195ft flyer, who ever heard of such a thing. Thats like saying there's a 400 foot launch coaster out there or something, totally stupid thinking! You know they can't build any higher than Xcelorator! Jeez guys, c'mon!
Do I really need to put a smiley winking for ya'll to know I'm just joking here?
Edit: Yay! I made it to page 3 and we still haven't been deleted yet!!!11!!!
Beaver, The other White meat.
*** This post was edited by TeknoScorpion 7/29/2003 11:47:34 AM ***
A random Mooshter's Dawntionary listing: Dopeler Effect [n.] - the tendancy of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.
Oh, and before Moosh says it...."shut up, gator"...;)
your company's name and logo HERE...effective advertising at great rates!
rollergator said:
Head first, stright down....sounds a bit on the *thrilling* side
Yup, sounds thrilling to me....;)
Moosh, you're just mad cause I had a buffalo chicken MTO, and there aren't any Sheetz over in your little corner of the world to make you such a wonderful thing. Bla!
Hey, atleast it wasn't moosh saying I hate you all, cause you know he loves us. Well, me anyways:)
Beaver, its whats for dinner:p.
Oh, and it's Deja Vu, not De Javu.
A random Mooshter's Dawntionary listing: Dopeler Effect [n.] - the tendancy of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.
btw, I think I feel the Dopeler Effect all over this thread, along with some Esplande!:)
Beaver, its whats for dinner:p.
PS - shut up, chris!
A random Mooshter's Dawntionary listing: Dopeler Effect [n.] - the tendancy of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.
"Ever hear of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates...Morons!"
Whenever you can ride a roller coaster and experience 15 spots of intense airtime, you know you're on a good coaster. (see: Phoenix)
I'm sorry, I was picked on while I was a yoot... ;)
"SOME people have NO class!" - Mom from the Whizzer queue
Whenever you can ride a roller coaster and experience 15 spots of intense airtime, you know you're on a good coaster. (see: Phoenix)
Joe, in a mood today, I guess
Top Thrill Dragster -- The most intense, unbelievable, and spectacular fifteen seconds on any coaster, anywhere, ever.
Anyways... I'll tell EVERYONE what it is
........on August 5th :)
This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time.
A yoot...a yoot! Or as my buddy call them: "meatheads"
"SOME people have NO class!" - Mom from the Whizzer queue
There you go - a 195-foot carousel.
Back in my hole now.
Come on fhqwhgads!
Closed topic.