Is Mean Streak that bad?

There are ZERO forces on this ride and ZERO laterals. The ride was TAME in opening year when I first rode it so when did MS have air! OK ONE spot of air! Big deal!! Rest of the ride is a waste!!! IF a ride doesn't have air than it needs laterals BUT MS is lacking in all those! Well at least its better than the EXTREMELY OVERBRAKED High Roller @ VF!!
I loved Meanstreak. Except this year was the first time I've ridden it and I've heard that it used to be a lot rougher until this year. It does look like a fun ride and I think it is. Although I do agree that theres not that much airtime. Those trims on the first drop ruin the ride tho. I love how the track intertwines in itself and has a layout shaped like a donut.

Six Flags, the only chain of parks that can manage to have stacking with a one train operation.

Would taking the trims out make that much of a difference?

Another thing, I've been hearing a lot of negative things about Mantis also.

Is this ride bad too?

About the magic carpet thing. Sorry, I was thinking about Texas Giant. The end of that ride looks so awsome.


MS does have a nice layout and yes it looks good! Retrack it with new Intamin wood track, custom design the Intamin trains to be 2 seaters and run it totally brakeless it may have a chance at being a world class ride!

In my opinion, Mantis is a very good ride. It isn't horribly rough, but it isn't as smooth as its sibling coasters. I've been on 4 B&M standups, and I'd have to rate it #2 on my list behind Chang. If any of you are wondering what the others are- Chang, Mantis, GA Scorcher, Iron Wolf. Compared to Iron Wolf, Mantis is a luxury ride.

87 different coasters for this year and counting... 149 total!

I've ridden it every year since its opening and found it to be one of the best wooden coasters anywhere the first couple of seasons. Before the trims were installed, and before the blocks were amped up there were several points where there was good air and nice lats. But over the first 8 years or so it was slowed down and i think not maintained very well. By about 99 or 00 it was slow AND rough. Very rough in some seats. But i kept at it and think that the ride has improved little by little over the past two or three years. At this point the trims don't bother me as much as heavy blocks. Without the trims there is great air on hill three, and even with the trims you get air in the back of the train on the hill leading into the blocks. But if the blocks are on the train is slowed so much that the second trip around (or rather under) the lift is slow and boring! Not rough like it was at one point, but still with no zip. I have always thought that the last swing around the track should have been profiled lower to the ground to take advantage of all the remaining energy. But that's just me. For a coaster that size it is lacking in intensity and excitment. It is easy to have a dull ride with little to no forces. But i have found that the front seat or second to last seat give nice rides. Overall it is one of the coasters at the park you shouldn't miss if for no other reason than that every person i hear has a different take on it.
I've ridden it 3 different years myself, and it is definitely not a world-class coaster. It is sorta rough, but more like hardly any airtime. Plus - it seems to make bad use of it's height.

- formerly known as D-MONOFDARKNESS "I decided to get rid of the slash when CP began building the rocket, you know, kind of a statement.

"Colnar moment of negative gravity" for those who get it. There was supposed to be one spot of 'negative gravity' on the ride when it opened and there were 3 (3rd drop, drop before block and hill after block). The ride was great the first year,... well, good (cr*p compared to Texas Giant). Then CP leveled out the 3rd drop, and added more brakes. Didn't they also remove the 7th car on the trains? Then, 1994, they ruined the 'other' woodie (which WAS a designated 'ACE Classic' and true kick-butt ride). Cedar Point, the best in corporate brainwash CONCRETE therapy. Can't wait for that new McDonald's lookin ride!

Mean Streak is an abomination and a waste of space! It hurt my insides, where's the fun in that? Whether it is a good ride, sensation wise, becomes irrelevant when a coaster goes beyond a certain level of roughness.

I say demolish it, but is that really likely to happen anytime soon? its only 11 years old isn't it. And if they're woried about the coaster count, i say, make a agreement with SFMM to demolish MS and Psyclone respectively - good idea eh?!

As far as i'm aware most of the Summers/Dinn efforts have turned out to be very rough (an exception being Timber Wolf?) very quickly.

Oh, and Mantis is not rough imo. just shows though, everyone has different standards and different opinions with regards ride roughness.

I've never really found Mean Streak to be rough per se, but rather a coaster that just kind of meanders around the course.

Fav Steel: Millenium Force Fav Wood: Viper

Mantis is ok, i thought it was a little bumpy in the corkscrew. IMO the first half was good but after the midcourse brakes its not that great. Just my opinion tho.

Six Flags, the only chain of parks that can manage to have stacking with a one train operation.

I'll bet that if MS had some theming it would be much better. Although it is an impressive looking monster, flavor-wise it is rather bland. I am not sure what they could do to improve it but I am sure they could do something. Other than that, I enjoyed the 6 rides I took.

lol about the Cedar Point SFMM deal.

Psyclone. There's another one that everyone says is horrible but, IMO, is visually impressive. I figured it looked so good because of the extra wood required for earthqauke protection. Those trains are hideous though!


Mean Streak wasn't nearly as rough in '02 as it was in '00. The retracking really helped. Retracking didn't remove the boredom though. \

You hang there forever on the trim on the first drop. By the time it finally releases you are so far down that you have no speed going up the second hill and into the turn. On this steeply banked turn you are going so slow that you actually slide down to the inside of the turn. (Is this a negative lateral?) At one point you feel like you've finally gained enough speed to have some fun and then you hit another trim.

While I love airtime, I also like a good twister. I rate Roar pretty highly. However, for a twister to be interesting things have keep happening quickly or there has to be a feeling of speed and power ala. Beat. An over braked Mean Streak just doesn't have any of these.

Not that my opinion matters too much, but I like it. I haven't ridden a lot of coasters, and few of them woodies. But I think that while it is rough and "airless," I like being bumped around and throw to the sides. The coaster does not have the glassy smoothness of Millennium Force, the air of Raging Bull's first drop, nor the laterals of Cornball Express, but it is fun. That's my screwed up opinion.

Tim Schroll

Take it apart and make two or three Gravity Group coasters in the same location :)

Charles Nungester.
Is it about coasters or friends? I say both!

rollergator's avatar
How about having GG come in and just reprofile the second hlaf of the ride so there air some hills and valleys rather than the aimless meandering that now the speeds it was DESIGNED to run, I'm sure it would still be a good ride. But *reports* indicate this would require an enormous amount of upkeep...believable considering the laterals...with some reprofiling, the speeds in the second half of the ride could be *varied*, which would cut down significantly on the (valid) claims of a rough, boring ride....and the cost would be HIGH...

The thing is, Mean Streak would cost a lot to reprofile. Not that I have done any research or have any facts to back this up, it just seems to make sense. Lots of track, lots of problems = lots of money.

Now, I don't know how accurate this is, but with the cost to reprofile Mean Streak, they might just be better off spending a few more bucks and getting a whole new ride.

The top 3 all time cobrarolls.

2)Deja Vu's (times 3)
3)Batman Knight Flight's

Cedar Point could redo the way you people describe. I think that they could market it as a reborn, new roller coaster.

But I don't see it happening.

Tim Schroll

Perhaps if the economy really starts to hurt the park they would consider an economical rehab a la Phantom. The ride really isn't that far from great in my opinon.

For those of you who think it's rough, when was the last ride you had? I haven't thought it was rough for two years now. There are seats that are a bit choppy, but not as bad as '00

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