Holiday World Announcements- 10 Days!

While I usually don't have a problem with the lap-bars, the first two rides of the the day on the Legend stapled me hard, and it hurt badly especially on the double up. I think Nungester knows what I'm talking about. As the day went on it never stapled me once. I enjoyed my ride greatly. Sorry I offended you Moosh.

Lap-bars are strange, when your a stranger, airtime comes out of the rain.

*** This post was edited by Binaural on 10/2/2002. ***

Well, we know they are getting three new things, but are they losing any of the old stuff? I'm just wondering if the reason the HW section is getting two new things is to replace something.

Nungester, do you remember the 2 guys you talked to at Indiana Beach on closing weekend? You talked to me and my dad for awhile.

I'm totally with ya' on the lap-bar issue man! I've got some pretty insane bruises on my leg from Legend.

MathMagic- I don't think they will take any ride out, although I've heard they have been having some problems with the Banshee.

Well there's a light in your eyes that keeps shining- LedZep

*** This post was edited by Binaural on 10/2/2002. ***

Well count this as strange agreement to Moosh followed by a huge DISSAGREMENT!

I can and have enjoyed coasters either with the lapbar high or being stapled by ride ops to the point that airtime was mearly impossible. I can still enjoy that kind of a ride. If your arse don't leave the seat the coaster is still fun.

What I can't stand though is bars that come in beyond stapled, So much so that they are choking you. What IM talking about is beyond stapled. Not snug against your lap but 3 inches into your skin. This should not happen period.

I am of course not knocking HW here. Yes I wish Legend had stronger springs, Raven seems to have them or at least don't need them as I have never had the PAINFUL experience of a bar racheting down 4 clicks that I did on legend earlier this year.

Of course if I said PTC was working in the stone age with restraints I would be bashed all to heck. I agree 100% they make a quality product but from my experience with wooden coasters 1. They were never made to be ridden with dividers. 2. Ratcheting lapbars are unnessary and there are better alternatives like a T bar and concaved padded seat.

Chuck, who really thinks half of cornballs fun comes because they chose Buzzbars over Ratchets.

Charles Nungester.
Is it about coasters or friends? I say both!

Your right, if Cornball had ratcheting bars, it wouldn't be half as fun.


You know, I heard something strange yesterday.. I did hear they were replacing one of the attractions in HW with one of the new ones next season. It could very well mean that the problematic banshee may be going bye bye... You know, a ghost ship themed swinging boat would be PERFECT in that location...

Godsey-stirring the controversy pot hours away from the announcement :)

I hear a train a comin'
Comin' round the bend :P

*** This post was edited by Chris Godsey on 10/2/2002. ***

Binaural, yes, I remember you guys and enjoyed meeting you imenssly.

See you at SRM 2003

Charles Nungester.
Is it about coasters or friends? I say both!

Nungester, hope to see you at TimbersFest as well.. what an event! Those night rides we were blessed with were purely INSANE! Best airtime ever!

Exscuse me sir, do ya' have any footers?

rollergator's avatar

Chuck, lovin' the new sig....See ya again at SRM '03...:).

I way prefer buzzbars too, but I think the validity in 'Moosh's argument comes from the FACT that, for the most part, ratcheting lapbars are here to stay (as are more seat dividers, more seatbelts, "coffin cars", AE-style train dividers, etc. There IS a line to be drawn between safety and fun, and the THRILL is certainly more *present* when you're standing close to that line. I certainly have NO intention of crossing that line, but there HAVE been *incidents*. Hence, we have all these restraint systems, mostly unnecessary IMO. But we have those "enthusiasts" who go beyond the line of common sense, and then *the rules" become tighter for everyone. A lawsuit or two can certainly change the way things are done, and I think you'll all have to agree that the Midwest is more enamored of "personal responsibility" than the "big city" folks in CA or NY...I kinda like the idea of being generally responsible for my own safety, and assuming the same for *responsible adults*....but I believe that *eventually*, the lawyers will probably win out...and that there will never again be a Kennywood JackRabbit in America...HANG ON!

bill, thinking more time on the "wild wood" in IN is always a good thing...

Leave it to Gator to smooth everything out!
Thanks Bill!

Sean, wondering if Jeff Hammersley will adopt him!

HW & IB, I love living in Indiana!

*** This post was edited by Donny S on 10/3/2002. ***

Donny S said:

Will yelled at us Saturday for using stuff like that, after someone's near Raven fifth hill fallout !

Good for him.

If you guys are really that concerned about lap bars, there are these things called your hands that work really well when used to hold things in place.

I've had my lap bar fall on Legend during the double-up as well, and I'd hardly call it 'painful.' Either I have an extremely high tolerance for pain (I do enjoy SOB, mind you), or you guys all need to 'toughen up.' :)

Hell, I love my one or two click rides as much as the next coaster dork, but there is a point when enough is enough.

Deal with it, enjoy your ride, laugh, and smile.

'If there's been a way to build it, there'll be a way to destroy it. Things are not all that out of control.' - Stereolab 'Crest'

*** This post was edited by chris on 10/3/2002. ***

Well said, Chris. If a bar coming down during a ride is such a big deal, you need to get some perspective on life.

"Now all I want is to find a way home, to warn Earth -- look upward, and share the wonders I see..."
My page

Mamoosh's avatar

Amen Greg and chris! I should be so lucky that falling lap bars are my biggest problem in life!

Mamoosh - aka Trouble Boy!

john peck's avatar
Oh boy, only 10 more minutes!

Gaaaaaaaaah! Paula!!! I'm dyin' here!!!!! What are the announcements????? ;) ;) ;)

Le roi est mort. Vive le roi.
Thanks Great America!

*** This post was edited by redman822 on 10/3/2002. ***

john peck's avatar
I think they need to contact websites and update their own. The meeting started at 12:00 Ohio Time
Mamoosh's avatar

Nice choices, Paula! Good, well-rounded selection and the two additions to HW are sure-fire hits! Can't wait to ride the new waterslide, too ;-)

Moosh - not giving away too much until Paula makes the official post.

Mamoosh - aka Trouble Boy!

Chris, Moosh & Greg.

I want to apologize for starting this, I honestly don't care if bars fall during rides, I just love the mad air these two coasters give with 1 or 2 click rides.

As for my statement earlier about tying up lapbars, no one I know of on Saturday did this. Will was speaking of ERT during events last year.

The last thing I want to do is make anyone think these coasters need to be changed, they are perfect the way they are and if I don't want to be stapled, like Cris said, I just hold the bar up !

"The Moose says your closed, I say your open"! Chevy Chase-Vacation

Mamoosh's avatar
Donny - don't worry about it.

Mamoosh - aka Trouble Boy!

How much longer are we going to have to wait? i can't take this anymore, ahhhh

Closed topic.

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