Hercules Remembered

Dante, if i took every anti Magnum comment personnaly, I would have a lot of issues.

Sorry if I offended, but on a list of 154 coaster, Hercules comes in dead last.

If given the choice I'd choose a hamburger over a hotdog anyday of the week.

I wish I had ridden Herc in its first year or two. I rode it for the first time a few weeks ago, and it ranks in the bottom few of the 100 or so woodies I've ridden :( Man I wish I had been there opening year!

- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson

Why is everyone turning this topic about me. I am not taking anything personally, I'm just defending the ride I liked.

This space will forever be dedicated to Hercules-R.I.P. 1989-2003

No need to defend anything, man. You have your opinion, other's have theirs...! :)

- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson

Mamoosh's avatar
DorneyDante - it's an inamimate object...it does not have feelings and does not need to be defended. It really does appear to a lot of us that you are defending your opinion, not the ride itself.


2004 Coaster Calendar now available. Order in advance and save. See S&D Greetings for details.

Hey, what will they do with the footers, will they totally remove them, or just cut the tops off and cover them with dirt?

Western Michigan University Engineering student.
Go Broncos!

Moosh, you are really reading too much into my posts. I'm not intending to come off the way you are describing, I am just trying to state my opinion like everyone else here. Sorry of it comes off strong or even if your interpreting it wrong. Whats done is done, I'll get over it (eventually).

This space will forever be dedicated to Hercules-R.I.P. 1989-2003

I think they remove the footers because they are going to have to put new ones in for the coaster that is replacing Hercules. I would imagine that the old ones will get in the way.

Dragster Laps - 21
Trips to the Point (2003) - 19

Mamoosh's avatar
OK...it's all good, DorneyDante!


2004 Coaster Calendar now available. Order in advance and save. See S&D Greetings for details.

I honestly dont understand some enthusiasts. They complain and complain and complain and then when something is done about the situation they complain some more! Will anything make some of you guys happy because im certainly starting to believe that you'll always have something up your #$%.

In my opinion, the ride was a complete and utter piece of crap. There was NOTHING good about it. The first drop was trimmed to death, the turn at the bottom of the drop was literally spine breaking and the rest of the ride was slow and boring.

Yes, this is the loss of a wooden coaster, but its a BAD wooden coaster. I mean, are wooden coasters being torn down right and left? I dont think so. Infact, they are actually pretty popular these days (Thunderhead for example). The ride wasnt torn down because it was wooden, but frankly because it was a POS.

And this talk on people contacting ACE and other organizations to help save this is just sickening.

In my opinion, the park couldnt be making a better decision. Now Dorney Dante, thanks for the link! It was actually pretty cool. Dorneys been one of my homeparks for a while and I've never seen pics of hercules construction.
"AHHH!! Oh wait, we didnt drop yet"

Compare the ratio of wood to steel. Better yet compare the ratio of steels being built next year to wood. I did a quick search on RCDB and found 361 operating wood coasters in the USA as compared to 805 steel coasters in the USA. Thats almost 3 times as many steel coasters as compared to wood. Food for thought on where some people may have been taking this discussion. It is a troubling statistic, especially for those die hard wood fans.

This space will forever be dedicated to Hercules-R.I.P. 1989-2003

eightdotthree's avatar
wooden coasters dont have high ridership unless they are smooth and fun, like for instance the kennywoodies. more and more wooden coasters arent being cared for well or have been designed with bad intentions. people ride these bad coasters and come off with a negative feeling about woodies in general cause they hurt and werent any fun. and therefore wont ride other woodies.

herc is a perfect example and part of the problem, not part part of the solution.

DorneyDante, your stats arent really accurate either. a hyper is not a suspended is not a floorless is not a flying etc etc. steal coasters come in many different forms.

while wooden coasters also have different styles, they are all essentially a wooden coaster, drops turns etc, and they all offer a similar experience. where a hyper gives a different experience than a floorless.

i will probably get it for that last paragraph, but i think everyone will understand what i mean, :)

/ --------------------------------------

Mamoosh's avatar
Sorry, DorneyDante, but your numbers are wrong.

According to rcdb.com there are 116 operating wood coasters and 501 operating steel coasters in the USA.


2004 Coaster Calendar now available. Order in advance and save. See S&D Greetings for details.

Also, the reason that wooden coasters arent as common is because they require a lot of maintainance and arent as popular with the GP as huge steel coasters are. But thankfully companies and parks have learned what makes a good wooden coaster that appeals to the GP.

"AHHH!! Oh wait, we didnt drop yet"

Two quick thoughts:

1. I wouldn't mind seeing a wrecking ball go through Psyclone at SFMM.

2. Bring back Windjammer at Knott's! It was one of the greatest coasters of all time.... ;)

Mamoosh's avatar
Actually, Blitzjade, my theory on why steel is more prominent that wood is that steel gives the designer more flexibility in their design and it's a lot less financially draining on the maintenance budget.

There's lot more you can do with steel than wood.


2004 Coaster Calendar now available. Order in advance and save. See S&D Greetings for details.

Mamoosh said:
Sorry, DorneyDante, but your numbers are wrong.

According to rcdb.com there are 116 operating wood coasters and 501 operating steel coasters in the USA.


woops, forgot to check the "operating coasters" box

My numbers are total operating and operated coasters.

That makes my point even more valid. The ration of wood coasters to steel is 1:5.

This space will forever be dedicated to Hercules-R.I.P. 1989-2003

DorneyDante said:

Clear the way cedar Fair and eat up every and any ride from the original Dorney Park in your path. Just saddens life-long park goers like myself to see what is happening to this park. They have done so many great things to the park yet at the same time have ripped so much (if not all) of its soul away, and I'm afraid the only people who are witness to this are the people who have been going to the park all their lives.

i'm a life long park goer (30 years). hercules was the coaster that turned me into a coaster nut, for that i will always be thankful. but i am more thankful that cedar fair bought this park and made it into what it is today. some of the coaster purists like the woodies, but the majority of park goers prefer the smooth speed that can only be found with steel coasters.

thank you Cedar Fair and Dorney Park!!!

I can picture the cobra roll over the lake now.

Nashville needs a theme park!

Mamoosh's avatar
Considering the difference in elevation between where Herc's station [and I presume the floorless' station] sits and the level of the lake we could be looking at a floorless with a record-setting first drop and maybe inversion size as well.


2004 Coaster Calendar now available. Order in advance and save. See S&D Greetings for details.

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