I would say GCI is my favorite wooden coaster builder. CCI is also great as well. We should just enjoy all the good rides we are getting from both companies.

GCI is like the B&M of woodies. They design precise twisters with great bank turns, and moments of airtime. Their Millenium Flyer trains is one a greatest advances in being able to make the track more twisted and yet still really smooth and enjoyable.

CCI is like the Arrow of woodies. They build one for any park or budget. They have prepackaged layouts and designs for a small budget. They are still a great company and make great rides. Shivering Timbers, Boulder Dash, and The Raven are excellent recent examples.

It is sort of dumb to say who's better. Both companies help provide pleasurable rides for us to enjoy, and they also push their wooden coaster designs to the limits. Who knows what we'll see next but I am waiting anxiously to ride.

CCI takes my vote because of the numerous sudden pops of airtime.

"2001: A Coaster Oddessy

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