Holiday World - Opening Day 5/6/06

Associated parks:

You know what kills me? I'm standing in line for Voyage on Saturday watching the coaster and this guy and his friend ask me if the ride is really that good. I told them I thought it was quite possibly the best one ever built. But then it happened. He asked me about Cedar Point and if I had ever heard or been there. He mentioned TTD and how no one could beat it. Forget Kinda Ka and arguing with the guy, I just said, "Ride this with an open mind and then tell me what you think when it's over."

They proceeded to wait for the front with me behind them in the second seat. I just had to watch their reaction. They put their hands up at the top and I could tell they were blown away by what began to unfold during the beginning of the ride. I couldn't resist the temptation to lean forward and tap the guy on the shoulder at the top of the 5th hill and state that at that point Top Thrill Dragster was OVER. I mean we hadn't even hit the turnaround yet and the buffet of thrills and forces served already completely blows away what those rides offer.

I saw those two in line several more times Saturday riding the Voyage. I wonder what they think of TTD now!

Wood Coaster Fan Club - "Sharing a Passion for the Classics"
matt.'s avatar

L. Kris Allen said:
I see Raven and Legend, and I'm not overly impressed, even though they are both ranked in the top ten.

I still think you're giving the sheer size of Voyage a bit too much credit when it comes to pulling people into the gate who have never been to the park before. I just don't think that the difference it will make is all the significant compared to the amount of families that will be coming for the first time because of HW's newly broadened marketing power, the fact that HW is getting a new coaster, the fact that Thanksgiving is an all new area with a dark ride as well, etc etc etc. The sheer size of the thing may get the attention of a few people who aren't familiar with the park but I don't think that's going to be a large segment of those who are going to get the park past the 1 million mark.

I agree, GP will run to the gates if it's the "WORLDS -----" whatever. Listen to pop radio, the same applies.

I think Holiday World will be built on true word of mouth, and that kind of thing. All these records that the parks break really are just novelties. TTD is a one trick pony (I haven't been on it... I'm sure it's good). Millie is a speed demon - with 7 hills.

Holiday World doesn't seem like they would want the crowds that are going for the tallest, etc., anyway. The focus is on families, not snotty 14-24 year olds with their cell phones, ambercrombie and expensive shoes (and acting out in public, making out, calling out people who are not like them, etc.)

I can't believe someone just mentioned their freakin post count in an argument on the freakin internet. Wooohooo, you post all the freaking time on a forum, get outside or something lol.

Anyway, thrillerman, I was hanging out with Kris and Cory all day, and hopefully you didn't take my thread hijack comment as anything other than a joke. Love the pictures, nice to have some good background shot for my desktop!

Voyage is indeed, just about the perfect coaster. I mean, I'm a fan of mostly wooden coasters, never cared much for steal. And really, this coaster has everything I could want. Definetly a great coaster, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for HW.


I can't WAIT! I am still speechless whenever i see the video, and than i read positive review after positive review and it gets me real excited.

Anyways, just a few things nobody touched upon:

> are all 3 trains running on this thing yet? or were they just running two?

> what were the lines like for you guys on opening weekend? Lines died down later in the day i'd presume, then pick up toward evening? [everyone going to legend first?]

> smaller lines for raven and legend? would it be easy to marathon those?

Doesn't really matter.. jsut curious i guess. And i want to help plan out how to spend my time, between water park, ERT, video taping, what rides to go to first w/ the newbies, etc. for my 2 day holliwood night trip.

I think they will surely bring in over a million visitors this year

I think they will bring in that many for holliwood nights, alone.... :P

Thanks! :)

// alan j

eric.walton said:I can't believe someone just mentioned their freakin post count in an argument on the freakin internet. Wooohooo, you post all the freaking time on a forum, get outside or something lol.

The point wasn't, "I post more than you so my opinion is more important." The point was, the dude accused me of lurking around looking for places to post negative crap. I think having 3,500 posts disproves any possibility of that; Jeff would have banned me long ago if I had made 1/10 that many negative posts.

Besides, you'll notice most of my posts are made during work hours - can't go outside, might as well post stuff.

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
The lines for Raven and Legend were longer than Voyage due to one-train-op. The longest I waited for Voyage was 15 minutes and it was usually about 10 minutes tops. *** Edited 5/8/2006 10:52:17 PM UTC by Acoustic Viscosity***

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

So what you are telling me, is that your purpose (at least what seems to be your purpose), in posting in this thread was to run amuck with your keyboard about someones class for running a stop sign or charity or whatever, who cares, while you are sitting at work posting?. I mean, you've said nothing else relevant to this thread. While you're playing preacher and what-not, about being classy and presumably ethical, you're wasting your employers money whilst posting away!

I mean, I don't care what you do, you may even be encouraged by your employer to engage in such activity. It just amuses me you have such opinions and you're at work posting...... But in the end, you screwing around on the internet is not in your employers best interest. Heck, maybe your self-employed? Even so, my opinion stands, it's not in your best interest to be wasting time away.

I don't think having 3500 post disproves the possibility of sqaut. Maybe you've just made a lot of post in random threads when you've really not had anything constructive to say like you started with your first post in this one.

Maybe you should start posting your name in your posts, considering it's now illegal to annoy people on the internet anonymously, cause you're annoying the hell out of me. I mean, I doubt any law enforcement agency in the country will ever start cracking down on such ridiculousness, but you never know, seems like good insurance.

Den said: The point wasn't, "I post more than you so my opinion is more important." The point was, the dude accused me of lurking around looking for places to post negative crap. I think having 3,500 posts disproves any possibility of that; Jeff would have banned me long ago if I had made 1/10 that many negative posts.

Besides, you'll notice most of my posts are made during work hours - can't go outside, might as well post stuff.

*** Edited 5/8/2006 10:35:00 PM UTC by eric.walton***
Kris I can't beleive you ran that stop sign to avoid those people.

I hit the stop sign and knocked it down to get farther away from them!

AVMatt-- you know you liked it!

Iggy-- Oh wait I should put these here so people will know I'm kidding and not take it the wrong way! ;) ;) ;)

The Golden Rule - Try it once and if you don't like you don't have to go on again!
Mamoosh's avatar
All this bickering reminds me of a quote from "When Harry Met Sally":

You're doing it again, Harry. You take a perfectly good situation and you pee all over it."

I was there sunday, and I remember this family, mom and her two sons. I already rode Voyage I think six times at that point. Her youngest son came up to me and asked me if I've been on this. I replied, "Sure have!" So he asked me if he could come ride with me because he hasn't been on it. I replied "Sure" He was only maybe 10-12. While we're in line his mom wanted to know how many I've been on and I was like I'm going to break 100 this year. She freaked out b/c she didn't realize there were this many and more in this country alone. These people were from Louisville, KY. Quite a few parks to choose from in the area. So to some up the story short. When her son and I were going up the lift hill, he asked me is this better than Mean Streak at CP. My mouth just dropped and asked him if he was serious. What he said i'll never forget, "Mean Streak the best because it's at Cedap Point and it's the best because it has the biggest coasters."

Back to the whole GP. Here is a normal family out at a theme park. They went to Cedar Point for what reason and mean streak is good for what?

They came to HW b/c the heard one of the biggest in the world, and they didn't care about nothing else.

Even when got off, I was asking the family questions about what you think of the air time, the serious banked turn, lateral-g's, triple down, underground tunnels, and etc. Most of the replies were what are you talking about. My conclusion is I'm an enthusiast and they are just GP.

Also wanted to say hi to all the ACE member I met Sunday. Awesome time riding with others that love coasters as much as i do.

Iggy ACE said:
Kris I can't beleive you ran that stop sign to avoid those people.

I hit the stop sign and knocked it down to get farther away from them!

AVMatt-- you know you liked it!

Iggy-- Oh wait I should put these here so people will know I'm kidding and not take it the wrong way!

See, thats why I rolled through it, some idiot knocked it down! ;)

To those people that tell me that "You Ohio State fans think your better than everyone." It's because we are. :)
Daym you Kris for running over the firefighters to avoid giving to charity. After you ran over the stopsign there was a huge pileup! They're sending your insurance the bill! :)

Your a little punk! :) Degenerate! :) The reason for the demise of the human race! :) and you generally smell bad! :)

Just wondered if I missed anything Den could bring up beings bashing is allowed only to him on this site.

I can do what I want at work as long as I get my work done. However, there are certain "dead" periods where I must wait for other people to finish their work before I can do mine. That's when I post on the Internet. I'm not wasting anyone's time or money.

I think a lot of people on this site would stand up for me being a productive member here. How many would stand up for you, Eric.Walton?

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
Wrong thread Moosh. And if you're talking about the Frightfull Falls encounter, you too Craigers. ;) ;) ;)

So that's why I almost got hit crossing that intersection. ;)

What's the lesson for today, class?
Never leave home without your winky. ;) ;) ;) *** Edited 5/9/2006 2:02:17 PM UTC by Acoustic Viscosity***

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

wes jorden said:
When her son and I were going up the lift hill, he asked me is this better than Mean Streak at CP. My mouth just dropped and asked him if he was serious. What he said i'll never forget, "Mean Streak the best because it's at Cedap Point and it's the best because it has the biggest coasters."

Back to the whole GP. Here is a normal family out at a theme park. They went to Cedar Point for what reason and mean streak is good for what?

They came to HW b/c the heard one of the biggest in the world, and they didn't care about nothing else.

I rest my case. That place in Sandusky gives wood coasters a bad reputation. I've heard those type of comments all too often from people (and even some enthusiasts - see my post above). It's a clever form of brainwashing called blinded by the hype.

Wood Coaster Fan Club - "Sharing a Passion for the Classics"
Anyone want a ride to HoliWood Nights? :)

To those people that tell me that "You Ohio State fans think your better than everyone." It's because we are. :)
Coming in a little late here...

Voyage really is THAT good. My advice to HW goers would be to ride Raven and Legend first, because you'll be hugely disappointed by both if you ride Voyage first-and this is coming from someone who had them as his #1 and #2 woodies!

The coaster got better and better as the day went along. My fifth and last ride of the day was easily the best lap I've ever taken on any coaster. The back seat has to be experienced to be believed.

Congratulations to the Koch family and Holiday World for having the courage and the foresight to build this monster! I've never been happier about my move to Cincinnati from Columbus last year, because I'm 2 hours closer to Holiday World, and I see many return trips in my future.

Oh, and stiffing the Knights of Columbus is lame. Reach into your ashtray and give 'em a few cents.

Money B said:

Oh, and stiffing the Knights of Columbus is lame. Reach into your ashtray and give 'em a few cents.

Don't even start on this man. Maybe you should you read the whole thread where this was a joke. According to Den, I'm right and you're wrong because I have more posts.

To those people that tell me that "You Ohio State fans think your better than everyone." It's because we are. :)
I'm sorry, I thought the joke was that you rolled the stop sign, not that you stiffed a worthwhile and legitimate charity. They're both chock full of HILARITY, by the way.

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