If they merged it would be awesome to see a coaster with the intensity and airtime of cci, with the beautiful track, structure, and trains of gci.
Hey Rentch, you said your 6'4 friend couldn't ride Boss in back? Strange, I'm that height also and I can fit in. However, it is a tight fit.


"Hold on tight, with all your might, and enjoy your flight on the Raven!"
Raven Rider, he does have extremely long legs, so maybe some 6'4" people can get in. But he definitely couldn't. It was actually kind of funny, because he tried for two minutes to slide in and couldn't, so we switched with the front seat of the car behind us.

Mamba--It's About to Strike

Adam Rentchler
Jeff's avatar
I'll take Gerstlauer to PTC trains any day, especially with the lap bar mods they made. I won't jump on that silly anti-Gerstlauer bandwagon.

While on the subject, I should mention that the parks pick the trains, and it is largely an economic decision. Don't hate on CCI for that.

Also while on the subject, I'd love to tryout those groovy new Millennium Flyer trains that GCI is building.

Still, why do people have to start topics like this where you are forced to choose and take up a cause? GCI makes a mean wicked twister. CCI makes a mean wicked out-and-back airtime machine.

Like life, it's a big gray area, and variety is the spice of life.

Jeff (who is out of cliches for now)
Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
I guess we just want to make some discussion. Everyone has their preferences, and we all like to tell everyone else what they are and why (otherwise we wouldn't be here). Hopefully nobody here hates either GCI or CCI, because they both build great scream machines and provide a nice contrast.

Just out of curiosity, are the G-trains less expensive than the PTC's? I wouldn't guess that by looking at them, but then again, appearances can be deceiving. Anyway, I just wish Gerstlauer would change their lapbars. If they did that, I don't think I'd have any problem with them.

Mamba--It's About to Strike

Adam Rentchler *** This post was edited by The Rentch on 4/3/2001. ***
PTC had a monopoly on wooden trains for decades. From the 50's or 60's through the late 90s, pretty much every new woodie got PTCs, the only real exception being the occasion Morgan, and one or 2 misc trains like the B&M train on Psyclone.

I wonder if with their almost total dominance PTC charged a fairly hefty price. Then came Gerstlauer, and they seem to have some competition.

- Peabody
Jeff's avatar
Yes, Gerstlauer has made the outside arm of the lap bar flat, giving you a couple extra inches. Believe me, the difference is amazing. I can't wait to see what they feel like in use.

Here's what they look like:

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
In my opinion there isn't any competition here. Even though both construct wooden coasters they are so different in design that I'd say that both are leaders at what they specialize in. I prefer GCI myself, but that is just one opinion. It
depends on the individual and personal tastes.
I'm going to pick CCI, because the only CCI I have been on is Ghostrider. ANd that ride was incredible!! Are there any GCI built rides in California? I have never been on one.

Home Park: Knotts Berry Farm!
but also Disneyland and DCA
ROAR at SFMW is a GCI creation. A beauty to from what I have heard.

2001- the year of flight!
The new restraints were put on MegaZeph and they are wonderful. You can stretch your legs more and with padding on the side of the restraint the ride is not painful at all.

"2001: A Coaster Oddessy
I have a question... Are all GCI's as rough as Gwazi? That is the only one I have ridden.

If today is Tuesday, April 11th, than I'll be ridin' Kraken all day tommorow!
I have a question... Are all GCI's as rough as Gwazi? That is the only one I have ridden.

If today is Tuesday, April 11th, than I'll be ridin' Kraken all day tommorow!
nope, Ive benn on two GCIs (the ones at Hp) and Lightning Racer is very smooth. Wildcat is more intense and bumpier, but still smooth.

Talon 2001

'Nuff Said
GCI all the way! The Millennium Flyer trains on Lightning Racer are simply the best wooden trains I've ever experienced!
Roar at SFMW is extremely smooth.
SFEG-*New For 2001* Carnival Of Chaos Batman Stunt Show. Wow.

raptorfan00 said:
"One word...Villan. My vote is obviously CCI."

Villan? Is that a new coaster in 2002? I've heard of the Villain... :) just jokin around...

I seriously think CCI... GCI just doesn't have as many amazing rides under their belt as CCI

Shivering Timbers

The list goes on... and on..!
Dust myself up
and I scream at the sky
-Max Cavalera
Two different ways to approach coaster happiness.

I love several of the CCI's
• Shivering Timbers, Mich Adv, Muskegon, MI
• Boulder Dash @ Lake Compounce, Bristol, CT
• Excalibur @ FunTown, Saco, ME

Riding these coasters last year changed my whole opinion on Airtime and Wood over Steel.

If you haven't been on any these, find a way to get on them.
Hey, don't you badmouth Gwazi! :)
(As you may or may not know, I am an absolute nut over Gwazi. Why? I don't know. It's really weird.)

Actually, they aren't as rough as Gwazi... If you say Gwazi is that rough. (actually, you sound surprised, which you shouldn't be.)

Lightning Racer is a very smooth coaster, and one of the smoother wooden coasters. Is it the trains? Maybe.

It's coming...

The Rentch said:
"I'm not sure what GCI is doing this year."

GCI is at Magic Springs doing work on the Arkansas Twister this year.

I love both companys. GCI builds awsome twisters with sharp turns, severe banking and suprise pops of air.

CCI has put coasters in places you wouldn't think a coaster could go. (Boulder Dash, Hoosier Hurricane, Cornball Express) Their coasters are tough to describe since they cover all the bases building out and backs as well as twisters.

As long as it's a fun ride I don't care who made it.
We came, We saw, We rode, We went home! :)

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