Holiday World Announcements- 10 Days!

Binaural, hell yeah man see you there!

I've been feeling bad this week I didn't talk to more Buzzers Saturday- I kinda kept to myself (first event jitters I guess) who else did I meet besides you Binaural?

HW & IB, I love living in Indiana!

Donny I was the same way, I kept to myself, but you and your friend will have to meet up with me and my friends at SRM. You seem like a pretty insane guy.

Gator, LOL, Your right, I really won't go if the new urinals aren't installed yet! But really I think I might go ahead and make the reservations now.

Laven and Regend rock ummmkay..

Will there be a fast pass system for the urinals?

I think we should add that to the list of all those mysterious questions like:

Why was my post deleted?

Which is better, SFMM or CP?

Will it be crowded at IOA this Saturday?

I can't get into that link, it's for CLUB members only!

Will it be crowded at CP this Saturday?

What is CP getting this year?

Why isn't SFGadv putting in a 400 foot coaster?

When is my park going to get a coaster?

Will it be crowded at SFMM this Saturday?

Binaural, yeah i get a little loopey on the Legend don't i! I liked hanging out of the train on all of my rides(sometimes that was unintentional though!) yes we will definately have to meet up.

p.s to Paula, tell Jeff to tighten up those lapbars this winter, they are stapeling us on the turn around before the double up !!

HW & IB, I love living in Indiana!

I think a Low Q or in this case a Low P system for the waterless urinals would be a good idea. You have your time to Pee and the rest to ride. If you miss your time, Tough Chit.

Chuck, who wonders if the guys will get the VIPee Tour next year as we have used them but didn't get to see paula explain them.

Charles Nungester.
Is it about coasters or friends? I say both!

Don't forget this one! "When does Kennywood close?"

"I make it a rule never to get involved with possessed people. Well, it's more of a guideline than a rule." - Dr. Pete Venkman/Bill Murray

*** This post was edited by rOLLocOASt on 10/2/2002. ***

redman - I've got plenty of my own, I was trying to get one for lonely ole gator.

'If there's been a way to build it, there'll be a way to destroy it. Things are not all that out of control.' - Stereolab 'Crest'

*** This post was edited by chris on 10/2/2002. ***

One more day before the big announcment, I'm getting pretty excited. What time do you think they will announce it?

Ummmm...the news conference is at 11 am CT.

I'll be sending stuff out to online outlets in the afternoon and will update our website then, too.

Hey--I just noticed--the new thing in Splashin' Safari is creating two more headchoppers for The Legend.

Life just gets better and better... :)


Paula Werne
Director of Public Relations
Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
Santa Claus, Ind.

The legend was going so dang fast last weekend, it was hard to appreciate the Zoombabwe headchopper....

So, is HW opening there 2003 season with a bang??? :)

Don't forget Santa's magic urinals- new for 2003!!! ;)

I hear a train a comin'
Comin' round the bend :P

rollergator's avatar

Raven Maven said:

Hey--I just noticed--the new thing in Splashin' Safari is creating two more headchoppers for The Legend.

Helicopter rides! j/k, I couldn't resist, what with the headchoppers and all....;)

*** This post was edited by rollergator on 10/2/2002. ***

Mamoosh's avatar

Guillotine - The Ride! New for 2003 at Holiday World and Splashin' Safari! One ride is all you'll need!

Mamoosh - aka Trouble Boy!

rollergator's avatar

All our guests are killed HUMANELY....;)

What DO those folks do who can't watch South Park....;)

I read, ride coasters, listen to music, and watch Elimidate.

Chris 'no cable' Baran

p.s to Paula, tell Jeff to tighten up those lapbars this winter, they are stapeling us on the turn around before the double up !!

Or they could just put LoCoStraps on sale in the gift shops.

Jonathan Hawkins
"The internet is a great way to get on the net." -Bob Dole

Jonathan, shhhhh...... Will yelled at us Saturday for using stuff like that, after someone's near Raven fifth hill fallout !

Who was that anyway ? (during the walkback )

Sean just wishing Legend and Raven had Buzz Bars!!

HW & IB, I love living in Indiana!

Honestly, if the legend and raven only had buzzbars, there would definitely be injuries on those airtime filled hills. Its a VERY good thing those bas tighten up on that sprial drop and the seatbelts kept me in my seat numerous times last weekend.

I hear a train a comin'
Comin' round the bend :P

Dude, Buzzbars would be hardcore, I think the Raven used to have them, correct me if I'm wrong. The Legend stapled me a few times and I didn't enjoy my ride at all, I hope that problem is resolved, but if it isn't it'll still be the best woodie in the world.

I love riding Raven, Legend and Bethany.

Mamoosh's avatar

The whole "lap bar" complaint is a pet peeve of mine. Look...the bars are there, they're not gonna change, and yeah they sometimes come down mid-ride, so just DEAL WITH IT! What's worse: being stapled on Raven or Legend or not being able to ride them at all? Count your blessings and be thankful for what you have.


Mamoosh - aka Trouble Boy!


It's 5000 times better than being stapled in Xcelerator or being nailed into Perilous Plunge.

I think the lapbars and belts are appropriate for that headless horseman.. :)

I hear a train a comin'
Comin' round the bend :P

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