Holiday World - Opening Day 5/6/06

Associated parks:

^I don't understand why people are jumping on his case. It was a joke. Also, I would NEVER give money to the Knights of Columbus because they are so vehemently anti-gay. They're also blatantly sexist as only men can join, and they put up anti-abortion billboards and were behind that whole "keep the Christ in Christmas" campaign. Don't get me wrong, they do a lot of good work, but I can think of dozens of other national charities that do good work without being homophobic and sexist. If I can be picky about who my money goes to, I will.

But sticking to the thread topic, I can't wait to ride the Voyage for this first time this saturday! Although it's supposed to be cold and rainy all day. Raven is my #2 coaster already, and Legend is lurking in the top ten somewhere (and I haven't yet ridden it with the PTC trains).

If you're upset about "keeping Christ in Christmas," I can't wait to hear about your reaction to the manger scene at Holiday World, not to mention all the religious music that can be heard in the Christmas section of the park. If the Knights of Columbus operated a great amusement park, would you go? 'Tis the season to be either ignorant or hypocritical, I suppose.

Oh, and I wouldn't give any money to Mothers Against Drunk Driving if I were you, either. What a sexist organization!

^Hey, I was careful to say they do a lot of good work. As far as the manger in Holiday world, I'm completley fine with that. Afterall, I'm a confirmed catholic. I have no problem with the expression of religious themes and ideals. However, I did think the whole "keep the Christ in Christmas" thing was stupid, because they boycotted stores that were trying to welcome diverse guests. Why boycott Target for having BOTH marry christmas and happy chaunukah signs? And as far as MADD being sexist, that makes no sense at all, considering anyone is allowed to join MADD, it's completely open. But, lets keep this thread on topic... PM me if you want to continue.

Despite (or perhaps because of) the stellar reviews, I'm still worried about antici-pointment with the Voyage. I've heard so much about how intense it is, but I'm not sure thats the main thing I'm looking for in a woodie. Phoenix is my favorite, and that doesn't quite qualify as intense, just fun and air-time filled.

Uh oh... just when you think it's died down, Shivtim opens a whole new can of worms... :)

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
^Sorry bout that... seriously lets keep this thing on topic. Ready... go. :)

any news on when gobbler getaway opens?


If Phoenix is your number one because of airtime, just let me tell you this.

It has more airtime than Phoenix. A whole lot more airtime. And it's airtime is a lot more violent too. Continuous ejector air in the back seat.

To those people that tell me that "You Ohio State fans think your better than everyone." It's because we are. :)
Haha, again? Listen, stiffing some random guys standing on the street is far from lame. Lame is giving your money, any amount of money to people you don't even know. *Even* (rather than some idiots scamming people, and there is a lot of scamming going on these days) if they are a reputable charity, you don't know how they spend or waste their money. Pass. I'll keep my money! But, if you wanna match me dollar for dollar in one of the charities I regularly donate to, then I'll match your donations to the Knights.... LOL.

Shiv, man if you like airtime, will you absolutely LOVE Voyage. It's crazy good, with crazy good airtime and everything thing else. I mean, it's got it all! You're gonna love it definetly.

*EDITED* - Edited for a grammar error per Money B. *** Edited 5/12/2006 5:37:50 AM UTC by eric.walton***

Justify away, homeboy. Your pal seems content to drop it, so I suggest you do the same. I don't think anyone is interested in hearing which charities you donate "too."
I think people are keeping Christ in Christmas to a certain extent. I got a card with Santa on the cover and Jesus was sitting on his knee. I thought it was real nice.

Keeping on topic, I'm feeling the excitement build everyday about going to HW this year. Raven and Legend have both been in my top 5 since I rode them at SRM in 2002. Personally I think Legend is better than Raven but Raven is probably the most reridable coaster in the world.

Oh ya, I thought I'd add that stiffing the guy was funny. I believe strongly in charity but I still thought that was funny. *** Edited 5/12/2006 2:50:58 AM UTC by Wabash Cannonball***

I don't think anyone is interested in hearing you bring up the same old crap from a three day old argument ROFL. I'm so happy you caught my error in grammar though! Please, please correct any previous post, as well as keep me up to date on any future mistakes I make. Thanks!!!!! Appreciate your help!

Also, I'd suggest you don't suggest what I should do or suggest. Thanks.

Please contact Money B regarding any grammatical errors in the above post. Money B will notify me and guide me in the correction. Thanks
Wabash Cannonball,

Thanks for your support. At least some of us can realize a joke these days. It seems as though there are a bunch of coaster nazis marching around now. Not saying that some people go overboard at parks, but this is a harmless joke that hurts no one.

Money B,

Don't think I am content to drop it. You were the one with no response to MADD not being sexist. I will never drop anything as long as I know I am right. You know I am, I know I am, and Den knows I am. You guys want to jump down my throat, yet you probably laugh at George Carlin and all of his jokes that would be similar to mine. I'm not saying mine is delivered quite as well, but I'm sure that he'd think it's funny in some sort of way.

Phoenix - 13 counted points of airtime

Voyage - 24 counted points of airtime

To those people that tell me that "You Ohio State fans think your better than everyone." It's because we are. :)
I'd bet they'd all laugh if you farted man.

Please contact Money B regarding any grammatical errors in the above post. Money B will notify me and guide me in the correction. Thanks

eric.walton said:
I'd bet they'd all laugh if you farted man.

I've tried that in previous threads here. Farts just don't seem to hold the amount of laughter as they use to.

Sheeeewww, what's that smell??????

Can't want to HWN, best event ever!!!!!!

To those people that tell me that "You Ohio State fans think your better than everyone." It's because we are. :)
[holds nose] If your sick, go to the hospital man! Sheesh....Who died!!!

I got the joke from Kris's original post. He's right, it wasn't the best delivery (IMHO) but I still chuckled. The operative word here is embellish. Kris embellished his post to describe how excited he was to get to Holiday World and ride Voyage.

A similar situation happened on the WCFC's original site with Rob Ascough and a trip report he wrote about Indiana Beach. He mentioned "clowning around like drunked frat boys" and the next thing you know a member accuses us (I was there) of rider misconduct. Rob and I as well as several others members tried to explain that the situation was embellished for reader interest. He wouldn't stop though and started calling us names and making duragatory remarks to all of us who responded to his accusations saying we were all mentally challenged.

Next thing I know I get a copy of a letter he wrote to Mr Spackman from him with all kinds of scribbling on all the margins containing more threats and rantings But we never insulted the guy and I was forced at that point to ban him and refund his dues minus the one issue he received.

My point is, if you weren't there you don't really know what actually happened. You don't know the actual facts of the situation. Something we all tried to explain to this gentleman. This whole argument here reminds me of that situation.

Now can we all just get along without preaching to one another.

....and I thought (according to some on this site) enthusiasts were bad. *** Edited 5/12/2006 2:19:41 PM UTC by Thrillerman***

Wood Coaster Fan Club - "Sharing a Passion for the Classics"
I wasn't going to continue this little battle with you kids because I was assuming that you were, well, you Then I actually looked at your respective profiles, did some quick math, and determined that you are both 24 years old and, despite this, you both still use such tremendous arguments as "LOL." ROFLCOPTER!!!

Mr. Allen, apparently you are unfamiliar with hyperbole. Since you are apparently one of those people who follow the Ohio State University football team with great fervor (by the way, you might want to change that "your" in your signature to "you're") despite the fact that you are past college age and, more than likely, you didn't actually graduate from OSU, I'll explain using small words.

The example of MADD was used as an over-the-top example of an organization that chooses to represent a specific sector of society. Although they extend membership to people who do not actually happen to be biological mothers of homo sapiens, the very nature of the name of the organization suggests sexism to somebody whose mind operates in the current climate of leftist doublethink. Despite all the white male guilt and liberal conditioning you've gotten in your state school education, an organization that chooses to represent a specific segment of society (in the case of the Knights of Columbus, a male group of Catholics) is not sexist. I highly doubt that you protest outside of black fraternities, single mother support groups, the Hispanic Business Students Association, etc., because those groups are exclusive to minority groups.

BUT, the minute that men want to have a group to themselves...OMG SEXISM!!!!11one. Get a grip, kiddies. *** Edited 5/12/2006 3:47:40 PM UTC by Money B***

Wow, how short is your attention span? I'm not the one who even said anything about MADD, it was ShivTim. I haven't really read up to much on the KOC, but if they are trying to take other religions out of the holidays, then that's definitely a wrong first step with me.

I use tremendous arguments as ''LOL'' and "ROFLCOPTER"? I think you forgot to use such in that sentence didn't you? Funny this is, I have never used that in any argument.

And as for my education, quite frankly, it's none of your (see I do know the proper way to use your and you're, just typo's) business. I had a very serious life threatening illness after high school and for some reason, that made me unable to attend. I've had to work to pay off all my credit card and hospital bills, and haven't had much of a chance to attend college. I'm an Ohio State fan because I live in Ohio. I was set to attend Miami (OH), which is a little harder to get in.

If you want to humor me some more about state schools being liberal minded, please pm me. There isn't anyone here who wants to read that.

You had to edit your post? I thought Mr. Grammar didn't do that.

Get a grip grandpa. *** Edited 5/12/2006 6:13:14 PM UTC by L. Kris Allen***

To those people that tell me that "You Ohio State fans think your better than everyone." It's because we are. :)

L. Kris Allen said:
Wabash Cannonball,

Don't think I am content to drop it. You were the one with no response to MADD not being sexist.

You asked for a response, so I gave one. Are you at least able to follow that much? And show me where I omitted the word "such" in my post?

I also see that I correct in assuming that you're one of the mouth-breathers who has never set foot in an OSU classroom yets lives and dies according to the actions of kids who are younger than you.

It's a shame you didn't attend Miami. They tend to actually educate people in addition to beating that liberal sillyness out of you.

Well I can see nobody reads my posts. :)

Wood Coaster Fan Club - "Sharing a Passion for the Classics"
Well, it's been almost a week since riding The Voyage and now I have to wait another two until I ride again! :(

Maybe I'll just settle for IOA or something...

L. Kris Allen

You mentioned giving rides.....count me in!!

Where do I live you ask...well, come to the now infamous 4-way stop...but take a left instead of going straight...(State boy now on patrol 24 hrs a day...THANKS!!)

Go about 4 miles and I'll be waiting in the KofC parking lot...but be fast...they know who you are!!!!

OK...just kidding...trying to ease the tension somewhat...anyway...hope to see many of you in a few weeks. I'll keep working the Voyage in for you all in the next few weeks to ensure everyone gets the best rides!!


Now that's Gummo...

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