Well, which do you think is better? I would have to say CCI, because their rides are more about airtime, and both of my home parks(SFStL and Holiday World) have them.:) GCI seems to focus more on laterals, and speed, which is good, but I'm more into air. Both are fantastic companies though.


"Hold on tight, with all your might, and enjoy your flight on the Raven!"

WAY too hard to chose!!!! :)
- Peabody
After Megafobia it's no contest! CCI!!!
Definitly CCI
To me, this is definitely a hard question to answer. CCI has designed some awesome coasters, but those G-trains they've been using are hideous and really made the Boss a disappointing ride for me. GCI has designed some gems, and the Millennium Flyer trains really add to the quality of the ride. Honestly, I wouldn't mind if either of these companies designed a ride at a park near me. But if I had to choose, I guess I'd go with GCI, especially with their dueling and dueling/racing models.

Mamba--It's About to Strike

Adam Rentchler
OT: Is GCI building anything this year?

Scorching the Competition in 2001
CCI by far, and may I add, that I love Gerstlauer trains. By far superior to PTC's in every way. No headrests, seat dividers, or seatbelts. Add to that, the fact that the lapbar never comes down, and you have a great train! This season, they are retro-fitting all their trains with a wider ''U'' bar and extra padding. I can't wait!

CCI, they are just amazing and build awesome coasters. They can make any size coaster awesome!

Actually, the only two wooden coasters being constructed in the US that I can think of are Cornball Express at Indiana Beach and Cheetah at Wild Adventures, both of which CCI will construct. I'm not sure what GCI is doing this year, but I wish more parks would order their woodies, especially in the midwest.

As for the G-trains, everyone seems to either love them or hate them. I personally can't stand them. They seemed smaller to me, and those lapbars left my legs with bruises last year on the Boss. Plus, I don't think that they track as "smooth" as the PTC's. I sure hope that SFSL added padding to the Boss's lapbars, because it needed it.

Mamba--It's About to Strike

Adam Rentchler
One word...Villan. My vote is obviously CCI.
I think CCI will get the vote because of this: CCI has constructed 30 coasters, GCI has constructed 5. There is 1 GCI coaster for every 6 CCIs, so more people have been on CCIs. GCIs definitly look like some of the creations from back in the golden age.

"I traded my soul for a ride on Millennium Force"
janfrederick's avatar
For looks--GCI
For trains--GCI
For ride--CCI

All three are important. Perhaps they merge and call themselves CorGCI...;)

Decisions determine destiny; Destiny determines decisions.
Can't make that call anymore after riding GhostRider.

2001- the year of flight!
Who cares? Both companies make quality wood coasters. Rather than deciding who is better, which is nearly impossible, let's enjoy both companies coasters, thanking that both companies are around.
Didn't the guys from GCI come from CCI?

Anyway, the only two CCI's I've been on are Villain and Megazeph, and both had Gerstlauhers. I thought these trains were great, personally, but I'm not a big guy and I don't bruise easiy.

For this season Gerstlauher has retrofitted all of their trains with better padded lap bars, so that should shut up the complainers some.

I actually don't like PTC's that much. The lap bars self-staple and the seat dividers squish you.
The Morgan trains are better than PTC's!
GCIs are better built, are prettier, and have better trains, but CCI builds rides like they used to be built.

There's a reason the top 7 and 9 of the top 10 wooden coasters in the world are CCIs from the last 5 years.

GCI still hasn't built a ride with the intensity that CCI throws into a junior coaster.
I personally prefer Denise (Dinn) Larrick's coasters. Personally I think that they ride better. However I have always have been a fan of her Daddy (Charlie Dinn). So I may be a little biased.


"Sit back and hold on tight, cause the Mamba is about to strike."
Clever, indeed, Dustijn. Just about as clever as leaving me in "suspense" yesterday.

I guess I'm the minority, since I'm the only person who's given GCI the nod. But quite honestly, I really have a great respect for both companies, and I hope both of them keep on building rides for many years to come.

Mamba--It's About to Strike

Adam Rentchler
Hey Adam,

By any chance to you hold up your hands on CCI's fitted with Gerstlauer trains? After suggesting
to a few enthusiasts keeping their hands down,
their complaints receded accordingly.

Now, I know that alot of you like to keep your hands up on coasters, but personally, I do not
understand why. I mean, all it does it tense up
your body, create more wind resistance, and takes
your focus away from the ride at hand...

Anyway- to the Gerstlauer train haters, take my
advice and give that a try...

Actually, I did keep my hands down on the second ride--not because of the lapbar, but because I got slammed into the left side of the car on the turn after the first drop (on the Boss). It helped some, but I still thought the lapbars were painful and poorly designed. I have a friend who is 6'4", and we had to ride in the front seat of a car because he couldn't get his legs in the back seat. I know the PTC's aren't luxurious, but I have had much better experiences with them.

Mamba--It's About to Strike

Adam Rentchler

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