help me out here

Wow, two "What happened to Coasterbuzz?" threads in one pre-season ... does this mean we're like guarenteed an awesome season? :)

But on topic, I only attack threads which are lazy or illogical. To come in here and start posting questions that are easily found with a simple search, a visit to a park website, or even just searching the links across the top of this site is just pointless. You're just making noise, and useless noise helps no one. On the other part of it, posting a question about a 1,000' coaster rumor you heard about My Backyard Park, WV just doesn't make sense, so why waste the time posting it.

If you think about what you're saying, just re-read what you post before hitting that reply button, I think it would help a lot of the newbies. I really can't stand any other message board on the internet because so much is just useless noise, "me too", avatars, signatures, stupid questions, laziness, etc. etc. This is the one that actually cares about the conversation, not who has the better picture next to their name, who has the best signature, who has the most posts, who can defend their favorite things the best.

That being said, Jeff, please, no avatars on the new site, don't make it look like Pointbuzz ...

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)

Lord Gonchar said:
Then perhaps you should create your own forum rather than tell others how to run theirs and their users how to behave.

Just a thought. :)

I havn't read one statement that rablat5 has told anyone of how to run there forum just suggestions. Likewise with the users. I've read this thread a few times and think that nobody is going to change how someone acts.

If you don't like the quality or how someone acts don't bother with it. it's how people are and no matter what you say nothin is going to change that.

Thank you jeff and crew for the site. rablat5 just enjoy what there is. I am new and feel free to make rude remarks to me and my dog.(not my cat though!) Thank you for your time.


Get three servings of Family Guy every day. It's healthy for your soul.
But you see, for the most part, that was a well thought out, well typed, logical, sensical response. There's nothing in there TO make rude marks about. Welcome to the site, have fun and hope you enjoy yourself.

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
Lord Gonchar's avatar

I havn't read one statement that rablat5 has told anyone of how to run there forum just suggestions.

Aww, see, you're dragging me down into it. :(

Suggesting and telling are one and the same - especially in certain context. Is there really a difference in suggesting the mods don't close threads and telling them not to close threads beyond the addition of the word "please" or "maybe?"

Is there really much difference between:

"Anyway, y'all probably don't want to hear all this, but please try and be kinder to some of the newbies and don't be so quick to jump on their cases about something."


"Be kinder to some of the newbies and don't be so quick to jump on their cases about something."

I don't see it.

From experience, if you're new to CB, sit back and relax. Get used to the way things work around here. I didn't post anything for the first 4-5 months I was around. Two things I learned early on were:

1) There's a certain way people converse here. To me it's very information-based forum. They don't necessarily get deep, but they don't take kindly to people posting any old thing that comes to mind.

2) You'll learn quickly that there are people you just don't post with on here. Not to sound mean spirited, but there are posters here that have nothing good to say, many are just looking to get a rise out of others.

When you begin to notice that sort've thing you'll be more cautious when you post.

Now officially a Halloween Haunt Cornstalker for Fall '08!
I would say that i have been a member of this site for going on two full years i believe and i have done the fair share of stupid posts, but sometimes i got to know something.

I dont think i ever started a better than one or the other, or the vs. thing like chuck has mentioned, but i have made posts that started out innocent enough and changed my thinking and showed me things i may have missed. I did it last week as a matter of fact and i missed the whole point of why i do this. Talking about my Kings Island thread, but you get the convo going and it increases what might not be there before and also get you back to where you should be.

My cousin nearly doesnt post as much, because she thinks very narrow. I admit it. She has left to go to cedar fair chats and all that. Not that im against that, but i have found some great places outside of that chain. I like the smaller parks for a better time. She just doesnt like the idea that being monitored for her support of the parks and that of slipping out details of whats going on in them, because she works there. She might be better off there, but i know people here are much better at giving you a solid answer.

I should be thankful for these people because they have used constructive criticism and also shown that they actually can help you, because they have a knowledge of the game.

Resident Arrow Dynamics Whore

Apparently, Rablat5 hasn't read the thread about quote posting either! So I'll summarize; If someone's post is right above your post, why do you need to repeat it again, especially if it's a large post? Afterall, most people read from top to botttom.
Mamoosh's avatar
OK. To some people this may sound rude, mean, curt, or snobbish but so be it...I feel it's the truth. What happens here, especially regarding how "new people" are treated, is not any different that how the real world works.

When you join any community you must to ahdere to the standards and rules set by it or suffer the consequences. It doesn't matter if one is joining a circle of friends, a church, starting a new job, a new school, or becoming a member of a coaster fansite.

Now I'm not saying you have to become a clone and lose all your individuality. One need not look any further than yours truly, or Gonch, or janfrederik, our own webmaster, or any of the other regular members who post often to see that we have all maintained our own unique personalities.

Someone suggested a TOS quiz but I don't think that's necessary. I don't think anything is necessary...we're a moderated group and, like any community we'll weed out those who, well, just "don't fit." That being said if something is to be done perhaps when someone clicks "yes" to the TOS a new window pops up with a letter from Jeff saying something like this:

"Welcome to Coasterbuzz. While the urge to jump right into the discussion or start your first thread will be hard to avoid I strongly suggest you take some time to read threads and see how we do things here. Once you get the idea we welcome your input. One last thing: please remember to use proper grammer and punctuation and check your posts for errors before you submit. Thanks! Jeff Putz"

*** Edited 4/26/2006 3:44:26 AM UTC by Mamoosh***

I think there IS a tendency, sometimes, for people who AREN'T moderators to jump on newbies proudly proclaiming "TOS!" or "Search!"

Yes, it's a good idea for new members to lurk around a bit and get a feel for the place. But many times there's no need to stomp on the new members, either.

"You seem healthy. So much for voodoo."

Mamoosh's avatar
Yes, and perhaps my using the word "moderated" in the context I meant it was an unfortunate decision. The only people who should be moderating are those who have been asked by Jef Putz to do so. Thanks for the opportunity for me to clarify that, Greg ;)
Lord Gonchar's avatar

When you join any community you must to ahdere to the standards and rules set by it or suffer the consequences. It doesn't matter if one is joining a circle of friends, a church, starting a new job, a new school, or becoming a member of a coaster fansite.

I used to say a very similar thing a lot. Except I believe I used the term 'social circle' as a blanket for your more descriptive terms. After a while I got sick of saying it. :)

It's true though. To me, forums like this are an extension of 'real life' situations. As Moosh says, you don't just jump into a new group of friends, church group, job or whatnot and start spouting off left and right and questioning the motives of the others when they tend to shy away from you.

On the same note like Greg says, you don't immediately jump on the new guy, you try to be welcoming in those same situations.

There's a give and take. (although, in a weird sort of way, I do liken the hard time newbs get to the standard 'hazing' that takes place in many social circles whether it be just screwing around with the new guy at work or making the frat pledges clean toilets with their toothbrushes - not that I condone it, nor find it necessary... especially around here)

More to the point; it is give and take. Don't rush in and think you're way is the right way in an established community or you'll get pushed right back out (and personally I find this is most often the case around here) and at the same time the established community must be welcoming of those finding their footing (it is rare that someone gets pushed out who shouldn't have been, but it happens)

Most surprising to me is how many people forget the basic social skills when they're online. As I said, I see it as an extension of real life - if you think I'm an asshole here, you'll probably hate me in person. If you think I'm oddly funny here, you'll probably get some chuckles out of me in person and so on.

Basic social skills that we all practice in 'real life' should apply just the same here. I don't see the mystery to it all.

*** Edited 4/26/2006 4:10:45 AM UTC by Lord Gonchar***

Mamoosh's avatar
I'll take if you give, Gonch ;)

mOOSH [I bet that gets deleted!]

I have a question that is indirectly related to this conversation; If you are a coasterbuzz club member, and you get punted from the board, do you get a refund of club dues?

I only ask because I was wondering if it was possible for someone to abuse their posting privilege here by being a club member. Is that possible?

Fever I really enjoy the Simpsons. It's just a shame that I am starting to LOOK like Homer.
Jeff's avatar
Nope, rules still apply, and there are no refunds.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

See that's the thing though, their *is* too much "non-moderator moderating". Over the years, I've seen tons of posts where "older" members of the site are quick to pull the TOS card. If the intent is to inform the newb, fine I guess that's okay. But many times even after the inital "TOS card" had been played, you get the "me too" crowd, with the "in before close" snipes and whatnot.

This particular site has a core of "seasoned vets" who are, quite frankly, crass, harsh, and unrepentant. Personally, I love it because I just so happen to be crass, harsh and unrepentant. :) But, for the more gentle minded souls, the abruptness could be unsettling. Again, because this suits me, I would not want to see it change, but perhaps it is something to be mindful of.

Also, having personally met rablat (hi B :)) I guess I can more easily respect his topics/opinions because I dont believe him to be the trolling type. But I appreciate that not everyone has that context.
lata, jeremy
PlaceHolder for Castor & Pollux

Thanks, Jeremy. Hey, it's been a while since I've seen ya. I've definitely been around. I'm actually gonna make a personal record this year in hitting 5 parks on their first operating days of the season (if you can count HP's Springtime in the Park).

Anyway, I get what you are saying. To tell you the truth, even though some people are quick to jump on others, it is entertaining at times. The other day I was in somewhat of a crappy mood, and then I saw that my topic got shut down quickly. You know that I'm not a troll. I've been a part of the coaster community for years now, and I consider myself fairly knowledgeable, though not as much so as some of the others here.

Just from my observations, it does seem that some people on here are quicker to be harsh or whatever than others. I know some people are pretty much asking for it, like the recent fatmanoncouch guy, and it was good to see some of his threads shut down. But having mine shut down was just annoying or whatever. I'm not the type that some of these other people are, and my topic wasn't a totally stupid one.

Maybe Jeff could work some sort of poll section into the next Coasterbuzz. I know that one of the other forums that I participate in has a poll feature. If he doesn't want it to get out of hand, perhaps they could be submitted for review by the moderators before being posted.

Also, Jeff--what happened to the editorials that you used to have? They stopped like years ago

I'm definitely new and I can honestly say that I really did NOT look at the TOS before posting. I've never been a big fan of top 10 lists or "which is better" arguments because it's such a personal preference thing that it really does not matter. I consider my self coaster-wise, but you look at my track record I haven't even hit 100 coasters yet! I couldn't formulate an honest opinion on the vast majority of parks and coasters in this country simply because I haven't been to a single park further west than PKI or SFOG.

As far as jumping on people, it can be entertaining at times, especially if it's obvious that the poster is just rambling and almost seems to WANT to stir up trouble. Sometimes it's hard to weed out the instigators from the honest folk simply because we have no clue about these people until we see more than one line posts or "What is your ...." topics. Unfortunately not everyone reads the TOS (I have since done so, and I will make sure I do at any other forum site in the future) or lurks long enough to figure things out. They just see a neat site and want to jump right in thinking that it's okay, which can admittedly be frustrating to those who have seen it 5,000 times and have had enough.

Not all of us can come up with a great opening thread (see "Cedar Points Blog Is Teasing Us) on their first try. :) I think that sucker should have been shut down after about 1 week but it was GREAT entertainment for the month and a half it was going!


You have disturbed the forbidden temple, now-you-will-pay!!!

I think what makes things tough is that you've got people of various age groups posting. The problem though is that just by reading someone's post, you don't know how old they are. Let's face it, most people of my age (mid-30's), don't hang out with people half their age and for good reason. For the most part, a teenager is not mature enough or had life experience so we can be on the same page so to speak.

But on Coasterbuzz, or any other forum, people of different age groups communicate all the time and it can make for awkward exchanges. I've certainly been in the guilty category of jumping on someone when they've posted something and the spelling and grammar are really bad.

I think the job comparison analogy is a valid one. I thought of that as well last night myself. I can think of jobs I've had where things were akward at first. You have to learn how they do things and you also have to deal with a whole new set of personalities. They may hand you a manual detailing how the company expects things for which you have to read through and then sign off that you've read the manual. This is so someone can't come to work wearing noserings, when the manual clearly dictates that women and men can't wear noserings.

It's also easy at first to make mistakes for which you will be criticized. What usually winds up happening is that you wind up apologizing and the person making the critique (usually a boss or supervisor) says something to the effect of "It's alright, but don't let it happen again or you'll be written up/fired etc."

Makes sense to me, and I did mention the age thing, too, which I think does play a part in this.

But I know you haven't replied to me in the kindest ways all the time, and I'm not an immature teenager. I wasn't even being nasty in the first place. But at least you sounded nicer in this last post.

Jeff's avatar
Well it is a little like real life in that you have to work your way into any community and not just show up and say, "I'm here! Love me!" Where it's not like real life is that people hide behind the wire and treat people as they never would in real life because they don't have the balls to do so. That's especially true with younger people who don't know life prior to the Internet. Back when we used telephones on the wall and gas cost 95 cents.

In many ways, the Internet has brought out the best and worst aspects of our culture.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

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