Holiday World - Opening Day 5/6/06

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Charles Nungester said:

Anyhow, Im glad to hear it's insane as everyone it saying. I also have a hard time riding Legend more than maybe 5 times in a row but Im willing to try on Voyage if possible.

Is it really that good? I mean I love Legend running in insane mode so I should love this right?

Chuck, Voyage make Legend and Raven seem like kiddie coasters.

I don't think TGG will ever design anything like this again. Not that they couldn't, just that I don't think there is any other park out there willing to give them the freedom to do so.

Frank - thinking it's impossible to overhype this ride.

Monkey killing monkey killing monkey over pieces of the ground, silly monkeys give them thumbs they forge a blade and weapons by the pound to divide it, right in two - Tool
LOL, I'm the one that came up with the idea to run through the stop sign. If I was driving, I would have blown through there so quick, I would have knocked someone over! I got hit up once already at a gas station for money for some random charity. The lady explained only that it was for "the sick children". It must of had no name and I'm guessing she went to find the sick children that the money was going to on her own.

Anyway, Voyage was extremely good. I didn't originally plan on going, but I decided to on Monday. Glad I did, that's for sure.

I do love how thrillerman Hijacked this thread with his pictures.

Please contact Money B regarding any grammatical errors in the above post. Money B will notify me and guide me in the correction. Thanks
Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
I ode The Voyage about a dozen times on Saturday. It was totally wicked awesome! It was so totally wicked awesome that when I rode Kentucky Rumbler today, I had a hard time enjoying it for what it is and not compare it to The "totally wicked awesome" Voyage.

The Voyage is definitely my number one favorite as is, and I anxiously await to see how much it can improve. I can only imagine how insane night rides are going to be.

I also finally ventured into Holidog's Funtown and got my Howler credit after all these years. I am too tall to every attempt that again. Ouch :)

Not only was The Voyage totally wicked awesome, but I had a most excellent, if not THE BEST EVER, day at Holiday World with a bunch of great friends and Craig too. ;)

As always, great spending the day with you guys: Frank, Kyle, Danny, John, Kris, and Craig. :) See ya again in three weeks!

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

CoastersNSich's avatar

eric.walton said:
LOL, I'm the one that came up with the idea to run through the stop sign. If I was driving, I would have blown through there so quick, I would have knocked someone over! I got hit up once already at a gas station for money for some random charity. The lady explained only that it was for "the sick children". It must of had no name and I'm guessing she went to find the sick children that the money was going to on her own.

Now I understand how these people can be a pain in the ass. For example, I'd see these guys trying to peddle peanut M&M's for $1 or so on the streets, in the Cincinnati area, at busy intersections. Most times I'd just ignore them or turn the car radio/stereo loud. Still, that's no reason to not obey a stop sign.

I think that the Voyage and Holiday World is something all of us should make the trip to enjoy, but endangering the lives of others to get there is not worth it. Please stay home if you disagree with me.

Dental Plan! Lisa Needs Braces.

Den said:
Wow. If I had to write a reply that proved what I already thought about you, I couldn't have done better than you just did.

What kind of life do you live? I try to liven things up and make a trip report a little more comical so it doesn't seem so boring. I usually scroll through most trip reports, unless it's somewhat entertaining. All I did was try to get a few laughs, and you have to come in here like some robot with no sense of humor and just start ripping people.

What did you already think of me? Do you know me? I don't think so. So how could you already have an opinion of me other than this guy at least tries to make people laugh. If I failed that's one thing, but at least I tried. Most people who "know" me tend to enjoy hanging out at parks with me, so your opinion about me really holds no bearing.

And so what if someone doesn't want to give to a charity. Why should anyone of us, who work hard for a living, give to a charity when gas companies report eight billion dollar profits quarterly. If you want to complain to anyone, call them, don't bother me. I'm not saying I don't give to them at all, I do it quite often actually. But if someone doesn't believe in it then that is their own business.

Do you snoop around here just trying to find things to complain about?


I agree with you, but I don't mind things getting heated. Nothing like a good, clean debate. But this isn't the place to go out of your way insult someone like Den did. To disagree with someone is fine, but there's no reason to say someone is classless.


Lighten up! There was no stop sign ran. It was just a joke to make a few laughs. You obviously took it the wrong way. And if someone decides to "roll" through a stop sign like I said I did (as a joke!) then let the police do their job. Since you have never broken a traffic violation in your life, I see where your coming from though. ;)

Just remember, Voyage is the best ride ever. (My attempt to keep this on topic and about parks/coasters) *** Edited 5/8/2006 5:36:44 AM UTC by L. Kris Allen***

To those people that tell me that "You Ohio State fans think your better than everyone." It's because we are. :)
Come on guys! Hug and make up.

You will find out later in life that we all have 'issues' and cannot or do not act or say what others want us to. It's ok. Let's ride coasters and get along. If you can't get along with someone, then walk away!

Peace love and all that stuff...

can't wait to ride Voyage at Holliwood nights!

Has anyone heard how the track/structure is holding up? I know one of the main things about slowing the Beast down was the maintenace (of course).. I remember Ruth Voss (former PR person for KI, incredible person, RIP) telling us that when they run it without the brakes, the structure just "sways" (and she used her arms to show us how) in places.

I hope eventually Holiday World will get a nice big lit-up Neon sign for the Voyage. The pictures I've seen of the sign on the station doesn't do it justice.

I also though Blue tracer lights on the lift, first drop and station are speggheti bowl would be cool! Anyone remember how 'pretty' the blue lights on the Tidal Wave at Great America were?

Peace :)

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
^Awesome TR, Kris! I hate you all. :-)

I talked to Craig and Frank over the weekend and told them they sucked, but not before Craig's son told me *I* sucked for not being there. ;-)

See ya in three weeks!


Kris said: "I try to liven things up and make a trip report a little more comical so it doesn't seem so boring."

So do I. Apparently you haven't read my many TRs I've filed over the years.

Kris said: "What did you already think of me? Do you know me? I don't think so. So how could you already have an opinion of me other than this guy at least tries to make people laugh."

The only thing I knew about you is that you're the type of guy who would break the law to avoid giving a handful of change to a charity. That says a lot. I know something like that can be funny at the time, but it just struck me as really pathetic as I read it.

Kris said: "And so what if someone doesn't want to give to a charity. Why should anyone of us, who work hard for a living, give to a charity when gas companies report eight billion dollar profits quarterly."

So what you're saying is, because some people are rich, those of us who make average money should not help poor people. Makes a lot of sense.

Kris said: "Do you snoop around here just trying to find things to complain about?"

No, I've been posting regularly since 2001 (3,500 posts). And you've made a total of 132 posts since 2002.

Seriously though, dude, I'm not like infuriated by this or anything. It was just a random comment, and I have this compulsion to keep responding and arguing when someone replies to my negative comments...

I've done dumb stuff in my life. I would never admit to running a stop sign to avoid a charity though.

This reminds me of the guy who posted a TR saying he dumped a bottle of bubble bath into the fountain at the hotel he was staying at. Everyone really let him have it for that, but he was just "having fun" too.

EDIT: Apparently HTML doesn't work at all, so I added quote marks around your words.
*** Edited 5/8/2006 1:06:43 PM UTC by Den***

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
You missed out on some nice large Tootsie Rolls, L.K.A., a very cheerful man at the sign, and helping a good cause.

Den is right.

"No, I've been posting regularly since 2001 (3,500 posts). And you've made a total of 132 posts since 2002."

So what?

Does 3500 posts give you the right to come into his trip report and imply that he has no class just because you didn't get the joke?

Kyle *** Edited 5/8/2006 3:03:55 PM UTC by Recess***

You mean the lame joke?
Hey come on now, this about spending Saturday at Holiday World riding coasters with friends...not a ***** fest as to who has more class. We all do (and say) things in the heat of the moment we regret later on. No biggie...we're all human here, unless someone wants to claim they're from another planet. Sheesh, and to think I felt bad politely telling these little girls they couldn't have *cuts* in line in front of us Saturday (remember that scene Kris). I'm such a heal. ;)

Wood Coaster Fan Club - "Sharing a Passion for the Classics"
I bet it was the same group of girls that I had to listen to while waiting for The Legend. Yap! Yap! Yap! They were even so annoying that someone leaned over to my girlfriend and told her how lucky she must have been to get in line with them. Good times. ;)
janfrederick's avatar
Sorry, I'm dumb. I didn't get the joke either...and I have a pretty twisted sense of humor. I guess I needed a smiley winky face.

Anyway, you should have been so stoked on going to ride the Voyage, you should have filled the boot to the top (with money, not bodily fluids). ;)

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
Those girls were shocked you said that to them. It's exactly what should've been done though. They weren't just your average walk through the line cutters. They straight up jumped the railing. At least you didn't put your hand on their shoulder and get kicked out. ;)

Okay, okay. Listen, the joke is, we are rabid coaster enthusiasts. It's just to show the extent we go to be able to get an extra thirty seconds of ride time. Kind've like cutting off a bus of nuns on the way down the causeway at Cedar Point to get in the shorter line to pay for parking. We do extreme things to get what we want. This never happened, how many times must I say this before one realizes this?

To say I'm classy is off base. If you were to say my joke was distasteful, that's fine.

To those people that tell me that "You Ohio State fans think your better than everyone." It's because we are. :)
Wow! You guys are crazier than me!

Next time you see a person begging on the street, ask them if they are hungry. If they say yes, offer to give them some food or buy them something to eat. It will make your day. Here in Chicago, I have lots of opportunities to help others. All your needs will get filled if you help other people. In the world today, this means alot.

If they refuse the food or offer, then they probably want the money for a pint or something...

SOOOO.... uh.... Why are the seats on Voyage smaller than usual PTCs? Is it those silly looking new seat dividers?

I don't really think that the seats are that much smaller. After they get broken in, they'll seem more like a normal PTC fit.

I saw a woman grab garbage out of a garbage can the other day and start eating it. I went out of the building I was in and gave her ten bucks. Everytime I see a homeless person I give them all the change I have. I just donated two bags of clothes to the Goodwill. They were nice clothes, mostly abercrombie. So don't think I don't help out.

To those people that tell me that "You Ohio State fans think your better than everyone." It's because we are. :)
Someone said: "Does 3500 posts give you the right to come into his trip report and imply that he has no class just because you didn't get the joke?"

No - but he said I was "snooping around," whereas the post counts show that I'm much more a member of this community than he is.

That said - I totally missed where Kris said the stop sign was never actually run, and that it all was a joke. If that is true, yes, lame joke, but it's all cool. Show's over.

/for the record, I would not cut off a bus of nuns to be first in line.
//bus of retarded kids, maybe.
///KIDDING, jeez.

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
matt.'s avatar

L. Kris Allen said:
Voyage is a top notch coaster, with the stats to back it up. Raven and Legend never had that, and that is really important to the GP.

I'll fervently disagree with this. The GP may care about stats in the sense that record breaking coasters are highly marketable, but otherwise, the average park goer isn't going to know much about the Voyage's stats other than that its big. Or seems pretty big. And long. I'm sure you'll hear a lot of people saying "I can't believe how long it is!" But that's not really knowledge of a statistic, its just perception after riding the coaster.

Ask a random sample of people walking into HW's gate this season how tall or how fast or how long the Voyage is, and I assure you there will be quite a few that will flat-out know for sure (mostly enthusiasts), there will be quite a few more who don't know but could guesstimate pretty well, and then a very large portion who would be way off the mark.

I'm not saying the stats aren't irrelevant, but I think you're completely overestimating the GP's knowledge of what those stats are.


Let me give you an example here. I'm not talking about the people at the park. They are already there, so HW has already got them.

Say I'm a GP, and I'm flipping throgh the channels, and up comes a coaster show. I see Raven and Legend, and I'm not overly impressed, even though they are both ranked in the top ten. But when I see Voyage, I think man, that thing looks awesome. Kind've like seeing Storm Runner then seeing TTD. If I don't know any better, I'm going to go ride TTD.

I didn't say that the GP is going to to know the stats, but they will know that it is quite the behemoth, and that will get more butts through the door than the previous coasters.

To those people that tell me that "You Ohio State fans think your better than everyone." It's because we are. :)

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