Just say no to silly legislators

Wow, great letter, Jeff.


Legislators are boring & stuipd. No kids my age care (15). They are always NEGITIVE ABOUT EVERYTHING!

"Riding High"

The Devils are going to get buried, by an AVALANCHE! Lets get it for Bourque!

The Anti-Rumor said:
"Nice Letter, the big question is, did you mail to Markley? How about some of the large newspapers, such as the L.A. Times? If its only posted here its useless, "preaching to the choir" as they say."

Excellent point Anti-Rumor...

Jeff - as I've done a college research paper on the exact same proposed legislation, I can say without hesitation that everything you've presented is the truth.

I would send this to the LA Times, NY Times, WSJ, Chicago Tribune, etc. etc. It's a fine editorial that dismantles the circular reasoning and rhetoric of the misguided representative.

Send it Jeff - seriously. This merits attention. *** This post was edited by Mango Madness on 6/7/2001. ***

StealthmF5m3 said:
"Legislators are boring & stuipd. No kids my age care (15)"
Well, maybe no 15 year olds do, but I'm a 16 year old who actively watches the news and knows what's going on. I don't think it's "cool" to be ignorant about what the country is doing. If you don't know what's going on, you won't be able to think for yourself. If you can't think for yourself, you'll end up believing things as silly as this legislation Markey is proposing. Sorry, this is a pet peeve of mine, but purposeful ignorance is not the way to go.

Have a nice day! :)

Six Flags America? No, no! My name means "Sarcasm-For-All"
@#$$^@ yeah Jeff. That is as solid as Intamin Box Track :). Can tell your a pro.

The chances of that guy getting injured writing all his crap is probably greater than getting hurt on any amusement ride.

Lifetime Force Count-57
Markey's main goal is having the Federal government collect injury statistics...which can be used by trial lawyers to con juries into giving huge lawsuit awards.

From the L.A. Times article posted elsewhere on this site:

" Barry Novack, a Beverly Hills attorney who represents two people who suffered apparent brain bleeds after riding Disneyland's Indiana Jones attraction, said he has also been trying to nail down injury statistics.
"This is not an infrequent occurrence," Novack said. "I have been saying for the last five years that these rides have the potential to cause bleeds in the brain."

It's all about helping trial lawyers sue Disney, Six Flags & Cedar Fair...

[I posted a similar comment in the News section...I apologize if you had to read both.]
What's funny to me is that they (he) wants to look into safety when they (gov) have a little problem that they control: AIRPLANES (FAA). They can't get that right and they run it.
Jeff's avatar
Thank you for your support! It feels good to write stuff like that. These days I'm a programmer trapped in a journalist/columnist's body!

Jeff (who just remembered he double-majored in college doing radio/TV and journalism)
Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
Great letter Jeff.

Last summer at the University of Louisville I gave a speech on the subject and it was amusing to hear the out loud laughter of college students when they heard the statistics based on injuries caused by everyday activity over those occuring on amusement rides. Here are some of my favorites:

-In 1998, 12,577 People were treated for injuries by water hoses.
-22,000 Children were treated for injures from shopping carts in 1996.
-More than 37,000 people were injured by TV sets in 1998.

If ignorance is bliss, Markey is one happy guy.

LOL! I wonder if Markey has been on a coaster, he probably has.

Bloody politicians, they're full of it.

beast7369's avatar
Where can I sign this letter....just so I can show my support? I have always in every instance that I could do so tell people who are afraid of coasters and afraid of getting hurt on them how much safer they are then most modes of transportation in the world today. Heck I think that rollercoasters are generally about as safe as riding an airplane...maybe more. But look what happens when a plane crashes. It gets that sensationalist media attention bologna. Same with roller coasters. As for those who sued SFGAm because the Demon got stuck upside down, I would have been happy enough that I survived that, then to worry about a suit. I also think that those who break the rules while riding a ride and get hurt because of it should get NOTHING from the park other than sympathy. You do the crime you pay the time. Thanks Jeff for sticking up for one of our favorite passions in life.

Welcome to Deja Vu...home of the world wide wait. *** This post was edited by beast7369 on 6/8/2001. ***
I'd be interested if you receive any kind of response from Markey's office.
EXCELLENT editorial jeff. Well written... well designed... and just the right amount of sassy. I hope he takes it seriously.

Here's a nice way to think about this:

Automobiles were developed and mass-marketed at around the same time that roller coasters were becoming a popular source of amusement.

In the present day, the number of automobile accidents has skyrocketed since the inception of the automobile. By the same token, the number of accidents on roller coasters has generally decreased, given the development of new safety devices that have kept riders more secure while making the rides appear to be more dangerous.

Summary: we've improved and continue to improve the safety of the automobile, yet we still can't seem to lower significantly the accident/injury/fatality rate. And though we don't have accident figures from the 1920s, it's safe to assume from the infamous horror stories of early designers that we've improved and continue to improve the safety of the roller coaster, and the rate has decreased dramatically as such.

Seems to me that coasters are headed in the right direction...seems to me Mr. Markey and his associates need to concentrate their matters on more pertinent topics, and we need more letters like Jeff's and more voter influence to encourage this idea. Preach on, brother!

I leave you with this final note -- consider this: unless you cannot afford one, I challenge you to come up with any one instance in any given day in which you or someone you know did not ride or drive in an automobile.

Consequently, consider that the safest way to avoid roller coaster injuries...JUST DON'T GET ON THEM. That's a much easier and more reasonable choice. After all, there's a reason it's called "amusement". Don't like it? Amuse yourself elsewhere...ACEers and Buzzers and all the rest of us are just content the way we are.

The Luv Monkey has spoken.


NITRO kicks it into high gear...only at Six Flags Great Adventure!

Got to be Goofy -- June 22, 2001!

My other car is a rollercoaster... (wow...the irony...)

*** This post was edited by Davie the Luv Monkey on 6/8/2001. ***

That letter made me laugh so hard that i almost cired!!!!!!!! That is excellent. And the logo of marky crossed out makes it even greater! You have to send that to him! That alone would demolish his case!
"who needs drugs when you have coasters...they're like a natural high"
I think comparing auto accidents to roller coaster accidents does not fit all the way. Roller coaster's are not ridden 24 hours a day 365 days a year car's are. Most park's are seasonal so you have to cut the stats in half for cars(6months worth of data), then you have to cut the hour's driven in half most parks are open 12 to 13 hours a day. I know roller coaster's are safer than cars but some of the car accident stat's are incorrect to use full year stats.

Army rangers lead the way *** This post was edited by supermandl on 6/8/2001. ***
janfrederick's avatar
Somebody did their homework!

Yup...that was very well written for a programmer! :) I work with them every day. You could only imagine some of the sentences they come up with!

Anyway, I hope you send it to him in an envelope. These things sometimes don't find their way to the proper eyes.

Decisions determine destiny; Destiny determines decisions.
Jeff's avatar
Hey now, I have a degree in journalism. I'm a self-taught programmer.

I did submit the letter to a few newspapers. We'll have to see if any of them take it seriously.

No response from Markey yet. :)

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
he he . He must not ride roller coasters. In any case, Good editorial, I can see why you have that degree in Journalism :)
*** This post was edited by Callahan on 6/9/2001. ***
And everyone said I was nuts when I warned of electing Democrats. Well, for those who did... Enjoy.

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