Improving Geauga Lake Standards

eightdotthree's avatar
Cedar Point is the only season pass that doesnt get you into GL.
A GL pass will get you into any CF park, and for a small fee, you can ADD CP to the pass. Any other pass gets you into GL, but to have CP and GL on one pass, there is a fee, but it can be done. Your wrong, you can get into any CF park with one pass. *** Edited 3/14/2005 7:59:38 PM UTC by lakecrystal***
My GL pass says I can get into all CF parks, and I can add CP for an extra fee. Makes sense to me. Since they are so close together. Go to the GL site, this pass thing is new for 2005, they didn't have it last year. last year was a "transition", my god give them a break.
Cedar Point only pass is $99.95
The Geauga Lake add on is $26

Geauga Lake pass is $79.95
The Cedar Point add on is $46

If you get the add on for either park your paying the same price for a season pass. Basicly the add on price boils down to a single day admission at the sister park.

Given how close the parks are I understand the extra fee. If you live between the two you could be at either park in about an hour or less $125 is a great deal for an add on.

For another example Hersheypark a pass is $99 and a Dutch Wonderland add on is $38. No Thanks considering DW has 2 coasters and only a handful of rides. If it was Knoebels or Dorney I could add for an extra $38 sign me up.

I can see not going to a park if you had a bad time or don't like the park. Not going because of it not being included in a season pass is a bit silly if you ask me.

Jeff's avatar
As someone in that boat (actually I'm a little closer to GL than CP), I thought the $26 up-charge was fair. I bought it, and look forward to going back this year. There are a lot of rides there I really love and haven't been on since 2001.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Lord Gonchar's avatar
What they said. :)

The only people who seem to be mad about this are those that were looking to snag the el-cheapo pass from GL and use it to rape CP.

I find the Cedar Fair Ohio combo fair at $125 since the parks are so close.

On The other hand I will try and avoid paying the $80 for a Six Flags pass at Great Adventure when I can visit SFA and get one for $55. Too bad the Magic Mountain deal of $48 for a pass wasn't for the entire chain! I don't think I'll dive from PA to CA to try and save that extra $7! :)

I guess I wouldn't mind paying more for a Six Flags pass if the nearest one was closer then 3 hours away!

I don't see wha the big deal is, both parks are close to me relativly. I would actually consider a season pass plus add-on, its worth it!
Actually the Magic Mountain $48 pass is good across the chain. I'm reading the back of it right now. It's only not good at the waterparks not included in park admission (Hurricane Harbor etc.)
Amazingly, SFDL's season passes are cheaper than a single day admission/season pass at SFMM... Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Also, this year will be the year to tell just how far CF will take Geauga Lake. Last year, there were no animals for the first time since I don't know when. Even as Geauga Lake the first time through, Sea World was right across the lake. You can't tell me one didn't draw off the other. So now, that area is a new waterpark. I think that this year will be great for GL, and a tell-tale of whether CF really can "save" this park or not...

But then again, what do I know?

Blaster, I meant $48 for every Six Flag park in the entire chain.
I know what you mean coasterpunk. You're saying that you wish the OFFER stood chainwide, right? Buy a day pass, get a season pass anywhere?

But then again, what do I know?

john peck's avatar
John Peck speaks up.....

The add-on price for the pass was completely fair. With the proximity of both parks, you are getting a great deal. I stand completely behind it.

Attendance drop-off.... All parks count heads and since many of the passholders got refunds on their passes, and thus did not go to the park, there you could see the drop-off. With less season passes out there, there was less repeat business and babysitting, so it looked like there was a drop in attendance, but Im sure a lot of those people were non-passholders and new customers.

So I don't know what the parked pulled in revenue compared to the prior year.

The enterprise is still on site. I assume they are waiting to see what attendance does before they put the ride back in, if the decide to invest in more parts.

^Less babysitting?

Babysitting isn't gonna end simply because a park changes hands. Babysitting is a fact of life at any amusement park near a major city. SF, CF, whoever. Makes no difference unless the park chooses not to offer season passes.

The drop in attendance was very real, greater than 50% (1.7 million to 700,000) and far more than CF imagined. I don't think this season is the litmus test...but next year certainly will be.

I certainly look forward to GL becoming the CP of waterparks. What's next? Racing Proslide Rockets?A Torrent River? Wouldn't we all like to know?


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

Did anyone notice a common thread about the comments in regards to the drop in attendance? Customer service and the park apperance! I visited GL when it was SF in 2001. For me the only things that stuck out about that park were the unpleasant employees, unkept bathrooms, poor food, litter, and the sad shape that most of the attractions were in.

The animal side of the park was nice because nobody visited that side.

Returning to the prior statement...does anyone think that people stayed away even when CF purchased the property simply because it was reported that SF left the park in bad shape? I did not go to to GL because of the mess CF would need to clean up. I am a big fan of the CF parks. Even I knew that the first year of GL under CF would be difficult and possibly suck.

I like most people link together customer service and atmosphere/environment as a reason to return or not return somewhere. Why the hell would I return to SF after all the negative things I noted in my single visit? Sadly, it seemed that my concerns were also noted by many other people.

I am hoping that after one very difficult year that CF can make GL a nice place to visit again.

Remember CF took an already small and pleasant family park, Michigan's Adventure, and made it better.

Give them a break. However, I do believe that it is fair to be more critical of the park this year. The public should expect a solid CF park.

I am visiting the park after Coastermania. I will be very critical of the park as I have a high expectation of what a CF park should be like.

CoastaPlaya said:I certainly look forward to GL becoming the CP of waterparks. What's next? Racing Proslide Rockets?A Torrent River? Wouldn't we all like to know?

That Torrent River looks awesome! I've never heard of that before. Seems like a really good time. :D

I think you will all see a lot of improvements in the park this year. I for one, will work my tail off to ensure that you all get the best service you ever experienced at an amusement park!

As the team leader of the monorail, the Bellaire Express, and surrounding rides, I invite you to come and check out my rides to get a great view of the park, and of all the positive changes that are taking place!


I went to geauga lake 29 times in 2004, and the rides were great, the emloyees were great, the park was in a fairly good condition, but there was one thing that was missing, crowds. I think that if there are actually people there the park will be much better.

2005 Villain Laps: 72 2005 Geagua Lake Visits: 33 2004 Geauga Lake Visits: 29
Being the only person in the 50's Midway for an hour during "The Haunt" was fun...

[url=""]Geauga Guide[/url]
There was another reason for declining attendance that started when Geauga Lake became Six Flags to the addition of Sea World, they said people couldn't bring their own food to the park, some people didn't want to return. Although I know theres many reasons. Personally I wanted a little bit more crowd then the last time i went. I can't wait till the Park opens again! *looking at May 7th and can't wait!* :)

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