Is this wrong???

You recently took off one of my topics. I read the whole TOS before I wrote it and nothing seemed to be wrong about what i was going to write.

I just asked if there were any CoasterGrotto members here. Whats wrong with that? Im not advertising for the site...I just want to see some peoples top 20's, because you can do that with your Track Record over there......for free!

Top 5, 10, 20,'s all so tedious and overdone on sites like this one that has lots of traffic and visitors.

Newbies wanna do that same old thing every week and whine when nobody thinks their homepark coaster is the best. Yawn.

It's boring and there's plenty to talk about without it.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

Well I agree with some of the stuff you said. But I would have to disagree with you on the top 20's. I know a lot of people on this site, including jeff think that top whatever's are unappealing, but i really like to just see what opinions other people have. That may just be me. But why cut it off? It doesn't say anything about this in the TOS.

And No, I'm not a noobie which I think you're trying to imply.

Top 5:
5)Raptor 4) Goliath 3) Sros @Sfdl 2) Ghostrider 1) Millennium Force
Check Out My Site: Coast2Coasters

joe.'s avatar

Coastingohio, it is in the TOS:

4. Unacceptable topics of discussion:
snip ...topics that have been brought up numerous times in the past ..... and threads that contain best... favorite... top 10... worst... versus... most... are simply not interesting to read by anyone other than the person who started the topic. Don’t be surprised if these get closed or deleted as well. If your topic has any word ending in "-est," think twice about posting it. /snip

There you have it.

"I own you!"
-quotes I have been known to exclaim on coasters.

Alright. Sorry about that then. Well I thought I didn't mention anything other than who was a member on coastergrotto. I guess I mustve posted something about top 20's in my initial one.

So that means I just have to restate it? I could just ask whos a member of The Grotto and that would be fine, right?

Most likely, asking whos a member of coaster grotto wouldn't be wrong. But to save yourself the risk, you could just ask overthere who is a member of coasterbuzz.
Jeff's avatar

That's just it... why would you go to a different site to ask who is a member? Do you think anyone on CoasterBuzz cares? I wouldn't expect you to go to someone else's site and ask around there who is a member of CoasterBuzz.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"Let's stop saying 'don't quote me,' because if no one quotes you, you probably haven't said a thing worth saying." - Dogma, KMFDM

I was just saying that if he really cares, maybe he should ask there since he seems to think "they are so great!"
Ok, I'll do taht. I think their forums are more for problems about the site, lol, but i'll try. Sorry Jeff!

Top 5:
5)Raptor 4) Goliath 3) Sros @Sfdl 2) Ghostrider 1) Millennium Force
Check Out My Site: Coast2Coasters

Everything is wrong on this website, you'll get used to it. Don't post anything or be very careful of what you post , you'll regret it by either a). listening to all the people who whine and complain about the thing you have done wrong(these are the same people who find the time to actually correct your grammar usage in a post*puzzling) or b). you'll find that the moderators here absolutely loooooooove to use their "power of authority" (have they realized its only a messageboard yet?) In short, just respect the terms of service.

*** This post was edited by DorneyDante on 8/23/2002. ***

Jeff's avatar

If it bothers you so much then why is your sorry ass still here?

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"Let's stop saying 'don't quote me,' because if no one quotes you, you probably haven't said a thing worth saying." - Dogma, KMFDM

rollergator's avatar

unmoderated coaster sites ARE available for those who prefer to wade through reams of crap.....and having a *pissing contest* with the mods and webmaster seems like a losing bet......;)

edit: what's with the bodily functions, you ask.....Terence and Philip were on tonite......:)

*** This post was edited by rollergator on 8/22/2002. ***

Jeff's avatar

You farted Celine Dion! Ahahahahahaha!

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"Let's stop saying 'don't quote me,' because if no one quotes you, you probably haven't said a thing worth saying." - Dogma, KMFDM

Lets keep it clean here guys, I recommend reading the TOS's. This site is intended for all audiences to enjoy.

*** This post was edited by DorneyDante on 8/23/2002. ***

...And I thought that clubs & groups about coasters & amusement parks were what we enthusiasts were all about.
I, personally, know many members that belong to two or more clubs, and we all get along. It doesn't matter which club you belong to (such as ACE, MACC, GOCC, the WNYCC, or any other), just that you enjoy the company and likes of each other(such as coasters). Not everyone has to belong to "THE" coaster club, or we all would be joining ACE today.
If you look at any of the outlets for any of the other groups, like their newsletters, you will find that NONE of them ever trash another member or even an amusement park, unless they truly have due justice. People inquire of this site, not only because it is one of the most popular sites that provide up-to-date information on the amusement industry, but because they may hope to make new friends out of it that they may not have had before.
Jeff, I think you have a great site, but directly insulting others for their inquiries and opinions just leads to the breakdown of a group, or in this case, the popularity of your site. When a moderator or owner becomes the abuser, the followers tend to leave. You're doing a great job, just don't let your personal feelings get into your investment. Vulgarities only get people, including the one you insulted, a different view of who you are and what you stand for. Even I have to respect the wishes of every individual.

Like I said before... we are all here to enjoy the company of others in our desire to enjoy the greatest of rides... the rollercoaster.
Jeff's avatar

It really has nothing to do with getting along. When the same kid time and time again complains how he has been wronged and oppressed, and cuts on the site in the process, yet doesn't have the common sense to just move on, he's going to get what's coming to him.

There's history there you need to appreciate. The site isn't about me, but as rollergator mentioned, a lot of people like to make it about me because they're more interested in personality clashes than they are coaster discussion.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"Let's stop saying 'don't quote me,' because if no one quotes you, you probably haven't said a thing worth saying." - Dogma, KMFDM

I would think that if a person didn't like a site they'd leave and join another site. Why is it that people will just complain why this, why that and not just say, "ok, I had it with this place!" delete their account and leave?

For some reason that always puzzled me.

Knoebels visits in 2002. 6

I did site advertising once and I didn't know it was aloowed since some other sites let you do it. Once somebody posted that I shouldn't have done it, I edited it so that it said nothing but "sorry, site advertising" and they deleted my ACCOUNT. People use power to their advantage, if somebody makes them made they can do whatever they want to them. I would let people post anything on my forums with the exception of threats, harrassing posts, or something of a serious matter.



Alright, I don't think any site even comes close to this site. No other coaster forum site has as many members on it as this one, which does mean something. I would never delete my account here. I just have alternatives for different types of Coaster sites. I just wanted to know who was on the other one. I'm sorry for anything I've done.

This thread is getting way out of hand though, I honestly wish Jeff would have deleted it after maybe like the 5th post or something. Because now since more people start posting more and honestly just makes me feel like ****.

Sorry for anything I've caused, Just please delete this post Jeff....

*** This post was edited by coastingohio on 8/23/2002. ***

I think I can explain this whole thread with a concept I call CPlaya's theory of nobody. Ready?

Sometimes there are nobodies who desperately wish to be somebody. In their pitiful wish to be a somebody (as in finding validation somewhere) they turn to the Web, but the only validation they actually find is that they truly are nobody--and the same boring feckless nobody they are in the real world.

Confronted once again with the fact that they're nobody, their next pathetic effort is to lash out at the somebodies around them. Perhaps by cutting the somebodies to size, they imagine they will cease to be a nobody. Bad move. The somebodies will only poke more fun at them and the nobodies who know better will leave them to their sad fate, too.

I'll do more than explain the failed struggle of the nobody to become somebody....I'll tell you how the nobody can actually become a somebody. By finding said validation IN THE REAL WORLD. The somebodies aren't somebodies because CoasterBuzz posters say so. This site or my coaster-riding hobby doesn't validate me--my wife, children, home, work and friends do. And as long as you look for validation by posting threads here, your state of being a nobody will only intensify.

Of course, I could give you the condensed version of this theory too--GET A LIFE. So what if your little thread gets closed or deleted? Big freakin' deal. If that's all you got to worry about, your life is sad indeed.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 8/23/2002. ***

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