Hercules Remembered

I'm sorry if this makes some of you mad but I thought I would post an interesting link for all the Hercules fans out there. In lieu of the recent announcement, I am posting a link that details the construction process of this Summers/Dinn megawoodie. See how it was built, now see how it gets taken down.


This space will forever be dedicated to Hercules-R.I.P. 1989-2003

Is there anyword yet on what will become of it? I don't think it could be re-located because of it's design.

"The Mountain Slidewinder. Voted The #1 Non-Rollercoaster Ride in America Amusement Business Magazine, 1991"

They use the word "disassemble." Meaning that it will be taken down in pieces, which makes me happy. A wrecking ball would be very sad to see used. I would find it very unpractical to relocate a terrain woodie, so that is def outta the question. The only thing I can think of is to use the wood in a future coaster project.

This space will forever be dedicated to Hercules-R.I.P. 1989-2003

Am I the only one that thinks it would be awesome to get some footage of a giant wrecking ball swinging through that giant structure? Would look great on one of those demolition shows.

Seriously, no major loss. Anyone who can wax sentimental over a mediocre coaster to be replaced by a premier company's premier product... well, they're just beyond me.

On a side note, what's the point of keeping a bad wooden coaster for the sake of wooden coasters at large?

Mike Anderson

that would be awesome to see a wrecking ball rip right through the thing. Id buy front row tickets!
what is wrong with you people there is so few wooden coasters these days im afraid there gonna be gone someday. something needs to be done, and no it doesnt involve a wrecking ball.

Kennywood Team Member Since July 2003
Phantom Fright Nights Fridays & Saturdays
September 12 - October 25

People shouldn't be concerned with the number of wooden coasters. That's irrelevant. People should be concerned with the number of good wooden coasters.

Mike Anderson

It's not like it was a classic or anything, just a Dinn.


MAnderson said:
Am I the only one that thinks it would be awesome to get some footage of a giant wrecking ball swinging through that giant structure? Would look great on one of those demolition shows.

I was thinking more along the lines of implosion. Guess the nieghbors would complain about the noise.

I am not going to cry over the loss of this monstosity. It was an awesome ride when it first opened, but it has lost much of its punch over the years, and the structure was in horrible shape, with no way to repair it other then reconstruction. I think this will be a much better use of the space on that hill.

Ask yourself; When was the last time YOU visited Conneaut Lake Park?

Michael Aschenbrenner said:
what is wrong with you people there is so few wooden coasters these days im afraid there gonna be gone someday. something needs to be done, and no it doesnt involve a wrecking ball.

Uh, sure, and this is why there are several new wooden coasters built each year. Already Thunderhead has been announced, and it is only Sept. 4. There is still a whole off-season of announcements to go.

Ask yourself; When was the last time YOU visited Conneaut Lake Park?

Ah yes memories, I remember coming to a complete stop on the first drop only to have the most extreme jackhammering, rib cracking, shuffle of a ride ever.

Yeah it was great............

I got my 55 gallon diesel drum ready, somebody send me a book of matches :)

If given the choice I'd choose a hamburger over a hotdog anyday of the week.

You know what would be cool? If they burned it AND used a wrecking ball at the same time. It would be great. Then sell tickets and put it on Pay-Per-View. Ahh, one can dream.

*** This post was edited by GoliathKills 9/4/2003 10:24:33 PM ***

When Hercules opened in 1989, it was a pretty decent ride. I am glad I documented it with photos and videos because never did I think this would happen in my lifetime to this coaster. Sure, it got very rough and presumably "unfixable" over the years, but I would have much rather seen them retain that first magnificant drop and redesign the rest of the ride than to take it down.
Hercules' Revenge?

Honestly, if the new B&M takes advantage of the terrain at all, I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be not just a good coaster, but a great coaster.

Maybe I'm overly optimistic, but whenever I hear about the terrain and trenches, I'm thinking shades of Nemisis.

Mike Anderson

Just a thought! They said they were dismantling it and they are taking a year to do it. Think they are taking it apart carefully to Michagan Adventure? Do you think CP will follow suit and remove Mean Streak for a Floorless?


Th terrain features I think pretty much dismiss he possibilty of moving it. Perhaps they may use the wood to build anothr coaster, but I doubt that as well.

I think ther real fate will be a giant bonfire in the sky.

Don't count on the Mean Streak removal either, Cedar Fair gives giant lee way as far as park decisions go. Add that to the fact that a ride on Mean Streak feels like a ide on The Legend when compared to a ride on hercules. Oh yeah, and that whole coaster count thing that CP is not interested in (ha ha) may get in the way of it's removal.

If given the choice I'd choose a hamburger over a hotdog anyday of the week.

Well Actually Since they are removing it carefully (although yes this is rarely done, okay almost never done) They could reprofile the track rearange it and make a new layout, aka Crystal Beach Cyclone. It is a possibility! Who knows. I have always thought that Hercules was a beautiful coaster! Hell I would say one of the MOST beautiful first drops on a wood coaster. Its a shame I never got the chance to ride it. So you say it hurts, well I'm use to pain and I'm sure I would love it! O Well.YEt another ride I will never get to ride.
I actually don't remember the last time Hercules had a wait further than down the steps of the station.

I wonder what the odds of Dorney stockpileing the wood for somthing in 2006? Maybe in that field over in front of Steel Force. Would it even be possible for them to reuse the wood for another coaster? If they could they would save a great deal of money on construction.

Does anyone have an onride photo from Hercules? I know it hasn't been open for a few years.

Signature will be closed today. Sorry for the inconveinance.

I can't believe the applause some of you are giving for the death of a coaster. Truly sad!

Why couldn't Dorney have just built the floorless around and intertwined with Hercules (like Kennywood's Phantom and Thunderbolt)? It would probably have enhanced both coasters.
Nashville needs a theme park!

I think Hercules is like one of those $200 dollar beater cars you buy to Dorney. It's serves it's purpose but it costs you too much to maintain. Your the last person your group of friends call when they want a ride someplace because they don't want that spring from the seat poking them in the back. :) I think that pretty much describes Hercules.
Signature will be closed today. Sorry for the inconveinance.

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