Holiday world to get something BIG for 2002!

Raven Maven said:
"3. It will be the largest...(find out *what* on Oct. 4) the world.

4. It's taller than The Raven."

So it will be the tallest of its kind, and over 80 feet tall. Now you've really got me curious! I'm sure whatever it is it will be a great addition.

Great to have you post here, Paula! Hopefully we'll hear from you often! :)

The Buzzer formerly known as RagingBull.

Paula, after talking with you SO many times on that "other" coaster site, it IS great to see you here.  My name has been changed (to protect the innocents), but rest assured I am the one, and only, rollergator.  I've read all your "hints" and I think I am prepared to make a guess - I'll send via e-mail so as not to make a fool of myself PUBLICLY..for those of you who haven't yet visited Paula and her "cronies", do so ASAP.  I may be primarily a coaster/park enthusiast, but I am a FAN of Holiday World, after only one visit - the place IS 1200 miles from Gainesville.                                                  
rollergator - intent on improving the "guest experience" - coming soon to a park near you

I figured I'd better chime in here. The last thing I was intending to do was cause any trouble. I have done my share of that in the past and realized that it just isn't worth it. The whole intent of my "news release" was to have a little fun in the speculation as to what HW's "big announcement" would be. There were so many different responses, I thought I'd be creative and come up with something so off the wall that it would provide a good laugh. I hardly intended for it to be taken seriously, hence the disclaimer that bit0mike pointed out!

So to Paula, even though I have never visited your park, I apologize for causing trouble. Family-owned parks have become my favorite places recently and I sincerely hope to visit HW sometime in 2002. I wasn't trying to start the next "Magnum is sinking" rumor. It was a slow day, and I guess my news release writing skills really made an impression on some!

Long live the family parks- HW, Knoebels, Waldameer, Indiana Beach, etc.

Well Paula, now that you say it will be the biggest of its kind and it will be more than 80 ft. tall, I now see that is pretty big. When I thought it was going into the waterpark area, I thought of a 40 foot slide or something smaller like that.
Bull rides: 103
Batman rides: 61
If it is a bodyslide, it would have to be over 120 ft. I believe that Summit Plummet at WDW Blizzard Beach is still the tallest body slide in the world. That would be incredible if it was a body slide over that height. Even small waterslides provide a thrill. If I ever get out to HW, I would be excited about riding this. Hey, what does it matter if they don't get a huge coaster. I have Six Flags Great Adventure 20 minutes away....
The actual Holiday World person postedin one of my threads!

I feel so honored :)

btw, love what you said about you age in your profile ;)

G.Bush:We will find those who did it, smoke them out of their holes, get them running, and bring them to justice.
I pray that I will never see a Six Flags Conneaut Lake

Does Surfin' Safari have one of those big slides where six people sit around in a circle on a raft?  Those can get pretty tall.  Also what would be cooler then an 80 foot speed slide.
"Ooo. They have the Internet on computers now."
-Homer Simpson
yeah they have one, and doensn't disney have a speed slide taller then 80 feet.
Montu, God Of Coasters

Raging Bull, Don't Fight It, Ride It

Yes, disney's "summit plummit" is 120 feet tall.  Also the tallest inclosed body slides i believe are at myrtle waves water park at a height of 100 feet- and boy are those things intense!!!
"who needs drugs when you have coasters...they're like a natural high"
How tall is Perilous Plunge? Isn't it around 120'? What is the tallest flume in the world? How tall is it?
Bull rides: 103
Batman rides: 61
whoa, ProgRay, i almost went in to cardiac arrest before i saw the end
janfrederick's avatar
120'!? Any taller than that and you'll need to give the riders reinforced bathing suits. My gluteus maximus cringes at the very idea!
Yeeee Haaawwww!
THREE FLAGS (and cheers) Santa Claus, Indiana!  I love this place so much I couldn't let this thread fall into page 2!  I know it's not a coaster, but this place is INCREDIBLE, and the people SO friendly!  This kind of customer-driven, guest-first mentality is unlike any place I've ever been...unbelievable!  I'd volunteer time there if I lived in the area - if you haven't been, GO!!!
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!
Guess I should add HW to my plans with all the reviews. Coasters aren't everything (did I just say that?) and it looks like they managed to get a great balence between coasters and flat rides/theming/families.

Great job Paula!

G.Bush:We will find those who did it, smoke them out of their holes, get them running, and bring them to justice.
I pray that I will never see a Six Flags Conneaut Lake

bigkirby, since we've talked woodies before, I feel I know you well enough to say this:  GO!  I can't let a HW thread go by without telling fellow "woodies" to go there.  It is not believable how fast and out-of-control you can feel on a wooden coaster, and these things (Raven is my personal preference) run like CRAZY!  Jeff Hammersly is a "craftsman", and to me that term means something...  Oh, and re: Paula's age:  a gentleman never asks a lady about her age...LOL
rollergator - intent on improving the "guest experience" - coming soon to a park near you

*** This post was edited by gatorwoodie on 10/2/2001. ***

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