-Sean Newman
84 coasters in Track Record!! Hypersonic XLC # 100 in July. Waiting for the 305 foot drop tower in 2003. Thank you PKD.
the ride seems to open everyday now, with little down time. from what i can tell, its notmechanical failures but computer related. ive ridden it 2 times his week, both times was under 30 min wait.
That's Great Yeti! Is the ride really intense because it is going to be coaster#100 for me in a few weeks.
-Sean Newman
84 coasters in Track Record!! Hypersonic XLC # 100 in July. Waiting for the 305 foot drop tower in 2003. Thank you PKD.
Great news. Gonna be up in DC for work at the end of the month, now I gotta get a rental car....
- ummmm, Jill, this meeting isn't THAT important, is it?....;). J/k, I will go after work time, but I will go regardless.....
Call me "Stan's biggest fan".....
-Sean Newman
84 coasters in Track Record!! Hypersonic XLC # 100 in July. Waiting for the 305 foot drop tower in 2003. Thank you PKD.
-Sean Newman
84 coasters in Track Record!! Hypersonic XLC # 100 in July. Waiting for the 305 foot drop tower in 2003. Thank you PKD.
*** This post was edited by SFgadvMAN on 7/5/2002. ***
The ghost car from the front of the train has been removed and a new snubnose design added to the (new) front car. Large blue head gear has been added to each seat that keeps riders arms from popping out of their sockets when they hold their arms up during the launch.
I was at PKD yesterday (7/10/02) and got in three rides with the max wait time being only 20 minutes (rear car). I did notice some new windshields(?) behind the maintenance shed of Hypersonic as I went to catch some ridage on Grizzly. There are only four trains for XLC but there seemed to be a large number of these shields seperated by slipsheets to keep the glass/plastic from scratching. My guess would be there are around 20+ of these behind the shed. Anyone else have any idea wtf these things are and what they're going to be used for?
Again as far as riding XLC goes, it should be open. When you get to the park and head towards the ride... don't freak if you see yellow chain up across the entrance way. ASK the ops and guards near the chain and if it's running they'll let you inline. I've seen alot of people turn away from the ride without even bothering to walk up and ask for info when the ride is running with people on it.
Front Seat : Hands up from Launch to finish! Only way to go!
Coasters and Games.. Games and Coasters.
Is it bad to have your hands up during the launch?
-Sean Newman
88 coasters in Track Record!! Hypersonic XLC Coaster # 100 in July.
Nitro Laps:105
B+R Launches:28
Ride Ops instruct you to keep your arms down during the launch. I, personally, have disregarded this suggestion, but now with the new laws posted on the ride sign, I suggest that you do as told.
The windshields? I hope they send them off with those silly cages that were back there, or even hope they're the removed windshields getting sent away or something good.
Besides the head gear & zero car removal, there's other changes to the trains. It was a chasis up train mod, if I remember reading it correctly. The tires are all different, & the wheel assembly looks to ride differently(?), I don't know, it all just looks a little different. I haven't seen a good comparisson nor a list of what they did.
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