Has A Ride-Op Ever Hit On You?!?!

This is a really strange question, but while at MI's Adv this summer this guy was checking my belt on Wolverine Wildcat and told me that I had nice legs.  I was totally thinking "What The Hell!"
Wild Country USA is coming to Desoto County, Mississippi Memorial Day Weekend 2004! 5000 Acres and 8 operating world-class coasters on opening day! Do the words Giga, B&M, CCI, and Arrow 4D sound familiar?
uh no.
are you a guy or gal RCTitan?  if you're a guy thats just wrong and sick.  I know I hit on girls alot while i was working rides.
Yes, I am a guy and to tell the truth I was thinking that I was maybe giving the wrong impression or something by the way that I sat in the coaster train (is that possible?).
Wild Country USA is coming to Desoto County, Mississippi Memorial Day Weekend 2004! 5000 Acres and 8 operating world-class coasters on opening day! Do the words Giga, B&M, CCI, and Arrow 4D sound familiar?
*** This post was edited by RCTitan on 12/30/2001. ***

*** This post was edited by RCTitan on 12/30/2001. ***

yes! ive been hit on by a few of the female ride ops...cant say i minded ;) but ive also done my fair share of hitting on them lol
staticman00's avatar
Oh, hell yes, all the time.  I can't keep 'em away when I'm at the park, I tells ya.  It's like I'm in N'Sync or somethin.  Oh wait, I am. ;)
Man, that chick would be hot if she were single...
Yea, It just totally ruins my park experience ;).

Webmaster, Jes's Roller Coasters
"Thank You Jeff Putz" "My Fellow Americans, Lets Roll!"

I don't see what makes it "wrong or sick" ALF is cool.  Being hit on by anyone is a complement in my book no matter how much I don't want to date them. 

I was hit on by a guy working the Double Loop at SFWoA, and I took it as a complement.

right on Cowboy Curtis!  I was hit on by a guy trying to sell me slushies while in line for Raging Bull.  If nothing else it gave me and my friends something to talk about while waiting...  He was a pretty nice guy anywayz

*** This post was edited by fethrbrane on 12/31/2001. ***

Any ride op hitting on guests should not be a ride op. Not only is that against every parks rules, its just stupid. Do you honestly want a ride op who is paying attention to what the guests look like as opposed to their safety?
RCTitan, that's hilarious...I know exactly who that was!
403 Laps
LOL! I made a lot of jokes when I worked at DLP. Like:

When a guest is slow putting his seatbelt on at Star Tours, I was saying this: "If the flight is late, then its his/her fault, not ours!"

When at the person who assign groups to flight, with slow guests: "accelerate the procedures!", "we're already late on our flight schedule!".

I was even worst at Space Mountain....

I hope I'm not hit on for another year or two (I just turned 14). I mean it would be cool to be hit on by a 17 year old girl but it would also be kind of scary. :)
Skater for life!
Hehe. I was hit on by this really cute guy @ Knotts over spring vacation earlier this year. Although he wasn't actually working on a roller coaster...he was working in the duck pond game by Perilous Plunge :P Verrrry cute nonetheless...
When i went to Hershey park this past season i brought my coaster buddy as usual and we rode some type of rocket ship ride and he was hitting on my freind and we got to ride the ride 5 or 6 times in a row despite a mild line.i wasent complaiting but she was becuase he kelpt eyeying her.
I would consider it an honor in any occasion if someone, regardless of sex, hit on you.

A ride op is not doing anything to jepordize the safetly of guests by checking out those they are attracted to.  I should know, I did it 90% of the time while I worked at parks.  I still did my job to the fullest, but whittled away at the hours by "sizing" folks up.


A.K.A. John K.

Well there was this one chick who ran the Cedar Creek Mine Ride....Totally hit on me, I think she even flashed me...Now what was her name? Natalie mabey..;)
Divorced From Dependence since 1987!

Well there was this one chick who ran the Cedar Creek Mine Ride....Totally hit on me, I think she even flashed me...Now what was her name? Natalie mabey..

LOL!. *StarCoasters waits for a certain member to post.

|| Jonathan Hawkins ||

Ride Ops are still human, you don't show up for work and become a machine(like most people seem to expect). As long as they aren't harrassing anyone or making rude comments to guests, I see nothing wrong with someone giving me a compliment.
"Time flies...Whether you're having fun or not". -Mary Engelbreit.

*** This post was edited by DWeaver on 12/31/2001. ***

I worked at Carowinds for 3 years in the late 80s

1st year thunder road, meteorite(scream weaver),swings   we had "groupies" girls who would hang out at the operators station and try to talk to us   we watched the ride but the attention was nice

2nd year at the goldrusher we had a system for pointing out girls to each other   we would say "32"  that meant 3rd car second seat

3rd year on rip roaring rapids we talked this gorgeous blonde into riding the ride several times to get wetter and wetter  and of coursewe would call ahead to the next ride observation spot to tell fellow employees when there was a beauty coming and what boat she was in

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