Just say no to silly legislators

Jeff's avatar
No, no response yet. I guess he's too good to respond to us. Either that, or he knows he doesn't have a case.

Perhaps stereotyping politicians isn't fair, and I certainly see your point, but after working for them for nearly ten years at the local level, I place about one in ten on a list of people I trust to do the job they were elected for. (Out of the 20 or so I know, they include my House rep and one of the county commissioners.) Rookies generally have their hearts in the right place, but career politicians, whose livelihood depends on getting reelected, have an odd tendency to lose better judgement for the sake of getting votes (i.e., Markey).

Perhaps what I was really getting at is that stupid politicians are far from party-specific. :)

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
Rock on, Jeff!! Word! Speak the coaster gospel! Keep fightin' the man tryin' to hold our beloved scream machines down!

"Did you make a copy? Because if you made a copy, we could watch the copy."

Jeff said:
"No, no response yet. I guess he's too good to respond to us. Either that, or he knows he doesn't have a case."

Good maybe you scared him off. Or, he's just a whimp. Join CRAM today (Coaster Riders Against Mackey)!

What's next at Knott's? Anyone know?
IMO, Markey doesn't know what he is talking about. If he would've did some better research, he would have found that most of his cases are false and he has no case. No response, I guess that means he knows that Jeff is telling the truth. Great job Jeff!

Dorney Park is da bomb!
Go getem' Jeff! I agree with you 100 percent, he's lost it and probably never rides anything but the carousel with a safety strap.

Took your links to this fellow's Website. Get this, no e-mail address that I could find to send him comments and directions to your Website. The guy still uses USPS but posts on the Internet (one-way). If you have an address, I'll use it. If not, I'm half tempted to write him on real paper.


Once again government wants to put their fingers into everything. And talk about "sound bites." He must be up for re-election somewhere and needs media attention. This would make great 20/20 or DateLine TV material.
I am a Democrat and I am not a big fan of Republicans espically conservatives, but when I read this I was hopeing it was a Republican. This guy gives democrats a bad name. We should all flood is e-mail with hundreds of letters why is legslation is so stupid and we should be concentrating on more important things than roller coasters like war, hunger, the enviroment and television safety. Because if you want to pass legslation for roller coasters, you better start on things that are more dangerous like televisions.

B&MAaron said:
"I am a Democrat and I am not a big fan of Republicans espically conservatives, but when I read this I was hopeing it was a Republican. This guy gives democrats a bad name. We should all flood is e-mail with hundreds of letters why is legslation is so stupid and we should be concentrating on more important things than roller coasters like war, hunger, the enviroment and television safety. Because if you want to pass legslation for roller coasters, you better start on things that are more dangerous like televisions."

All Democrats are this way. Perhaps now you'll pay attention. It's all about government control. Look at what Democrats propose and then look at what Republicans propose. There is a huge difference.

What's next at Knott's? Anyone know?

Skyboss said:
"Look at what Democrats propose and then look at what Republicans propose. There is a huge difference."

Yeah, Republicans want rich *corporate* leaders to be in control of all the money in this country.

OTOH, Democrats want rich *political* leaders to be in control of all the money in this country.

See? HUGE difference.
--The word for the day is SARCASM!
Hmmmmmmm.... What next...

Background checks before riding coasters (Medical history?)

5 day waiting period before riding coasters (Are you SURE you want to ride this coaster?)

Zero tolerance for coasters ("I'm sorry, but your son Tommy brought a Six Flag's key chain to class. We must expell him from 2nd grade, never to return.")

Envionmentally friendly coasters ("You can't place that coaster there. How will affect the wild birds that nest near there... not to mention certain long haired guys riding in the front seat?)

UN Sanctions against parks that do not comply to the above rules (Blue helmeted "Peace Keeping" forces evicting line jumpers!)

It's madness I tell you... madness.

"Resistance is futile... you will be assimilated." The BORG's (and Six Flags') motto.

2Hostyl said:

Skyboss said:
"Look at what Democrats propose and then look at what Republicans propose. There is a huge difference."

Yeah, Republicans want rich *corporate* leaders to be in control of all the money in this country.

OTOH, Democrats want rich *political* leaders to be in control of all the money in this country.

See? HUGE difference.
--The word for the day is SARCASM!"

The first defines Free Market supported by Democracy. The secodn defines controlled markets supported by Socialism.
Guys, as much as I'd like to debate some liberals and make them look dumb, this isn't the time or place. Even though this post is about politics, let's keep the focus on coaster politics.

Six Flags America? No, no! My name means "Sarcasm-For-All"
What does democracy have to do with anything? We do NOT live in a democracy but rather a republic.

republic: a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entilted to vote and is exercized by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law.

Now which description best fits with this definition?
--who got an "A" in Civics....
P.S. Why debate with just liberals...I'm a conservative...
2Hostyl, in regards to your PS: It's harder to make conservatives look stupid. ;) Besides, I meant that in jest.

Six Flags America? No, no! My name means "Sarcasm-For-All"
This is why instead of beleving in the ideals of your party or political affliation you need to develop your own ideals. One economics I am generally conservative. On the environment I am staunchly conservative. However on equal rights and abortion I am liberal. Develop your own poltical views, not what your party wants you to believe in.

To make this on topic, great letter Jeff. This guy was just sworn in again sometime before Jan 20 and already he is trying to get re-elected. We should fire off an e-mail to him telling him that this will NOT get him re-elected. I am interested to know which district the 7th congressional district of MA is. I am going to write to my congressman who is going to run for governor of Wisconsin in 2002.

"When you're goin' through hell, keep goin'"

2Hostyl said:
"What does democracy have to do with anything? We do NOT live in a democracy but rather a republic.

republic: a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entilted to vote and is exercized by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law.

Now which description best fits with this definition?
--who got an "A" in Civics....
P.S. Why debate with just liberals...I'm a conservative..."

Republic is our way of living, Democracy is what drives it through Representation. That and a ton of Free Enterprise, Free thought and hard eraned cash that we ought to be able to keep. The only thing the government shoudl be doing is providing a military and ensuring the laws are enforced. Rather, they control our income and spend it on people who could care less, including other countries who have the nerve to make fun of our President. ANd they wonder why we took away money from them. Please... We have our own issues.

How's Titan?
Jeff's avatar

MetalFan said:
"This is why instead of beleving in the ideals of your party or political affliation you need to develop your own ideals... Develop your own poltical views, not what your party wants you to believe in."
Amen... there are people out there who get it. I've always felt that anyone who strictly takes side is a lazy thinker, but that's just my opinion. Do you vote for the dog catcher because they can catch dogs or because of their party affiliation?

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com

Jeff said:

MetalFan said:
"This is why instead of beleving in the ideals of your party or political affliation you need to develop your own ideals... Develop your own poltical views, not what your party wants you to believe in."
Amen... there are people out there who get it. I've always felt that anyone who strictly takes side is a lazy thinker, but that's just my opinion. Do you vote for the dog catcher because they can catch dogs or because of their party affiliation?

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com"

EXACTLY!! I am 14 years old and very interested in politics. I live in a suburb of Milwaukee, WI called Fox Point and one year when village elections came up I asked my mom why she is voting for one person for town president. She replied, "Because he is a democrat honey". Why the heck would you vote for a village president because he is a democrat or republican?? It's not like he is going to influence the Supreme Court on the abortion debate! He is going to do what's best for the town. You vote because of what they will do, not because of their party affliation.

"When you're goin' through hell, keep goin'"
Jeff - you sent him the letter by postal mail, right? For everyone that is thinking about speaking their mind on the issue: A study was done once, and well over half of all US Congressmen (I think that's what it was) didn't even read their e-mail! Postal mail shows that you consider your ideas to be worth at least $.34. Me? I'm mailing my representative and senators on why the bill is silly. I doubt they would have supported it anyway (they're Ohioians [coasters give Ohio $$!] and Republicans.) I doubt that this bill will get far, but if it looks like it will, mail your representatives today!

Politics? Ah yes, politics. I once considered myself a Democrat. I am sick and tired of Ohio (and US) Republican political antics! I don’t think I can bring myself to ever vote for a Republican. On the other hand, I can no longer tolerate Democratic political hypocrisy (Campaign finance reform? Equal rights for ALL people?) I doubt that I can ever vote for a Democrat, either. So, it looks like I won’t be voting for any winners ever! I would sort of place my political ideas between the Natural Law or Reform party, but it’s not like they’re going to get anywhere…

A bad day at Cedar Point is better than a good day at work. *** This post was edited by Jmstuckman on 6/17/2001. ***
We need the Rollercoaster Party :)

Rollercoasters are the secret of life!

!!! The Coasterbuzz party! Great idea! Who will run for pres. in 2004?

A bad day at Cedar Point is better than a good day at work.

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