Islands of Adventure's space problem

i agree with you %110 touchdown.That would be an awsome ride!
Ok Chernabog since you've been there, what did you think of Spiderman? Do YOU still think that they need a world-class roller coaster every 2-3 years?

Don't Fight It, Ride It, RAGING BULL!!!!!!- Six Flags Great America

Blink3020 said:
Ok Chernabog since you've been there, what did you think of Spiderman? Do YOU still think that they need a world-class roller coaster every 2-3 years?

...and you still didn't quote!

I've posted in this thread *twice* previously, the second of which being the one you referred to, and I made *no* mention whatsoever of roller coasters every two or three years or anything close.

Did you even read the thread?(tm)

I wrote, in my first post, "Why use all your available space in the first 10 years a park is open and have no room to expand in the years following?" In my second post, I wrote, "That said, I wouldn't want to see a B&M Flyer and would prefer a *duplicate* Jeep Adventure."

So, uh, what the Hell are you talking about?

And, no, I don't like Spiderman. It's technologically amazing, sure, but it isn't even remotely exciting to me. Technology doesn't entertain me, engaging stories do.

Wow. You kids could sure learn to be a bit more respectful of people. When you're completely wrong, you'll appear marginally less sophomoric.

--Maddie, still waiting for evidence that queue length is indicative of guest satisfaction--
What do I Listen-To?
May the Schwarz be with you.
*** This post was edited by Chernabog 7/22/2003 12:40:14 AM ***

Chernabog, if Spidey doesn't have an engaging story, then what does?

"This time I think ... I think it's ... it's going to work!" - Dr.Bruce Banner

Splash Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Haunted Mansion, Snow White's Scary Adventures, The Twilight Zone: Tower of Terror ...

Believe me, I'm trying to think of one of Universal's attractions. I am, really. I promise.

... When I rode Spiderman, I felt like I was on a ride through a consumer electronics expo. There's fancy 3D images and there are special effects and there's motion and spinning, but there's no *charm.* It's a good ride . . . great where Universal is concerned, really, but I think they have a long way to go before they'll engage me in the same way that Disney's attractions have. I feel like I've been through this before. . . Admittedly, I'm kinda tired of having the collective love of IOA beaten into me at every opportunity. I just don't connect with the park or many of its attractions. I don't do drugs or anything and I'm of *perfectly* sound mind and body.

"Brer Rabbit is being chased by Brer Fox. He makes fools of them. They chase him more. They catch him! They throw us into the briar patch, oh no! But, in the end, y'know what? The briar patch is home and that's the place we're meant to be."

To me, that's a story with a logical and engaging progression of elements.

"Statue of Liberty's been stolen and we cover the story. We get attacked by a supervillain. Spiderman saves us. We get attacked by another supervillain. Spiderman saves us. We get attacked by another supervillain. Spiderman saves us. We get thrown off a building by another supervillain. Spiderman saves us."

That's just not engaging to me. It's repetitive, boring, and used as a vehicle to exploit popular characters that have no depth and use fancy, schmancy visual and sensory effects that were really expensive to produce.

Long live the death of personal preference.

What do I Listen-To?
May the Schwarz be with you.

Im not going to go on with you, your not worth my time so just shut your damn mouth so everybody can live in peace and quite! Thank You! Bye! Conversation Over!
Don't Fight It, Ride It, RAGING BULL!!!!!!- Six Flags Great America
Blink, what the HECK is your problem?

Chernabog, while I don't agree with you, I can see your point.... The story for Spidey really is pretty lame, but the ride itself made up for it in my opinion.

« »

Raging Bull is best when you're first. [6/16/03]

Blink3020 said:
Im not going to go on with you, your not worth my time so just shut your damn mouth so everybody can live in peace and quite! Thank You! Bye! Conversation Over!

...and you still didn't quote! ;-)

“When it is not in our power to determine what is true, we ought to follow what is most probable.”
-Rene Descartes

I could be wrong here, but bear with me....

Maybe, just maybe Universal is taking its' time with the park because

1) The park is still making money

2) Spidey (which I believe cost about 100 mil), DD (2 seperate dueling tracks), Hulk (Large B&M Launching), as well as all of the other great attractions, which are all elaborately themed, must have cost quite a bit of money to build. Anyone know about how much the park cost to build??

3)Then, on top of that, the uncertainty around Vivendi.

Adix said:
Blink, what the HECK is your problem?

Chernabog, while I don't agree with you, I can see your point.... The story for Spidey really is pretty lame, but the ride itself made up for it in my opinion.

I *am* going to be spending a few days there next month (if there was any question) and I plan on checking it out again. On my last visit, the benefit of Universal Express didn't exist and my time was limited. Because I didn't fall in love with the ride, I only rode once and used my time on other re-rides. Namely, The Cat in the Hat.

This time around, we've booked a night at Universal's Royal Pacific Resort with the express intention of abusing the front-of-the-line privilege. I'm going to try to give the ride a fair shake, but I've grown concerned over reports that it's deteriorated in quality since the park opened.

We're spending a full 50% of the vacation there this year so I *really* want to enjoy the place.

What do I Listen-To?
May the Schwarz be with you.

Blink3020 said:
Im not going to go on with you, your not worth my time so just shut your damn mouth so everybody can live in peace and quite! Thank You! Bye!

Completely ignoring the horrific contraction debacle of 03, I'd like to mix metaphors and throw my 2 cents into the hat and say..

Peace and quite is exactly what this world needs. It would definitely be quiet the enjoyable experience.

Edit : None of your beeswax, why.

The value of "Nipple"?? Lower than you might think...
*** This post was edited by Homey G. 7/22/2003 1:58:38 AM ***

CoasterFan4Life said:
I could be wrong here, but bear with me....

Maybe, just maybe Universal is taking its' time with the park because

1) The park is still making money

2) Spidey (which I believe cost about 100 mil), DD (2 seperate dueling tracks), Hulk (Large B&M Launching), as well as all of the other great attractions, which are all elaborately themed, must have cost quite a bit of money to build. Anyone know about how much the park cost to build??

Correct me if i am wrong, but I beleive Islands of Adventure cost $2,000,000,000 to build. I can see a B&M Dive Machine in Jurassic Park with Jeep Themed Trains and close encounters with some dinosaurs. I have an idea, for the vertical drop underground, right before you enter the tunnel one of those dinos that spray the black stuff is placed on top of the tunnel, so it is facing the top of your head, and it sprays mist on you. refreshing..

They do have a space problem. Dueling Dragons is sinking too. And their new attraction for '04 is the world's tallest revolving restaurant.

jimmybob, going to bed to enjoy some peace and "quite."

My signature is broked.
CoasterBuzz Glossary (beta version) and Humor Depository

USF needed to be updated . It was a good idea to put Shrek and Jimmy Neutron in USF because the rides they replaced were pretty lame. I'm sure IOA will get a new ride after the Mummy attraction goes into USF.

I believe IOA cost somewhere around 1.2 billion to build and Spiderman alone cost 200 million.

In the past few years Universal has had the Mummy, Shrek, X-men, Hulk, Jimmy Neutron, MIB 2, and Spiderman movies come out in theatres. Is there any reason why these hot shot executives couldn't figure out that these movies could've used a Universal Orlando commercial before the start of all those movies? What extra money does it costs them? A lot of people still don't know that IOA even exists.

I guess Vivendi should sall the company if they can't even figure out something as simple as that.

Again, according to the swanky Wired Magazine article, "Scream Machines, Spiderman's cost was approximately $100M. Of that, 15% went to the ride's computer systems which have since been replaced.

If you haven't yet read the entire article, it's a good way to kill some time and about as little of a fluff piece as I've found on the park.
What do I Listen-To?
May the Schwarz be with you.

rollergator's avatar
Yes, Spidey was *around* 100M, and was WELL worth if they could spend just a FEW dollars to get someone to get the Spidey signal working again....oh, and the *misters*....the heat effect that wasn't working HAS been fixed, so maybe someone is reading this crap...;)
gator's sig will not be operational today....we regret any inconvenience....
Mamoosh's avatar
I rode Spidey once. Yawn.

A random Mooshter's Dawntionary listing: Giraffiti [n.] Vandalism spray painted very, very high.

That's because you have been beaten senseless by Flashback and are HAVING flashbacks, Moosh!

--George H
---Currency tracking experiment... (Referring to The "George" on the $1 bill - Not Me)

Maddie, I'm fairly sure you'll be glad you're giving Universal Orlando another shot this time. Front-of-the-Line rocks (Royal Pacific is pretty nice too, though, oddly enough, the walk to IOA is much shorter from Hard Rock Hotel than Royal Pacific -- go figure).

I think Spider-Man has actually IMPROVED rather than deteriorated. The reprogramming of the vehicles makes for a better ride and small details -- like the statue of liberty head that spent years raised because they couldn't get it to go up and down consistently -- has been fixed.

Since you're story-oriented, that small fix improves the wit of the ride. As you're riding along in the Scoop and Lady Liberty is blocking your exit when Doc Oc decides to zap you with the levitation ray. It misses. It hits the head, moving it out of your path and you move on. Nice touch of irony. Doc Oc's incompetence in his intent to capture the Scoop actually creates your means of escape.

And after going through the galloping horse segment on Shrek and doing the chicken dance on Neutron you just won't be able to see Disney's 4D attractions the same way.

Whether we see the inside of our room at the Royal Pacific is a subject of debate. I walk from the Disney Studios to Epcot pretty routinely on my trips, so I'm not too worried about a long walk :)

Did the Statue of Liberty effect ever work properly in the past? I honestly can't recall if it worked on my visit in July, 1999. But then, I probably wouldn't even notice what effects, specifically, have changed.

I am really looking forward to both Shrek 4-D and Men in Black: Alien Attack, though. It seems like each of those attractions have been a step in the right direction as far as I'm concerned.

What do I Listen-To?
May the Schwarz be with you.

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