Kingda Ka breakdown NOT Intamin's fault, not to open this year (taken from XC)

Rctycoon2k's avatar
Well, I am out of northern PA (30 minutes south of Erie, PA), and the co-owner is out of NYC. We have been pretty much an east coast site (as noted by the almost daily coverage of Hydra's construction and Kingda Ka's limited construction coverage), but have started to get branch.

We eat bandwidth like crazy if we have construction updates. We were easily passing our bandwidth limit before the end of the months, but this year, we have yet to strike a deal with any person willing to get extensive updates.

And btw, you weren't kidding, those who know DON'T post at XC, they post here. We are just posers who are trying to rise up, but still aren't there yet (maybe our news editor is why). ;) *** Edited 7/30/2005 6:32:39 AM UTC by Rctycoon2k***

Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC

I know for a fact from an extremely reliable source that that stuff is absolutely not true.

If everything goes right it should be open about august.A liner that lined the track the launch sled track came up and got dragged with the car and screwed a lot of stuff up .

that post is now way true

Why cant people check before they post stuff. *** Edited 7/18/2005 4:42:47 AM UTC by majortom1981***

majortom1981 said:
I know for a fact from an extremely reliable source that that stuff is absolutely not true.

If everything goes right it should be open about august.A liner that lined the track the launch sled track came up and got dragged with the car and screwed a lot of stuff up .

that post is now way true

Why cant people check before they post stuff. *** Edited 7/18/2005 4:42:47 AM UTC by majortom1981***

why should we believe your "extremely reliable source" any more than the next person's?

because it as reliable as you can get without being upper management.

cant say sorry . Trust me if you dont beleive everything atleast believe this , that post on extremecoasters is a complete lie .

anybody who has visited gadv in the last week knows its a lie.

there are 4 cars on the track and all the break fins are fixed. come on go to the park thats proof enough

And I'll back up majortom because what little bit of sources I have echo most of what he says. Again, I'm in no way saying there is fact either way, but I'd believe what I've heard over Xtremecoasters.
Why does everyone have their little "extremely reliable source" and then those half the time, end up being completely wrong? Nobody's "ers"s should really be trusted 100%, only the words of the parks and ride manufacturers.

Haha no I'm not giving Patrick the finger

all i am going to say now is go to the park.
Jim is just mad he doesn't have any 'sources';).
Yeah and I suppose everytime Dragster goes down or has a launch cable that pulls apart or sends shards of metal at guests is not Intamin's fault either.

Those who tell don't know. Those that know don't tell.

CoastaPlaya said:
But it's in boldface! You FOOLS! Of course he's right!


This is the guy, behind the guy, behind the guy

Rctycoon2k said:

those who know DON'T post at XC...We are just posers who are trying to rise up

Way to break Da Poser Code!

Chris Godsey, ThunderP*ssy and the CPG would like to talk to you out back. NOW. A very good source has confirmed you're in deep caca.


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

KK will be down for the rest of the year... according to my source Karl Rove.


Pete's avatar

Charles Nungester said:
Well if this is confirmed then TTD will be opening very shortly,

TTD was never closed because of the KK malfunction. The few days of TTD downtime was just a coincidence of timing with the KK breakdown. CP was waiting for a part for an unrelated problem, from what I heard.

TTD has been running very well this year. I just got a ride on it yesterday.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks, than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

Rctycoon2k said:

We eat bandwidth like crazy if we have construction updates. We were easily passing the 40 gig bandwidth limit before the end of the months, but this year, we have yet to strike a deal with any person willing to get extensive updates.

And btw, you weren't kidding, those who know DON'T post at XC, they post here. We are just posers who are trying to rise up, but still aren't there yet (maybe our news editor is why).

40 Gigs? Try 150GB Buddy. Shows how much you are involved in what goes on. ;)

When we had our media day coverage in the month of may for KK and Hydra, We ran over 170 Gigs.

XC is NYC based with a branch in Erie, PA. :)

Either way, 99% of our info is credible and is backed up and double checked. This is just one of those Dan Rather incidents.

Anyway, I had to jump in, lets get back to the useless discussion now.

Raging_Bull said:
"It has also been confirmed that the accident on Kingda Ka is not the fault of Intamin, which is the ride manufacturer, but ride maintenance workers that made a terrible decision when working on Kingda Ka."

It is Intamin's falt, they should have never sold a Rocket Coaster to Six Flags in the first place.

jar jar?
rollergator's avatar
Charlie Murphy would kick Karl Rove square in the jimmies! ;)

Oh, and Sandor Kernacs... ;)

MY *not so exceptionally reliable sources* indicate that KK will be up and running the day AFTER I fly out of Philly...darn SF!

...there, now I've managed to offend both the SF fanboys and the Intamin fanboys....job WELL done! ;)

You guys do realize that even though the ride may be fixed and ready to operate, it must go through extensive saftey inspections, and countless testing. So, with all the "saftey" issues going on over this,the tests and inspections could run until park closing, which is why it may not open this year. They already said something about a long term saftey inspection on the ride back when this happened. Note, I never said what the article said was true.
The consensus seems to be that repairs will be completed and that testing will start within a few weeks. When it opens to the public after that is anyone's guess.
Metal flying off the coaster sounds like the same problem TTD was having. What did Cedar Fair have to do to fix their problem? I doubt Six Flags will open it until all risk factors are eliminated. Coaster related injuries capture way too many headlines.

As far as sources goes it will be interesting to see who's Deep Troat proves to be the more accurate source. Keep digging guys, coaster trips are planned around accurate reporting.

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