Has A Ride-Op Ever Hit On You?!?!

All the (probably unwarranted) inflated egos in this thread are making me ill....

And can we NOT use the words "special area" again please when referencing guys?

Man, this thread is WAAAY outta control.


No, I haven't...but there are some that I wouldn't mind having the pleasure of receiving a compliment from... ;)

[Nitro Dave -- 74 Laps] [Track Record: 41 and counting...]
"There's an emptiness inside her and she'd do anything to fill it in
But all the colors mix together -- to grey..." -- Grey Street

Went to Knott's about a week after Xcelerator opened. The ride didn't actually open until noon. We got in line around 11:30. At the entrance to the ride was this cute ride-op (forgot her name, but she had some nice lips), so I thought I would go up and make some conversation to kill time. We started talking about the ride. I got a little bit of info out of her (I don't know if this is true now, but according to her when Xcelerator first opened the state only approved operation of one car), but then she started to steer the conversation to more personal stuff (what kind of cologne I was wearing, if I was single, what I did for a living). On my third ride of the day, she was working the station checking seat belts and lap-bars. I asked her (since I plan on having children someday) if she would not crush my reproductive organs. She smiled, and said "Don't worry, I'm gentle. Enjoy your ride, cutie." After the ride she made sure to ask me how I liked it. My homeboy said she was breaking her neck watching me as we left the station. I don't know. Must have been the Calvin Klein Escape I was wearing.
Coasters and Chronic
What a Combo!

I thought we were not supposed to talk about things that are dealing with sex.

According to the "are you gay" thread this weekend, this topic has nothing to do with coasters- and thusly has no place being discussed here. Just because we are (supposedly) discussing straight people and their (boring) sex lives, does not- all the sudden- make it appropriate.

I think that by bringing this up, people here are trying to get phone numbers for pedophiles.

Who was it: Amy, Elosa, Mandy (the one that did the haunt time ghostrider ride for Extreme rides 2002), or one of the older women. It is true that Xcelerator couldn't run 2 trains when it opened because the state said there weren't enough sensors.
Wow! Sounds like someone has something against straight people.

Would that be called Heterophobia?
Coasters and Chronic
What a Combo!

While I was at CP this summer the girl running Disaster Transport was hitting on me. I didn't mind at all and took it as a compliment!

The former CPJunkie. CB Club Member. 122 coasters :)

I think it was Amy. She looks like maybe she's a mix of Mexican and White, but I'm not sure. She's kinda thick, dark curly hair, and some nice lips. She was wearing some shades too.

Coasters and Chronic
What a Combo!

You're not the only one who has a crush on Amy. http://www.beakerzcoasterz.com/modules.php?set_albumName=album08&id=Jul13_37&op=modload&name=gallery-other&file=index&include=view_photo.php

*** This post was edited by Speedy on 7/24/2002. ***

Saw the pic. That's not her. At least I don't think so. The pic was at a weird angle though.
Coasters and Chronic
What a Combo!
Half mexican, hmm. Was it mandy? She's got a mole on her face? She is also in Extreme Rides 2002 on ghostrider narrating the ride (the night ride), a ride attendent in the boarding instructions video, and possibly the lead of the ride. she's pretty hot. she styles her hair. Nowhere near as large as AMY.
Never been hit on by a ride op (or any other park employee), but when I was working line control at Knott's Halloween Haunt last year, just about every night I would have several guests hitting on me. The last night of Haunt, a couple of female guests couldn't keep their hands off of me, they must have walked by my maze 5 or 6 times that night and every time they'd stop and start talking to me and "feeling me up" not that I had a problem with that or anything. The last time they stopped by, one of them said "You really should take off that jacket, and those pants too!" hahah***

A Ride-Op has never hit on me.... mostly cuz 1) when I went to MiA that was 3 or 4 years ago, and I was a kid. 2) when I went to KBF I was with my family the whole time, and that was 2 years ago. 3) when I went to CP last season I was with a very very attractive girl, who was a friend and nothing more.

This weekend, however, is open game... ;)

Tommy Penner - Variable X
Millennium Force, Magnum, Raptor, Blue Streak, Shivering Timbers, MiA Corkscrew, GhostRider, Jaguar - 1 each

I can honestly say that a ride op has never hit me. Nor have I hit any. Oh wait there's an "on" in there....

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

TiggerMan's avatar

"Wow! Sounds like someone has something against straight people.

Would that be called Heterophobia?
Coasters and Chronic
What a Combo!"

No... it's called a double standard.

Men are like parking spaces... the good ones are all taken and the rest are handicapped or too far away.

Closed topic.

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