Intamin Hyper vs. B&M Hyper

I love them.Been on Apollo's Chariot and S:ROS. However, I liked ROS better. It had awsome airtime, a great 78 degree drop, cool turns, and small touches like mist filled tunnels that make the ride even more fun.

Dont get me wrong I thought AC was awsome but it felt much more predictable than ROS. I cant wait to ride MF next year.

Also why are you guys saying that itamin isn't smooth, sure they're not as smooth as B+M but they are still very smooth.
Comparing capacity between MF and AC, the real determining factor is going to be the crew dispatching the trains, not the design of the coaster.

To reach Legendary's estimate of 1500 passengers per hour for AC, you need to dispatch a train every 86 seconds. While the AC crews when I was there were good, they weren't that good. Things were slowed down considerably by an awkward arrangement for leaving personal items. This makes it nearly impossible to dispatch trains as often as the blocking would allow.

MF crews are able to dispatch trains as often as the somewhat longer blocking time allows due to the exceptional training of the crews, the double stations that separate loading and unloading, and the prescreening of personal items.

The end result is that the real capacity of the two coasters is probably pretty close. I would have to put a watch on both the determine which is actually greater.
Sapman and Legendary: I really didn't want to get into dispatch intervals, that's why I didn't bring it up. But thank you for doing so :). By the way, thank you very much Legendary for pointing out my stupid mistake. But the point of my post still remains, Intamin hypers can run three trains, which hold as many people as B&Ms. Again, thank you very much!

At the turn of the Millennium, there were signs.
I love both makes for different reasons. B&M for their incredibly smooth ride and wide open comfy coaches, Intamin for intensity, better feel of speed and IIINcredible negative g's. If I had to choose one over the other, I would say Intamin. They both blow me away though. *** This post was edited by go with gravity on 8/12/2001. ***
My two cents:

I've ridden MF, S:ROS (SFA), and Nitro ... my thoughts:

MF is great for it's speed, speed, speed. I loooove those open style trains.

S:ROS had some great forceful airtime. And I swear the sound this coaster made just made it more exciting because it *sounded* (because of the dimensions of the track, i'm sure) that it was just gonna fly apart at any second (esp in the helices).

Nitro ... this being the only "B&M Hyper" I've been on... man, this thing had the most incredible floaty airtime I've ever had on a coaster. I really, really enjoyed this ride. However, one complaint I have, is the 4 across seating. If you're in the middle of the row, except in the front seat, I tend to feel "disassociated" from the surroundings because of all the people around me.

But otherwise, it's a tough choice to pick between those two companies for me. I'd probably say Intamin, just because I loooooove those trains.

One thing I can say, however, after riding Steel Force is that Morgan just doesnt do it for me. (Although I did like Steel Eel.. but its only 150)

Jim Fisher said:
"To reach Legendary's estimate of 1500 passengers per hour for AC, you need to dispatch a train every 86 seconds. While the AC crews when I was there were good, they weren't that good. Things were slowed down considerably by an awkward arrangement for leaving personal items. This makes it nearly impossible to dispatch trains as often as the blocking would allow."

Well the NITRO crew @ GAdv was dispatching trains about every 50seconds or so when I wass there.

RideMan once worked it out that the theoretical capacity for Millie was much less than a coaster with a mid-course brake (I forget which "other" coaster he used, Maggie maybe?). But I agree that crew "hustle" deviates from that theoretical value.

"I propose that a smart death ray be designed to smite any who attempt to smoke in a line queue. " - Figaro
I'm so glad that SFMM's Goliath is neither, imagine the argument, it would come down to 'MF vs Goliath' I bet!
Lets say it al together now....In-ta-min...Good Job!!!!!

It's his turn to feast, when you ride the Son of Beast.

I bet not.

2Hostyl said:
"Well the NITRO crew @ GAdv was dispatching trains about every 50seconds or so when I wass there.

RideMan once worked it out that the theoretical capacity for Millie was much less than a coaster with a mid-course brake...."

You are correct that a coaster with a mid-course brake has a higher theoretical capacity than a coaster without one. However, ther are several other factors that can limit capacity, particularly loading time (Not just the crew, but also the station design), the number of trains available, and the time required for the ride. For example, the ride time for Nitro is 4:00. With 3 trains running, the best "average" time between dispatches possible is 240sec/3trains=80 seconds. This is allowing no time for loading. They might have gotten 2 trains out 50 seconds apart if the blocking allows it, but they couldn't continue that rate unless they have 5 trains operating.
Well Jim, you would be right if NITRO's ride time was anywhere NEAR the posted 4minutes. I-Fan timed it from dispatch to parking in the station and the cycle was well under THREE minutes. Where they got the fout minute cycle time from, I dont know.

Funny aside, the Saw Mills Log Flume boasts a ride time of 9 minutes, I-fan clocked it at a little over 6 for our ride.

"Nobody writes about the planes that land." Steve Salerno Washington Times 7-10-01
Some factual information for you all.

Millennium Force - 1600 PPH, 36 per train.
Apollo's Chariot - 1750 PPH, 36 per train.
Raging Bull - 1560 PPH, 36 per train.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find capacity stats for S:RoS or Nitro.

I def. like Raging Bull better than Millennium Force. I have never ridden S:RoS, but I just looked at some pictures of it and it looks amazing. I believe people now when they say it has some great airtime (what little airtime MF had was too weak for me). Again, I def. prefer the B&M trains for comfort, however the Intamin trains look cooler. As of now, they are all pretty smooth, but I still believe that B&Ms are more -comfortable-. Also, B&M has a proven track record of smoothness, even 10 years after the ride was built. Are there any 10 year old Intamin steel coasters still standing (aside from Flashback...bad example if we are talking about smoothness ;)? How smooth will they be in 10 years ? I assume they will still be somewhat smooth. But I know for sure the B&Ms will be.

Current favorite coasters:
Wooden: 1) Beast 2) Raven 3) Son of Beast 4) The Boss 5) Timber Wolf
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eggs said:

StealthmF5m3 said:
"The B&M hyper can seat 4 in each row. So if a B&M is running a three train operation, the line goes very quickly. Can an Intamin do that?"

Yes, actually, they can. Intamin trains fit four per car, as do B&Ms. Although Intamin only has two per row, they have two rows. There's this little ride in northern Ohio, you have have heard of it, Millennium Force? Well, it runs three trains, which each hold thirty six passengers. Then there's this small purple thing in Virginia, called Apollo's Chariot. It runs three trains, which each holds thirty two passengers. Wouldn't you say that three trains with thirty six riders would move a line a little faster than three trains with thirty two riders?
Back to the subject. I personally found Apollo's Chariot to be a little smoother than Millennium Force, but as a ride, felt that AP left just a little bit to be desired.


Not only have I heard of it, I've been on it. Have you checked my profile or have you read my signature?

"Duff Man Says... Ohhhhh Yaaaaa!"
Current Favorite Coasters:
1)Raging Bull 2)Millennium Force 3)Medusa (SFMW) 4)Vertical Velocity (SFGAm) 5)Dueling Dragons (Ice)
StealthmF5m3, "he" was being sarcastic. "He" knows that "everyone" has heard of MF.
LOL. Thanks scanz.

Joe Carroll said:
"Some factual information for you all.

Millennium Force - 1600 PPH, 36 per train.
Apollo's Chariot - 1750 PPH, 36 per train.
Raging Bull - 1560 PPH, 36 per train."

Sorry, those are basically all incorrect.

Now, they ARE what the parks gave out when the rides were announced. However, the *real* numbers are completely different. I'll comment on the two I basically am 100% confident on...RB and MF.

RB...the most I *ever* saw for it, was a 1490 hour. So yeah, that was pretty close to the theoretical. However, MF can't ever, and won't ever hit 1600pph.

Let's say, for arguments sake, MF can dispatch trains in 90 seconds (they can't, it's more like 97-100, but I'm rounding nicely). That would equate to 40 trains in one hour. I'll be nice and also say that each and every single seat on every single train sent in that one hour was filled -- 36 riders per train. That'd be 40 * 36 = 1440. That's nowhere near 1600pph, let alone me being VERY nice with my numbers. I've talked to the MF crew on many occasions and they've all said 1200pph is usually max.

So, like I've said before, it almost doesn't have anything to do with how many a train can hold, but how short the dispatch intervals are.

BTW, Hostyl, when I was there, I was timing the lift at about 60seconds. How can they dispatch every 50 seconds when the interval for three trains is top of the lift? Maybe I'm misunderstanding where you're timing it from?

"No listenin', you hear me?"
Nitros drop is long you seem like your on it forever.Its smooth and fun I had floating air time and I like how high the hills are and how it slows down at the top so it feels like your going down another first drop.The reason why you have floating air time instead of ejection is because of the seat.Your slanted meaning your knee facing a little upward and those restraints.If you think about it its kinda powerful how it can lift your sinking body out of a slanted chair.Hopefully when i go to Maryland I would visit SFA and ride Superman and i would probably like it.

scanz said:
"StealthmF5m3, "he" was being sarcastic. "He" knows that "everyone" has heard of MF."

Why are you putting quotes on he? You don't need to. I only do it on "they" meaning park employees or park management/managers.

"Duff Man Says... Ohhhhh Yaaaaa!"
Current Favorite Coasters:
1)Raging Bull 2)Millennium Force 3)Medusa (SFMW) 4)Vertical Velocity (SFGAm) 5)Dueling Dragons (Ice)

StealthmF5m3 said:
"The winner is: B&M. For a couple of reasons.

...If you are in the front, you get a great view...

And you can get a great view from ANY seat on an Intamin. Ahh I love stadium seating, and it's so very lame that there are NO visuals at all on a B&M hyper if you aren't sitting in the front.

AND I've not ridden an over-braked Intamin hyper.

That's why my vote goes to Intamin.

MF crew 2001

*** This post was edited by AirtimeSROS on 8/13/2001. ***
You really didn't explain why you like Intamin better. All you said was that Intamin has the same about of capacity as a B&M hyper.

"Duff Man Says... Ohhhhh Yaaaaa!"
Current Favorite Coasters:
1)Raging Bull 2)Millennium Force 3)Medusa (SFMW) 4)Vertical Velocity (SFGAm) 5)Dueling Dragons (Ice)

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