KW's Potato Patch Fries

dexter said:
My friend who owns the food distribution business tells me that Kennywood buys their fries from him, and that they are frozen.

Kennywood sells fries at lots of food stands, not just Potato Patch and Small Fry. Perhaps the fries at the other stands ARE frozen, but the ones at the Patch and Small Fry are definitely fresh-cut (you can see the sacks upon sacks of potatoes stacked up if you look around)

"You seem healthy. So much for voodoo."

i've had thrashers fries!!


that is all.

coasterqueenTRN's avatar

TeknoScorpion said:
Yes, Real Mayo and fries is heavenly!

The Potato Patch fries I had this time were definitly hand cut, and just fried. And they were great. The others, I'm sure, were the store bought Kennywood Fries...

The store-bought stuff isn't the same, sorta like buying Friday's Buffalo wings or White Castle Burgers (although I hate White Castle). It's nowhere near the same. Not even close.

The point is the REAL thing is the best. My next visit to Kennywood will be the night before PPP so I hope those luscious PP fries won't be as soggy and cold as several peeps have said. :-)


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