohol, drugs, sex) are considered cool and idolized.

Do you really believe this? Or do you think that this is just the picture the mainstream media likes to paint?

I think choice-based-outcomes are "considered weak and devoid of sympathy" across the board. I think most Americans save their sympathy for people who suffer outcomes that have no self-participation-causations such as cancer, etc.

Calling behavioral-based-outcomes diseases is frowned upon by the majority no matter how many times the mainstream media tells us how to think. Furthermore, I think the disease labels are nothing more than an attenopt to get medical insurance to pay for outcomes that otherwise ought not be paid for.

I know my opionions are frowned upon by the PC crowd...but they are my opinions.

I think anything that motivates an individual to live a healthier lifestyle is good. For me...shame is the primary (only?) tool that works.

RatherGoodBear said:

My own politically incorrect theory on why more people are obese is women in the workforce. Well, actually it's probably more the constant running most people have put their schedules on in the past 20-30 years.

I actually think this is part of the reason. The other part is the new ways food companies prepare their processed foods. CoastaPlaya pointed out past times when there was less cooking, but where were all the transfats, excessive sugar, and overly refined foods then? That all started here and now that it is spreading and other nations are starting to catch up to America. True, you can get fat over eating at home or cooking excessively unhealthy at home, but it is not as easy as just getting the same amount of fast food all the time because no one cooks. That is why the numbers of fat people have increased so much over the last 50 years.

and as I said before, THE core cause is DEPRESSION, What happens when you shame a depressed person? they get stressed and more depressed and drink, eat, smoke more.

Encourage them to find something that works. SHAME is mostly dished out by those who've yet to experience the persons problems themselves.

One day you'll wake up, Your thyroid quit working and your gaining three pounds a week for some unknown reason. SHOULD I SHAME YOU? or encourage you to get a dr and find the problems?


Frankly, part of my problem WAS medical.

I had rooted out most of the other issues. I was spending more time exercising then than now. (True, I wasn't RUNNING a half-hour, but stay with me) I spent more time worrying about what I ate then than now.

But until I figured out the one specific food-management issue I had, I was still at a marked disadvantage. Once I had that issue figured out, I had equal footing with everyone else and could attack the other ones.

I'll even go so far as to say my foolish pride pushes me into my running shoes and out doing what I need to do some days, but it's only a piece of the puzzle. That's all.

To say that shaming is an important issue in weight loss--or even necessary--is as patently silly as saying my own diet is the end-all and do-all of diets. That my way works for everybody. It isn't. Everyone's body is different. Everyone's underlying health issues are different. And everyone's road to success will be different as well.

Besides..has shame worked you down to a weight/height ratio that's acceptable on a BMI chart? If it hasn't, then can you really argue that your own process has worked wonders? Even for you? Not really.


(edited for spelling)

*** Edited 8/7/2007 5:31:44 PM UTC by CoastaPlaya***

NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

I am sure that depression and medical issues and many other issues are causes of specific instances of obesity, but that has always been there. The reasons why the numbers have increased dramatically in recent years is the combo of increased eating of pre-prepared food and the decrease in that food's quality. Also included in that would be an overall decrease in physical activity due to technological advances that changed large percentages of how we spend our work and leisure time.
You know what?

Nothing cheeses me off more than NOT being able to get Super-Sized fries at McDonalds. And NOT having them fried in beef fat--or at least having the flavoring. When I want a lotta fries, I want a lotta damned fries!

Same goes for the apple pies that aren't fried all crispety-crunchety any more. Ohhhhh were those things GOOD.

Corporate America is not my dietary Mommy!
Stop it stop it stop it stop it STOP IT!

I am a parent of two and it's up to ME to teach THEM well. And I decide my own dietary fate, too.

On one hand, I'll be the first to tell you it's going to be more difficult for some than others. Food-craving hell can be biological. Very much so. I've been there for years. I would literally hurt from being full, yet still face a maddening, natural chemistry induced, completely natural urge to eat.

On the other, does that absolve us from personal responsibility? Oh, No. HELL NO. A thousand times no!


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

^^I agree with you.

When i was a kid, mom would throw me and my sisters out of the house during summer vacation. We didn't stay home playing vid games or even watch tv. (this was during the late 60's early 70's.)

We'd hook up with out friends, play ball, cops and robbers , go swimming along with other stuff. This kept a lot of us skinny. One thing I've noticed with my girlfriends son, who's 16. He spends his days either playing with his Wii, computer games or reading Harry Potter. The only time he does anything outside is when i make him do chores.

We went hiking a couple of weeks ago and within 1 mile, he was exhausted. He's about 5'10" and 220 lbs. He's put on about 40 lbs in the last 2 years. (yeah, i've talked to his mother about this.)

Obesity in kids is another growing concern today.

I'm just waiting for a midget/dwarf to sue a park because of height restrictions. *** Edited 8/7/2007 6:02:14 PM UTC by FLYINGSCOOTER*** *** Edited 8/7/2007 6:02:57 PM UTC by FLYINGSCOOTER***

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


Nobody is saying that you don't have any personal responsibility. That does not mean I am wrong that those are the reasons why America has gotten fat. The easy choices have changed over the years and people are slow to notice the effects of that and then make an effort to make the right choices.
  • Shame---When you want somebody to drive an environmentally friendly car that suits your green thoughts...we label them earth killers.
  • Shame---When you want to call out coaster enthusiasts who don't follow ride rules and embarrass the whole (say by getting yourself killed at the gold-standard of events)...we label them idiots.
  • Shame---When you want to be vigilante line cutting police...and call out the offenders in front of the rest...we label the offenders thugs and the vigilante a hero.
  • Shame---When you believe the "rich" don't pay enough...we label them greedy.
  • Shame---Should somebody denounce quota systems...we label them racist.
  • Shame---When an athlete appears to be giving less than 100% effort...we label thee lazy and cheer when the coach publicly benches the player.

Just a few uses of shame off the top of my head on this busy morning. I find it funny that shame, for some of you, is off the tabel as a motivating tool when it comes to weight loss. For does not make sense to take such a powerful motivating tool off the table for some things while practicing it in full view for others...?

I appreciate the differing opinions and will not sink to the level of labeling those who disagree with me as "idots" who "do not get it"...or "patently silly"...please insert you favorite shame-inducing-label here! The irony is clear...

I'm not saying shame is the only way to lose weight...I mereley pointed out the way that works best for me.

CoastaPlaya said:

Besides..has shame worked you down to a weight/height ratio that's acceptable on a BMI chart? If it hasn't, then can you really argue that your own process has worked wonders? Even for you?

So list a height and weight. Post a recent photo. Go on...prove that it works.

Or don't.


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

I may be reading it wrong but I did not see Chucks post as an advocate for shame as a motivator.
When I think of Shame, I think of a song by Cheap Trick.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


rollergator's avatar
Always the language policeman... ;)

To me, "shame" is something someone's internal, and can be highly motivating. But it comes from within...

On the other hand, when someone tries to "shame" you (notice that it's now a verb) - that's a different thing altogether, esp. when in public...and that's what I would term "humiliation". Almost certainly, the gentleman filing the suit felt more of the latter in the situation described...

The difference between the two is IMMENSE....

IMO... ;)

RavenTTD said:
I may be reading it wrong but I did not see Chucks post as an advocate for shame as a motivator.

It isn't. In my case for one, It's the worst thing you could do to me as I would get depressed and just eat more and worse things.

Quit honestly, When you dish out shame, Your exposing your true self and who's to say your gonna live any longer than that fat person?


janfrederick's avatar
Shame -- When someone wants to strike for better wages and working conditions, yo label them malcontents.

Sorry Jeffrey, had to take a poke at ya. Actually, I'm with you. I think there is nothing to be ashamed of with using shame as a motivator. It is a natural emotion. Embrace it like a deep-fried twinkie!

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
^why does a deep-fried Twinkie sound good to me right about now? Maybe Smoreify it by melting a Hershey bar over it...

That might make a good desert.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


janfrederick's avatar
I say dip it PB and J before deep frying and dipping in chocolate. Use a fondu set if you want to get fancy about it.

Then hang your head in shame. ;) *** Edited 8/9/2007 2:54:24 PM UTC by janfrederick***

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza

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