Issues at Cedar Point 5/14 anyone know a mechanic?

Bakeman31092's avatar

The park has been open for four days. It is unfortunate that opening weekend was rough sailing, but let's reserve judgment until the park has a few weeks under its belt. To say that it has been "blowing it this year" is a little silly, since "this year" consists of...four days.

Jimmy Boy's avatar

I think that was supposed to be a bad pun

Pete's avatar

Don't for get kiddies that it is not just wind but temperature. The overnight temp in Sandusky on the 14th was 39 degrees. When a coaster is that cold, wind becomes much more of a factor than it does on a warmer day. Even if the air temp warms the coaster lags behind that as far being able to run.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks, than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

It was a bad pun

Bakeman31092's avatar

I understand that, but it also seems like you've been on here bashing Cedar Point every chance you get, so I thought your comment was sincere.

Jimmy Boy said:

They will figure it out. Winds of 35mph aren't high enough to warrant the closing of any rides in that park except for the cables, TTD, Ferris Wheel, Windseeker, and possibly Gatekeeper (I am not sure on the weather procedures for wingriders).

GateKeeper is 30mph at the top of the lift. Unlike most other coasters, the park has no control over how far they want to push the ride. There is an anemometer at the top of the lift, and if it reaches 30mph, the ride control system will not allow them to operate. X Flight at SFGAm has the exact same set up.

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Bakeman31092 said:

I understand that, but it also seems like you've been on here bashing Cedar Point every chance you get, so I thought your comment was sincere.

My one major problem with Cedar Point is the fact that on media day they put on such a show, and on opening day it was like they forgot who they were.

The weather for media day was pretty much perfect. Warm temps with next to no winds. You don't get many better weather days in the middle of the summer. They were only running 1 ride (adding 2 others later in the day).

Weather opening weekend was about as lousy as you can get. Much colder temps and high winds with some rain mixed in for fun. And now they are running all/most of the rides in the park.

Bakeman31092's avatar

Also keep in mind that they call it Media Day for a reason. The festivities are for the press, and the park hopes that the event will help garner positive reviews of their shiny new ride, for which it invested $30M. Therefore, it's in the park's best interests to make sure that everything goes off without a hitch so that the members of the media who will later be publishing articles and blogging will leave with a good impression. An overall pleasant experience can skew one's thoughts about the ride itself toward the positive side.

ApolloAndy's avatar

Bakeman31092 said:
let's reserve judgment until the park has a few weeks under its belt.

At some level, I agree, but if I had booked a flight and a hotel and bought tickets to the park, I don't give a rat's butt about what happens the other 364 days of the year. If the park delivers an unacceptable product on the day I'm there, that's unacceptable, period.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

And I heard from a friend who put off her trip until today (Wednesday) and GateKeeper, Raptor, Millenium Force, Gemini, and Top Thrill Dragster aren't running. She did say it's pretty windy there today, so...

LostKause's avatar

I'd be pretty upset if I drove 6 hours and spent my whole paycheck to visit Cedar Point for a few days and didn't get to ride at least almost everything that I want to.

Last edited by LostKause,

As for Skyhawk, I would guess it is related to cables. In Soak City lot, there were skids with large cables that were shorter than what would be used on TTD or MF. My only other guess is they belong to Skyhawk.

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OhioStater's avatar

There's nothing wrong with being upset about it, but to blame the park and demand a refund when the issue is 100% weather?

So, next year, if there is a hurricane during our planned trip to Disney, can I sue the park for closing or not operating what I deemed an appropriate amount of rides?

In the words of Lars Skywalker,

"It's windy son, accept it."

Last edited by OhioStater,
Break Trims's avatar

So, in one thread, God controls every facet of the universe, and in the other, it's Cedar Point's fault that it's windy.

Seems about right.

Parallel lines on a slow decline.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

OhioStater said:

There's nothing wrong with being upset about it, but to blame the park and demand a refund when the issue is 100% weather?

So, next year, if there is a hurricane during our planned trip to Disney, can I sue the park for closing or not operating what I deemed an appropriate amount of rides?

Instantly reminded me of this recent news story.

Exactly the can of worms I was talking about in that thread in regards to guest demands and expectations.

ApolloAndy's avatar

Well, my response was directed at Bakeman who said, "Give it few weeks for the park to get it together." That doesn't say weather as much as it says mismanagement to me.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

OhioStater's avatar

Having been at Cedar Point since Sunday, nothing I have observed with rides being down has anything to do with management or the park not having itself together. It's all been weather (wind), aside from SkyHawk.

It wasn't very windy at all on opening day.

Was it windy on Opening Day, Tyler?

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